>Floki edn.

What music does Veeky Forums listen to while lifting? Other than Wardruna

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Tips for getting better at pushups?


I want to bulk but I am afraid to eat too much, what do?

Progress them like any other exercise. But do it in reps. So do 3 sets of 8 or something. Then next workout aim for a rep or two higher each set. Or add another set entirely next workout. Eventually you can add weight in a backpack or something but it does get more awkward as our get heavier weight. Search some Scooby1961 videos on YouTube. He has exactly the info you're looking for on this

Go on a smaller surplus then. 'Lean bulk'. So maybe 200-300 calories above maintenance. See how it goes from there. Besides it's common to just bulk to 15% body fat anyway then cut back down. So you shouldn't let yourself get too fat.

Very nice user. You might like this too m.youtube.com/watch?v=U48pNbEqEPw


What band?

Hey guys!
Would it be wise to superset every workout, for purposes of hypertrophy? Or maybe every two workouts?

How the FUCK do you keep track of your calories? Is there a website or do you just write everything down?

How many calories should a 6'2 male consume on a bulk, cut, and maintain respectively?

Baby Metal

Download the app "my fitness pal"
It's pretty easy to figure out and use

Height isn't enough. Weight is required. And it also depends on your activity level. Read the freaking sticky for more info. And google for a TDEE calculator.

Calculating and keeping track are two things. For calculating, you can use myfitnesspal, or calorie king (both apps and website). For keeping track, some apps lets you do it, but I prefer the old exel sheet method, since it allows me to tweak things a bit by calculating empirically my TDEE, or adjust the amount of proteins required, or stuff like that...

not meant

Aside from myfitnesspal

Google will give you about 90% of your answers

I'm 6'2 also, an 1800-2000 calorie cut is working pretty well right now, lost the muffin top and love handles in less than a month. Once I get down to a stable body fat I'll probably start a 2500-3000 calorie bulk, this is just my experience, experiment with what seems to work best for you

6'0 173lbs 17% bf. Thinking about cutting down to 165, suggestions?

Doing IF 20-4, thinking about getting some yohimbine

shave your fucking nips brah

This is my RnB lifting playlist


And this this is my rock/rap playlist (I haven't updated it in a while)


I also listen to Taylor Swift sometimes


Pick one

>not Wardruna

RnB is both of these things

Is coconut oil goods?

Coconut oil has a TON of uses, so...yeah, probably

It makes stuff taste divine and it's healthy. So yeah.
My old gym had mostly metal and DnB which is great for lifting. The current one just had sissy shit and I swear I almost necked myself listening to "work, work work, work, work" since it was mostly a DYEL/cardiobunny gym. Fortunetly how my life is going I'm going back to the old gym starting next week. I don't listen to my own music unless I do cardio because I don't have good headphones for the gym.

I think I'm somewhere between 17%-19% bf and I should cut right? I am 6'2 160 but I always have had an inch or so of fat on my stomach.

a lot of wardruna, eyehategod, psytrance and other hard electronic stuff

I listen to a bunch of random remixes on YouTube. This is one example:


heres some real viking music for good gains



Why the hell have my farts gotten smellier now that I no longer eat crap and eat healthy?

Protein and greens. Ever been to a cow/pig farm?

I have not. I assume they're very smelly though.

You can smell pig farm shit like 10 miles away. So yeah, lol. But you probably increased the intake in daily protein and unprocessed veggies, that's why you see a lot of people on Veeky Forums talking about smelly shit and protein farts.

Does it ever go away? Will my body get used to the healthy change and start not farting gas bombs?

Thanks brothers

i was unironcally listenign to Ijime Dame Zettai when i got a 300lb bench PR yesterday

bumping that

Is it normal to almost exclusively only feel your arms when doing bench?

Don't feel like I'm hitting my chest at all when I'm doing bench press.

