Kill more than 50 million people

>kill more than 50 million people
>put Europe under 5 year slavery
>kill more than 7 millon white,blond hair,blue eyed German
>Give half of Europe to "Jewish" and "subhuman" Russians and Communists
>influence communists from all over the world
>giver jews homeland
>destroy white nationalism
>make people feel bad for being white
>make one,if not, THE best army in Europe fall
>make your homeland get divided by USSR and USA
>still be the most loved and respected white nationalist

Other urls found in this thread:

Is he so loved by White nationalists?

>influence communists from all over the world

>kill more than 7 millon white,blond hair,blue eyed German
God bless Hitler for this. Sadly it wasn't enough...

Not that I entirely agree with your post, but if you can convince people that Hitler was good, it does greater than anything else could. It's the best way not to have "white guilt" because they dislike nig subhumans, and jewish overlords. You can wear it on your sleeve, and it unites better than any uniform. This makes them more powerful. He was a faggot, but if we can convince normies into liking that faggot they can serve our regime.

>inb4 i get called out for larping

>associating your group with hitler, nazism, and genocide is sure to draw in mainstream appeal
You faggots are more responsible for the current world order than the jews are.

Hiter was not a white nationalist, he loved the Japanese and hated most Slavs. He was a Germanic nationalist.

>low IQ people fall for fast talking mentally unstable demagogues

>trump is fast talking

It almost makes me angry that since WWII the far-right has seemed more dedicated to acting edgy for publicity than anything else. And it didn't start in 2016, it's actually George Lincoln Rockwell that first created the association between white nationalism and Nazism, by espousing white nationalist ideas while waving Swastika flags around. He actually had a great shot at creating an intelligent, non-aggressive opposition to the Civil Rights Movement (whose entire mainstream appeal hinged on them being calm and collected in contrast to aggressive racists), but nope, he wanted to go full LARP instead. William Luther Pierce didn't help matters much with his wish fulfillment fanfic called "The Turner Diaries" and "Hunter".
And now we arrive at the present day. Once again, the far-right is faced with an amazing opportunity to take power, or at the very least create a lasting presence in mass consciousness. And once again, they are more concerned with "triggering the libs", rather than actually do anything of substance.

>666 gorillion
yes goyim give us the shekels

German military deaths were around 5.3 million dead, of which nearly a million were non-Germans. Civilian deaths were only in the 300-600k range.

>White nationalist

> he loved the Japanese
They didn't really like each other very much, they just had converging goals of changing the geopolitical situation

You realize literally all of this has been debunked years ago, right? Literally the worst denier """arguments""". 6 million was the estimate for the number of Jews living in Europe at the time. It is not some prophetic number that you Stormfags think it is.

You heard it guys Hitler KILLED 50 million people

El trumpudo...

Supposedly there were about 8 million Jews in Eastern Europe alone in 1900 with Russia housing about over 5.5 million alone IIRC. (page 12)

>6 million was the estimate for the number of Jews living in Europe at the time
And out of these 6 million, 7 million were gassed, while 5 million fled to the US, and 4 million to Israel!

Fucking nazi you know damn well it was 8 million!

>kill more than 50 million people
>>put Europe under 5 year slavery
>>kill more than 7 millon white,blond hair,blue eyed German
>>Give half of Europe to "Jewish" and "subhuman" Russians and Communists
>>influence communists from all over the world
>>giver jews homeland
>>destroy white nationalism
>>make people feel bad for being white
>>make one,if not, THE best army in Europe fall
>>make your homeland get divided by USSR and USA
Based as fuck. What's not to love?

Because he dared rise against ZOG also please go away with your jewish lies to make us fight Nazi Germany.

>You realize literally all of this has been debunked years ago, right?
Rewriting history is one of the protocols of Zion so just stop already ok it should be illegal to even believe lies on anything in history since they cant ever stop lying.

What Historian claims that?


at most 4 million jews died in the holocaust

>This entire post
I'm phone posting so please accept a brainlet.jpg in text form.

All that comes from your jewish mouth is lies, jews should have their vocal chords removed honestly.

300k maximum and that's just due to disease and starvation.

This small handed orange cheeto is going the fuck doing next week.

It was 2 people max

>le jews control the world except us very exceptional few
one of the most delusional things i've heard

>make one,if not, THE best army in Europe fall


*pulls the entire fucking world out of the depression*
*contests dubious treaty terms*
*reunifies Austria and Germany*
*turns the German economy into a powerhouse*
*builds a fuckton of infrastructure while protecting environment*
And this is not good how?

>*pulls the entire fucking world out of the depression*
Hitler did that?


he did by plunging the world into a world war which drove economic spending through the roof haha lmao

Adolph was Moses

A Jew died in Holocaust. His name was Adolph Shekelgrabber.

Adolf Hitler was Moses was Osiris
Osiris -> Moses -> Adolf Hitler ->