>Ronald Reagan was a good president because he won in two landslide elections
How do we stop the right wing propaganda that Reagan was good
>Ronald Reagan was a good president because he won in two landslide elections
How do we stop the right wing propaganda that Reagan was good
>Kennedy was a good president because he was young and got killed
not an argument
>gun laws
>no fault marriage
>contra affair
>star wars
crack cocaine and the cia
But he was objectively good, see operation Northwoods
He was good, but see the bay of pigs.
He was smart enough to not blow up the world when everything was pushing him to do so, A- in my book.
>Reagan was a conservative
he was a big meme but he's was alright
some good, some pretty bad
They default to Reagan because /theirguy/ Nixon is bad for optics.
Question to A-merry-cans, is Woodrow Wilson painted primarily as an isolationist? didn't he do some fucked up shit in Mexico and Haiti?
Why would anyone call Wilson an isolationist? He was very eager to get involved in WWI, and would have done so much earlier if he got the Senate's approval.
No, he was a good president because he kept taxes low and protected the Constitution.
Ah shit my mistake, guess I need to brush up my presidency knowledge, is he seen as a good president, though?
Left wing propaganda is that Reagan was good.
Right wing reality is that Reagan was amazingly good, and in the face of massive demorat corruption.
He was our worst president until Barry Soetoro took office. Now Wilson is our second worst president.
And partially because he was practically in a coma and his shit wife was running the show.
He used to be held in higher regard. Over the last ten years or so (seems like around the time Obama was elected) right-wing types have started portraying him as literally Hitler because of muh income tax and muh federal reserve.
I'd say when talking about "Isolationism" and U.S politicians we ought to be more specific. From what I've read there were "various kinds" of isolationists in the USA. Some demanded complete isolationism, others were isolationist in the sense they didn't want to get involved in any stupid alliances with Europeans which would've lead to entanglements or harm U.S unilateralism (hence why they'd support dealing with Japan, but not dealing with anything in Europe because it'd lead to a bunch of alliances and entanglements in affairs0, others were isolationist that they wanted to avoid war but were in support of embargos if that meant preventing a war. Not sure about Wilson, though.
>He was very eager to get involved in WWI
>Be Woodrow Wilson
>Keep America out of war his entire first term
>Lusitania happens, don't declare war
>Unrestricted U-boat warfare happens, still don't declare war, negotiate an end to unrestricted U-boat warfare instead
>In 1917, UUBW resumes
>Ask cabinet their opinion
>Cabinet unanimous says that war should be declared
>Reply that you need a week to think about it
>STILL don't declare war.
>Merely ask congress for permission to arm US merchant ships.
>Zimmerman Telegram happens
>.........still don't declare war
>Zimmerman admits that the telegram was real and not a british hoax
>..........finally ask Congress for permission to declare war
He wasn't eager at all. He did it with extreme reluctance, and witnesses say that after he signed the bill to declare war, he secluded himself in his room and started sobbing for hours.
>he signed the bill to declare war, he secluded himself in his room and started sobbing for hours.
Wait so did he feel jack shit when the U.S occupied Haiti under his authority which resulted in a lot of fucked up shit like forced labour, or was that "We're gonna teach them how to elect good men" ideology of his which also happened with Mexico?
t. Curious European
Who gives a fuck about Haiti though.
Unironically Germans because they thought America was being too much of a dick with its Monroe doctrine.
>He wasn't eager at all. He did it with extreme reluctance, and witnesses say that after he signed the bill to declare war, he secluded himself in his room and started sobbing for hours.
Bullshit: Wilson tried to get America into the war, same as FDR. You can't both have Wilson be the founder of American internationalism and at the same time a reluctant isolationist.
The American political class was trying to expand from the end of the civil war onwards but was stopped by the sensibilities of the American electorate.
> Presidents are good
How can we end this historical meme?
He was good in comparison to the left at the time which was too far outside the Overton window.
Same with Nixon but Nixon blew it by going too hard on his political opponents.
