I am stronger than my friend. I can bench 225 by 8 while he can barely bench 225 as his 1 rep

I am stronger than my friend. I can bench 225 by 8 while he can barely bench 225 as his 1 rep.

If I wait 2 minutes between sets I can usually repeat that or at least hit 7 reps.

However, if I do a measly 185x10 and wait for 30-45 seconds, I can BARELY do 6 reps on my second set, sometimes as low as 4. My 3rd set I can hardly get off my chest.

However my friend, who is overall weaker, can do the same weight all 3x10.

Why is this? What am I lacking? Obviously it's "stamina" in a general sense but why? How do I get better?

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Did he died

If you want lower weights to get easier, just lift more

Other than that I'm not sure what your question is. Why do you feel the need to only wait 30-45 seconds between sets?

Did he died

Man Wtf is that? Is that kid skeletons now?

It just happens to be the routine I'm doing

I'm just wondering why someone who is weaker than me can do 185x10 all 3 sets easily but I can't. Muscular endurance I guess but why is his better than mine? How do I increase it?

too little rest desu

don't worry about it too much just take 3-4 minutes

it's more important that you get quality volume in than how quick you get it in

I'm not trying to be rude but yeah I know all of that.

But WHY am I like this while he isn't? Why can someone weaker than me out rep me with the same rest? I just don't understand the mechanics behind it.

is that a dead man?

srsly that boi die? wtf is that?

Explain the gif

There are so many different aspects to fitness, he's weaker but has either better muscular endurance or recovery (from better cardio endurance). There's a lot behind sport science besides for how strong an athlete is

>How do I get better?

practice obviously. try doing conditioning circuits or even GVT

>Trying to flip into the tesseract.

You need better cardio, that usually cuts your rest between sets a lot, and you also feel like you get rested much better

cardio mate.
my rest times between +85% sets of squats went from 5 to 3 minutes after losing some weight, quitting smoking and starting to actually run from time to time.

Genetics. Muscle composition.


Basically your friend has more slow-twitch Type 1 muscle fibres and can buffer and clear lactate from his muscles faster than you can.

Don't worry, having a higher proportion of Type 2 fibres is better in almost all sports besides heavy endurance events as explosiveness and power isn't nearly as trainable as cardiovascular fitness.

i just spent 10 minutes looking for the source of that gif

Increase work capacity and decrease rest times.

I do sets of 20 with very little rest I'm between.

Deload 5-10% off of what would be your regular 10 or 20 rep sets. Then, do 10 or 20 reps at the new weight, but rest for 30 seconds. Try to work up to your old weight. Should help.

Any luck?

You must be autistic because it took me 2 minutes to find this


This version is tops

dat top comment

Muscle strength, power, size, and endurance are all different things. Different # of sets and reps will work different things at different rates.

Google "strength deficit."