Sure. I usually superset when I'm in a hurry but you can do whatever dude. Just be sure to lower the weight as to not sacrifice form and avoid injury because it does put a lot of strain on your body.

I don't use headphones either. But I may get an iPod soon

Do you not feel like your chest has a pump or is strained afterwards either? If that is the case it's more than likely your grip width is too narrow so it focuses your triceps or your form in which you lay on the bench is wrong, like your back is flat or shoulderblades not tucked in.

Also maybe warm up with DB flies. Was in the same situation. I didn't pinch my shoulder blades, nor warmed up properly. Now it's way better!

Has anyone else ran Joe DeFranco's Built Like a Badass? Currently on Week 8 of 12 and definitely want to run it again afterwards.Did you guys like the program and how long did you run it for?

Pull-ups every day or every other day?

If those are the only 2 choices then every other.

Shoulders are tucked. I'll try widening my grip next time I hit bench press. I figured you pinky should be touching that little groove but I'll go wider

I'll try this as well

Your hand position depends on your reach lenght. Currently what works best for me is the groove being between my middle finger and ring finger. One doesn't fit all so try out different widths.

Do your benchpress routine and hop on the pecdeck/reverse flies machine with the padding. You should feel your chest is pumpy/strainy against the pad.

Best way to get bigger arms and shoulders (most efficient way to train them)?

By training them. One size doesn't fit all so just try shit out. For me it's preacher curls for biceps, single hand pushdowns/close grip bench for tris and side lat raises/OHP for shoulders.

Guess who's back

I just hit a 280kg deficit deadlift PR to the witcher 3 soundtrack.

Letho mode when?


Can someone tell me what is normal/acceptable gymwear? I've been wearing basketball shorts and plain tees for a while, but now multiple times ive seen people on here talk shit at least about the shorts.

I am a hyper autist and need fit to dress me.

What do you guys think about an U/L with arms done on L day?

plain tees or some autistic tanktops with gym memes graphics

short shorts
non-basketball-short shorts over meggings

The basketball shorts "fun" is a meme on Veeky Forums. It's completely fine my newfag friend. You're there to train and feel good while doing so, so fine clothes that make you feel good to train with.
Why not shoulders on L day?

Tshirt and shorts/sweatpants are fine user. I don't get why anyone would talk shit about the shorts.

Can I make 10kg jumps in deadlift when doing singles, or should I stick to 5kg? My pb is 10kg below my friend's. And for autistic meme reasons I need to beat his. My idea was to try 2.5kg or 5kg heavier than my previous, and if I dont feel like ass I'll take a crack at his. But a double pb is gonna be harder to conserve strength for.

Can I 'make it' with heavy ass adjustable dumbbells, a bench, pull up and dip bars and a dip belt? To top that all off I'm 5'4. So muscle wise I gain easier... What do y'all think?

>Inb4 manlet prince

Aka no barbell or machine work


Started squatting again, SS progression is too hard for me and my form is breaking down over time, what do?

Deload and turn 3x5 into 5x5?

71kg bw
85kg x5 squat (75-80 good form)
70kg x5 bench
130kg x5 dl

So I trained my legs hard for the first time yesterday, now I can barely walk. I went to the gym today to do my routine but I was unable to do it because I feel so exhausted and my legs still didn't work.

Is this normal?

Yes. Welcome

how long does it take to recover usually?

Yes. Let them rest. Do it again. Experience the same shit again. Rest. Do it again. And by now it should be nowhere near as bad and eventually go away.

If you were a retard and trained the shit out of your legs 0-100 it can take a week. You can't be taking weeks long rest between training sessions. You start light and ease yourself into it so your body adapts to the stress.


Should I still work out 5 times a week if I'm doing heavy labor Monday to Saturday for 10h a day?

Should I leave Sunday as a rest day or instead work out extra hard then, since I won't be tired from work?

>Warrior's eyes full of purest rage
>Steel cutting flesh
>Spilling guts, severing heads
>Sending men to their death
and that is how I achieve the best squats

I'm a retard and I did train them pretty hard. Fuck, I guess I gotta stick to upper body till they recover.