Why wait until 1917 then? Wilson could have declared war in 1915 over the Lusitania incident if he wanted to. He didn't. He also could have pushed for war when the German government announced that unrestricted submarine warfare would be resumed. He didn't, he merely asked congress for permission to arm U.S. merchant vessels, and this was when his own cabinent was unamimously telling him to declare war. It wasn't until March 1917, when Zimmerman stupidly admitted that the telegram was real that Wilson asked Congress for permission to declare war. And even then, he waited a month. If he was trying to get America into the war, he sure took his sweet time in doing it.
Trump detected.
i'm willing to give JFK praise a pass because of how he handled the Cuban Missile Crisis
>Cut the massive taxes that were making America uncompetitive
>Uprooted the corrupt unions
>Defended traditional moral values
>Protected Latin America from communism
>Saved US citizens in Iran
>Supported our army
>Began the War on Drugs which successfully curbed increasing drug use in the US
>Got the economy back on track after years of Democrat mismanagement and stagflation
>Destroyed the Warsaw Pact
>Almost destroyed the USSR, left Bush to finish the job
>Not a single scandal of substance in his presidency
You're welcome
Maybe they're both good but look even better because of how ridiculous their predecessor and successor were, respectively?
Star Wars was just a meme to spook the Soviets into sinking even more money into their bloated military.
>>Defended traditional moral values
I don't seem to recall that being a listed power of the executive in the constitution. Are you referring to supreme court justice appointments? Because if anything social conservatism (what you call 'traditional moral values') has been losing at the SCOTUS level since before, through, and beyond the Reagan presidency.
>not a single scandal of substance in his presidency
Iran Contra
>>Began the War on Drugs which successfully curbed increasing drug use in the US
>war on drugs
He was also a gun control advocate, so fuck him.
Ike wasn't perfect but he was hardly ridiculous.
>only republican president to support gun control policies
that dude was a fucking fag
This is some high quality b8. Sucks hoards of brainlets will unironically believe this shit.
Ike was the last good Republican. He created the interstate system ffs.
>I don't seem to recall that being a listed power of the executive in the constitution.
Neither is droning civilians, doesn't mean no President ever did it.
>Iran Contra
Both with no substance behind them, no matter how much liberals will whine.
>>war on drugs
Cutting drug abuse is good, yes.
>He was also a gun control advocate, so fuck him.
Not as president.
>was the first president to add debt since FDR, this leading to a mentality of never having to bother doing anything about debt even when it approaches 110%
>stopped unions from advocating for worker’s rights, which led to stagnating wages despite increasing productivity
>defended reactionary and anachronistic morals from decades prior that were actively holding down LGBTQ citizens
>this was good, I’ll give you that
>sold guns to Iran and Iraq
>also good
>reduced freedom despite supposedly being against big government
>Volcker’s policies finally take effect, Volcker of course being appointed by Jimmy Carter
>communism doesn’t work, gee who would thought?
>Contra Affair
you're gonna need to cite that graph user
>Why wait until 1917 then?
Because if he had requested that congress declare war, they would have told him o go fuck himself.
>Same with Nixon but Nixon blew it by going too hard on his political opponents.
He should have just said that they were russian operatives and deserved to be spied on.
bay of pigs was already in plan before he was in power
There was enough public outrage over the Lusitania incident that Wilson could have used that as an excuse to declare war if he wanted to. But he didn't.
>managed to not thrust the world into nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis, successfully standing up to Kruschev and the USSR (who admittedly didn't want war either)
Bay of Pigs was a fiasco but it wasn't entirely his fault, the plans had been made during Eisenhower's presidency and handed off to him.
Comrade Reagan!
