What the hell happened?
What the hell happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
off cycle
These 2 pictures were taken a month between each other.
They just do comedy now. With all the traveling they do, how do you expect them to lift and eat right?
lighting, camera angle, camera lense, pump
what do you think?
No more of that celtech man
wh..what happened? it's obvious they're off a steron cycle but it's kinda making me sad looking at that
>this much delusion
losing all kinds of gains
Imagine if one of them dies. How depressed is the other one going to get. Holy fuck. Makes me sad just thinking about it.
All that time lifting together. Making funny videos together. Painting sugarwalls together. Never again after that fateful day.
I don't even like them
but damn I can't imagine
those calves holy shit.
LOL pump isn't magical
seems like you've never been cumming day and night.
Anyone that claims someone is on roids and posts a picture from said person at the gym or a photo-shoot is fucking RETARDED.
Holy shit. I look fucking joocy at the gym but dyel as fuck when I get up in the morning. Same with photoshoots, they get dehydrated as fuck, get a pump and lighting and look good.
i mean, that picture is a great fucking example of why they might not be on roids.
they look exactly the same sans a pump.
>eat whatever the fuck you want to eat
>day and night
pretty sure it's night and day
They blamed their loss of gains on going vegan even tho a week after they went vegan they are some roast beef sandwich. Just not on cycle anymore. I get it. They're 40 and each have kids and a wife.
This, plus they're over 40.
Yeah that's it brah it's totally achievable natty brah trust me I'm sure I could get that natty brah
Yeah I'm sure you look that good with a pump and the pump's the only thing causing size difference
natty newbies are so fucking delusional
I remember reading about two siamese brothers, they even married twins, one day when one of then woke up the other had died, imagine that, he has been there all your life he was literally part of you, apparently he kept crying for over 10 hours until the toxins released by the corpse of his deceased brother ended up killing him too.
That made me very sad
Stop. ;,(
fucking eh, thats fucked
>until the toxins released by the corpse of his deceased brother ended up killing him too
What toxins? Was he a Ghoul?
Well lad, bodies decompose you know
Found it, however it seems that i exagerated what happened a bit kek, sorry for that, but i when i read about it i think it was from another page that had a few more details about the death
Interesting, thanks.
>Chang and Eng settled on their small plantation and bought slaves to do the work they could not do themselves.
Mirin entrepreneurship skills
>Chang and Eng Bunker fathered a total of 21 children, and their descendants now number more than 1,500.
They were not posting >tfw no gf threads on Veeky Forums
>mid set
Just looks like pump vs no pump desu
S-stop it, user.
stopped watching these cunts years ago.
have they gone full sell out yet and started making shitty protein powders etc?
have they made a single leg video yet or showed legs?
no fucking way
Blacks tend to have shitty calves, theyre good for everything else within muscularity but they tend to have "sprinters calves". Just compare Ronnie Coleman who is supposedly the most aesthetic mr Olympia of all time to Dorian Yates, Yates had way better calves. On a separate note, East asians usually have good calve genetics.
They stopped using roids because:
1 - they got outed as steroid users without doubt and that killed their fake natty persona and all the good feels that come with it.
2 - they made enough money to pursue things less detrimental to their health.
That good? obviously not
Hodge twins have been lifting for like 10 years, track calories, and have black genetics. Of course they are pushing the natty limit and even look like they are on roids with a pump/lighting.
seems like about the same muscle mass. it always blows my mind how some ppl don't realize what difference angle, pump and lighting makes.
like... don't you guys lift? especially when cutting and reasonably low bodyfat, the difference when i walk into the gym with tank top and when i walk out and look myself in the bathroom mirror is RIDICULOUS.
its honestly so significant that if i could look like that all the time i'd assume steroids.
Bro you're on /fit. 95% of the people here don't even lift, and they think anyone reasonably fit is on steroids. What did you expect?
t. less than 1 year of natty lifting and thinks they'll keep making gains at the same rate they are now and will eventually look like Zyzz or Arnold natty
you can look like zyzz natural. It will take years and years of hard work, diet, and insane discipline. But you can do it, not arnold though.
ok vynzbrah keep telling yourself that
Why would you think this you monster :(
I don't know if you've been paying attention, but the hodgetwins fitness channel is a food review channel now.
What the fuck, you weren't kidding. They're stand up comedians now??
Check my 8 instead
I'm checking it as we speak.
bump with a 3
sayonara, see you next time on takeshi's castle
I get that reference