I tried deadlifting today and couldn't even deadlift fucking 1 plate

>doing 5x5 SL
>on week number 4
>about to hit 35s for the first time on bench tomorrow
>squat is going to be 1 plate tomorrow for first time

i have noticied that my i can barely do my first, second and third set every time. but when i go for 4 and 5, i pump them out extremely fast

why is that? it just seems so easy

its not that in my first 3 sets that im going slow on purpose

is it adrenaline?

how can i replicate this for my first 3 sets? more warmups?

i already do 3 sets for warmup

starting with no bar, then quarter weight, then half weight

Could be psychological. I don't know. Try more warmup. Do some pullups and or dips to get upper body more loose before bench and like 2 minutes of bike before squats.

mfw i recognize that gym

mfw i have seen this dude there before

what do Veeky Forums

should i try to suck his dick or something to talk about 4chins

you tell him you forgot your lifting plug and wants to borrow his between sets

ill try the bike and dips thanks man

would pushups help get acclimated for bench?

watch if he doesnt rest after his warm-up sets then post here how retarded he is scratching his head wondering why after 3 min breaks his next sets are easier.

im that guy

please no, i dont need more autism

i do rest between 1:30 to 3:00 after each warmup set and real set

thats why i asked but thanks for assuming

heres a wallpaper for your troubles


What preworkout do you suggest (cost and stimulants wise)

Honestly? Coffee works just fine

I made a thread yesterday on Kroc rows but didn't get to follow up on it. Can someone tell me exactly how to do these? They sound like regular flat bench dumbbell one arm rows but with less concern about good form. Am i wrong? Pls teach me like I'm 5 years old

Yeah I take coffee before workout, I'd need something that gives me that needles-on-skin sensation for when I go out with my friends, or other occasions (like studying). Coffee just isn't that effective for me so I thought I'd try some preworkouts with caffeine taurine l argyinine and other shit, but they are overpriced as fuck

Ah I see I think I understand. I'm not trolling you. Monster gives me what you're referring too. Awesome.e before working out. But only on occasion. Or Rock star.

Love u vikings poster. Season 1 and 2 were the best tho

I once completed two essays in a rush for a midnight deadline. Relied on monster. Got me through with extreme focus.

I lifted for the first time today and the sticky was a great help so I want to ask how was this board created and how did it turn out so good? What made Moot say "You know what this forum created for the discussion of japanese media and culture would love? A board dedicated to fitness!




Austrian Death Machine

Is it ok to do Skullcrushers with dumbbells?

I don't have an ez curl bar and normal barbell is awkward on the wrists

how much macros does human meat have?
asking for a friend.

Has anybody here had any problems with excessive lumbar lordosis that you corrected? What exercizes did you do? There is a lot of not too different, yet not to similar advice on the web, and I don't have the time or money to get professional therapy, so I'd like to hear it first hand from someone who corrected their posture.


Mine ain't perfect but is getting better by stretching hip flexors with the "couch stretch", and deadlifts to strengthen glutes and lower back.

Currently experiencing pain when squatting/dead lifting in the area below my kneecap.

I don't experience any pain walking/body weight squatting or doing anything normal, nor while doing hamstring curls/leg extensions.

I am currently on my second week off of squatting and dead lifting (I'm dying inside)

Question is, is there any rehab/stretches that i can do to aid my recovery and is this see a doctor worthy?

I slept like dogshit last night. Woke up like 7 times. Crawled out of bed this morning feeling like I hadn't rested at all.

Gym is today though. Should I go? I never know what to do in these situations. Considering going and just doing a lighter routine than normal.

where do you push from?

heal or ball


Sabaton, raubtier, skitarg and others.

What is the best method to cook sweet potatoes to keep most of the nutrients ? I don't like them oven cooked and boiled is boring.