Feel free to relocate yourself
Kennedy was the guy who modified the plan in stupid ways, though. He changed the plan so that the Cuban exiles wouldn't get any air support, which essentially made their mission impossible. If he wasn't willing to provide air support, then he should have just cancelled the entire operation rather than sending men on a hopeless mission to be killed or captured.
the initial bombing didn't reach on time due to them forgetting to set the clocks kek
also Kennedy decided against it once their involvement was known to save face
>implying Reagan was a bad president
>Inb4 muh Iran Contra
Sandinistas had it coming.
>Muh /pol/ Boogeyman
Fuck outta here
>Drug war a success
Kek that's hilarious.
>The /pol/fag is immunized against all dangers. One may call him a redditor, shitposter, newfag or mobileposter, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a /pol/fag and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how much he shrinks back: "I've been found out."
LBJ's policy wasn't that different from Kennedy's.
>Muh /pol/ Boogeyman
It's like you have no arguments against rightists and conservatives and you have to call them a /pol/tard because it's all you know how to do or something
>proving my point
I win
>Proving my point
But you've only proved mine
>he's still posting
it's ok to lose sometimes, sweetie
Show people that because of him we had the 2007/2008 financial crisis
>Smug anime posting
This is just getting pathetic.
>Buchanan and the other guy post-Civil War who let the South go full Jim Crow exist
>Woodrow Wlson is worth than them.
>Ronald Reagan is responsible for the Chicago School and New Classical School
Imagine being this retarded
>arguing with /pol/tards
>Andrew Jackson was a bad president meme
>Jim Crow was a mistake and not a necessary stepping stone
Yes, Woodrow Wilson is responsible for creating the roots of the modern American military industrial complex and his failure of a peacekeeping organization was one of the major causes of WW2
>Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson are the same person
so this is the power of /pol/tard education
>Andrew Jackson
Andrew Johnson was a bad president. The only great thing Andrew Jackson did was fuck up the native americans (savages)
>Andrew Jackson
Woodrow Wilson was a miserable clusterfuck of a president but he's not judged as harshly as he should be because we were on the winning side of WWI.
>Nixon was a bad president because of Watergate
it was a retarded idea to begin with
>Cut taxes (on corporations... raised it twelve times on the working class)
>"Protected" Latin America from (democratic) Communism
Just like GW Bush "protected" Iraq from having a stable government.
>Saved US citizens in Iran
While engaging in illegal arms trade, to fund the destabilization of democratically elected governments in Latin America.
>Bloated our military budget
While defunding mental healthcare, so fuck all veterans with PTSD.
>Began the war on drugs
One of the most massive wastes of time, effort, money, and prison capacity in the history of the world.
>Not a single scandal
Bitch, please.
>Oh no he got a name wrong everything he says is wrong
I hate leddit so much
>He has never said a wrong name
Oh bestower of knowledge, forgive the knave for he does not know what he speaks.
Wow to the unfaithful, praise user.
This is truly the most underrated post. Reagan was shit president, and has done more harm to this country with these two things than any other president.
>Crack cocaine was a CIA psyop done by Ronald Reagan to keep a brotha down
>He believes this
Oh please.
>America over throws multiple South American governments through the CIA
>South America is the largest producer of cocaine.
>Suddenly we have a cocaine epidemic
>Skip forward to 2002
>America destabilizes Afghanistan
>Afghanistan is the largest producer of poppy plants
>Suddenly America has a opiod epidemic
Fuck you for being dillusional. The United States government has been doing this shit for decades and you still like to suck their fat cocks. I didn't say it was a psyop, you assuming cunt. But it's literally LITERALLY LiTeRaLlY lit-er-all-y been known for almost 2 fucking decades now. There have been reports from multiple different agencies, multplie different sanctioned groups and multiple members of the CIA themselves that admit to actively helping traffickers. You're probably some mid 20's child. You don't even remember the 80's, and your ignorance is so overwhelming I can tell how clueless you are simply from your uneducated post.
>It's a burnout tinfoil hat fat forgets that the CIA members who admitted to helping drug traffickers admitted to doing so as part of Iran Contra
>A man whose brain is so burnt out on Bong juice and xanny he somehow thinks that the American government funding anti-communust groups in Nicaruaga means they invented and produced crack cocaine meant for public consumption
Fuck you , you degenerate tin foil hat thumping druggie. Go back to watching the Young Turks if you're too stupid to realize why drugs flourish in war torn places like Afghanistan and Colombia when there is no other economic output but the drug business.
Colombia and Afghanistan had been plagued with endless amounts of civil war and strife far before the United States ever got involved in either of.l those countries and it takes a real burn out to assume malicious intent on part of every single entity in the ebil gubmint.
>Suddenly America has a opiod epidemic
>From illegally trafficked poppy into the United States when most of our opioid epidemic comes from the abuse of prescription drugs
Old school stoners lmao how do they even function
You're all niggers.
Just so you don't write a novel next time, verify your facts. I stop reading your posts if they're bullshit. I'll point out where you're wrong, give you time to make your corrections and then I'll read the parts of your post coming after your error. Be forewarned, I stopped reading your post in the first sentence. I haven't read anything other than the Iran Contra part. Oscar Danilo Brandon Reyes doesn't sound very Iranian. Also, google that name and educate yourself. Come back, fix your mistake and we will continue our conversation.
Where do you think they get the poppy from? Fun fact, poppy doesn't grow well in the United States. Go look up how many poppy farm busts have happened in the last 50 years (fun fact: it's only happened twice in the last year). So, we have a huge epidemic, in which 33,110 people died last year. Do you know how many poppy plants it takes to make one dose of morphine? Eat a bunch of poppy seed muffins and tell me how many it takes until you feel good. The supply of poppy plants in the United States is not enough to facilitate production. Also, just so you know. It's not just prescription drugs you mong. Heroin deaths have gone up every single year as well.
Are you really that dumb? You couldn't just google the statistics? Jesus you children are helpless.
>I stopped reading
At some point in high school, I'm aware.
>Google the name of the person the CIA were helping to smuggle drugs in order to fund anti-communist groups in Latin America
Hmm... I guess you missed the point of the post :D
Maybe you should read instead of smoke weed and pretend to smart, stop listening to Rick Ross you idiot lmao
>Afghanistan produces 80% of world's opium
>Taliban come to power and burn the opium fields because mind-altering substances are prohibited by Muslim law
>Afghanistan produces near 0% of world's opium
>US invades
>US-occupied Afghanistan produces 96% of world's opium
>US soldiers literally guard poppy fields against the Taliban
>US dindu nuffin!
>The United States imports poppy seeds
>From Afghanistan
>The reason we have an opioid epidemic is because muh evil GUBMINT and whatever Rick Ross tells me to believe
Yes because the government intentionally sold crack cocaine to blacks to keep a brotha down and is now engaged in protecting the illegal usage of prescription drugs because the only possible reason why drugs flourish in war torn countries is the evil gubmint which a priori does this for monetary reasons alone, despite the fact that the reason Iran Contra was a thing was the government wanted to halt communism from spreading in Latin America
>Afghanistan produces 80% of world's opium
>A bunch of whacked out, child raping, mass murdering psychos displace the original practice of making opium
>US feels bad for giving weapons to these psychos to fight the Soviet Union and overthrows them
>Locals practice growing poppies again
But da evil gubmint must be tryna enslave people's minds b shit
t. boomer
Of course I missed the point. I didn't read your post. But you missed my point, so I guess we're even. C'est la vie.
What? You don't think we get our poppy seeds from Afghanistan? They produce 90% NINETY FUCKING PERCENT of ALL THE WORLDS OPIODS. How could we possibly have an opiod epidemic if we only imported from 10% of the supply. Are you stupid? Fuck me, you must be slow to not understand how many people there are in this country to have an epidemic over 10% of a WORLD supply.
Actually we get most of it from Mexico (those guys south of our border, you know the place) because we aren't only consumer of opioids you fucking moron. You realize there are other markets than our own right, and you realize how bad the cartel situation is in Mexico right, and I hope you realize how drug abuse problems start in the first place.
Please just think for half a second ,
How much of each supply in these ^ countries
Is going to each of these countries by amount per country based on location. If you're going to oversimplify the opioid epidemic, explain why and how
Mexico produces less than 4% of the world's poppy plants. Please just think for half a second. It is feasibly impossible for them to produce the amount needed to cause the epidemic. Especially considering the amount of poppy needed to produce fentanyl and carfentanil. Both of which became the leading cause of overdose in 2016 as carfentanil is 10,000 times as potent as morphine. You can't produce that outside of a lab. If you scratch your ass with some of the powder under your finger, you can OD. You have no clue how potent this stuff is. It's not made by Jamal and Jose in some run down Detroit trap house. You need hazmat level gear and a decent base in chemistry just to even produce the stuff, let alone transport and sell.
>Mexico produces less than 4% of the world's poppy plants
And probably supplies over 95% of their poppies to the United States. I guarantee most of the Afghanistan poppies are supplying opioids to Europe, which consumes the absolute majority of opioids if you look at the graph I provided.
2 things, number one the US has an opioid problem mainly fueled by corruption in the FDA allowing for extreme amounts of legal prescription abuse of opioids, then the rest of our opioid epidemic comes from heroin most of which comes from South America and Mexico. The United States is the consumer of most alternative sources to poppies by country when we are talking about Afghanistan, none of this indicates that the US government is actively trying to make money off of causing a health crisis in the US. Does this mean Afghanistan has no influence or sales to the US? Hardly , but there are multiple factors that go beyond supply of drugs that create a drug crisis
Number two, it's highly unlikely that the military is trying to get farmers to produce poppies again in the wake of the Taliban, locals are simply taking up a practice that has existed for centuries before these radical Islamic banned the practice as the US is trying to makeup for funding terrorists to fight the Soviet Union. Does this mean the United States is *only* trying to fight the Taliban in order to get poppy production up? I doubt it, I really do.
Was it the sole reason? No of course not. Was it a major reason? Yes. In 1982 George Bush SR began pushing for CIA involvement in the war on drugs. Obviously correlation is not causation, but look at this (pic related). Look at cocaine overdose by year and tell me it's not an almost identical graph. You don't see the trend? The soldiers don't have to push the locals to do it, they do it by choice. Opium is a cash crop, the soldiers didn't have to push them towards anything. They grow it because they want to make money. Why else would we still be in Afghanistan? To stop the car bombings that happen on a daily basis? We don't give a shit about them. A car bomb killed/ inured 338 people less than a week ago. We're there solely for monetary reasons, one of the major ones is their poppy production.
>Obama was good because he had a professional personality
Retards actually say this.
At least most people are starting to see through his bullshit. I can talk with just about any average Joe now a days, and a lot of people are starting to understand just what a messed he caused in the ME.
I rather have a professional president than one who makes an ass of himself.
By no means was Reagan the best president, but he did kill the soviet government by out spending them and sending their economy toppling down by rapidly updating and upsizing the military [along with other projects]
The Soviet economy stagnated in the 70s and was already on the decline. Reagan didn't do shit. The Soviets were crashing and burning all on their own.
>Debt is the fault of Democrat congress
>Unions actually advocating for workers rather than being vehicles for corruption
>Implying abandoning the gold standard wasn't what started the disconnect between productivity and wages
>"LGBTQ citizens"
>A bunch of mentally ill druggies mad that they can't spread AIDS with impunity
>no evidence that Reagan was involved in selling guns to Iran
>not being able to buy crack is "reduced freedom"
>Volcker's policies were far more in line with Reagan's than Carter's
>Reaganomics was a driving force behind economic growth
>Communism wouldn't have collapsed without external pressure (See China and Cuba on how tyranny keeps power)
>Literally no proof that Reagan was involved with the Contras
His foreign policy was absolutely monstrous; look at his actions in Indonesia, Nicaragua, and Cuba, just to name a few