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*NEW* fph
I cut out refined sugar a few months ago and now when I eat a donut I get sick. Is this normal?
Fucking disgusting. Why is it always women and numales drinking that crap? Don't women get that it's making them fat?
You shouldn't eat the donut anyways.
yes, its normal. when you mean sick,i assume you are referring to stomach issues. your body realizes how shit the food actually is, and isnt used to it anymore. every friday we have donuts at work, and even when i have 1 blueberry cake my stomach hurts too.
Dat bulking sips
>sorry white boys
thats a big GH gut
>black dicc only
Probably someone else's kid
No way one of hers gets that old without being a whalelet
Thank you based user
Other than this one chick the photo looks like every redneck outing ever.
Why would she do a photoshoot then?
Who understands the motives of these brainless lardpiles?
Fast food/HFCS marketers
Eyes Wide Shut 2: A Diet
>tfw broke up with my fat fiancee
>tfw back in the gym and eating meal prep food
Feels fucking good
I'd adopt the kid and teach her to work out and eat healthy.
I don't hate fat people for being fat just as I do not hate the sick for being sick.
>went from bad to consequences
what am i supposed to see here?
it's from a documentary called the act of killing
these guys are reenacting what they committed years ago during the indonesian genocide
whoops, meant to quote
man the documentary looks so surreal
>people will say she is pretty
>people will say what that she could have been 10/10 if lost weight
>instead of shaming her like the fat pig she is
I'd rather have a 6/10 face on a girl who is respectably fit, than anything close to this fat whore.
JFC... probably blames the mask for being too small, too. "WHY DON'T THEY MAKE MASKS FOR REAL WOMEN?!"
Notice the discoloration of the fingers. Her blood cant even pump to her hands
i-is he drinking mouthwash
low key ive fapped to a Tess before
>fucking low test betas
>Highest test beta
real talk though she really is genetically gifted (or abnormally?) in that her body deposits fat everywhere else but her face that is why she is even a "model"
unlike these beasts in and
It works.
Just causes diarrhea.
Aaand maaaybe blindness.
Its excellent.
But truly disturbing.
It honestly took me like 3 tries to finish it
i want to thank everyone who posts in there FPH thread cause its helping me lose weight
was 275 lbs
now 245
dont eat out of boredom anymore. only when needed
got a long way ahead hoping to get down to at least 200
t-thanks bros
in these*
this threads are the fucking best, thanks OP
bitch has double biceps
keep it up big stuff
actually it must be nice to be able to eat an entire fucking cake without any care in the world
More like Mouth Wide Open.
>even her forehead is fat
Just your average American chilling.
Day of the Ropes
I feel you user. I went from 240 lbs to 180, this threads are fucking amazing.
>every friday we have donuts at work
I worked at a place that had donuts Wednesdays and Fridays. People that didn't eat donuts did not complain. People that said doughnuts did not complain about the sign saying donuts.
A project manager / sr engineer put a pull up bar in his office doorway. Often when he would walk through it he would crank out a few pull ups. Lots of people at the office started to do this.
By the alignment of the planets we had a project where the devs were all somewhat fit. (fit enough to do a pullup or chinup). One time during scrum we were screwing around and decided instead of a standup it was a pullup. You would pullup, hang and give your update. Giggling and hilarity ensued.
It apparently offended somebody, the pullup bar came down, but the donuts remained.
I hope you enjoyed my blog post.
I never understood how people could be this delusional. 1-800-COME-ON-NOW.
Why do these fat fucking pigs dress in those old style flowery dresses and shit with the same exact glasses? Do they think that dressing a bit nicer than the average slut will distract men from their huge bulging gluttonous stomachs and triple layered chins?
I don't dial fictional numbers.
please dont post reddit, you could go to any thread and find cringe
200 is fat as fuck too you greedy cunt. Your family and friends might think you're great losing all the weight, but any strangers or grills will still look at you like a fat waste of space. Lose more, don't be content. And get out of our thread.
good shit good shit
isnt the point of losing weight or lifting to be content with your body?
im just saying at least 200 who knows what ill look like if i want to ill go lower bro
and no thanks these threads are the tits
>be content with your body
fuck. no.
>Being content with anything in life
Not going to make it.
That fucking Green Tea Frappuccino is pretty good tho.
>someone thought this was worth fucking over masturbation
I'm starting to see where /pol/s coming from.
HR must have been walking by. Always gotta look out for HR.
These threads make me feel so disgusting which keeps me from eating. It's just so frustrating how I've dropped from 270 to 232 and I'm still really fat.
I've done the math and I hope I look a lot better in 3 months. Until then I will look at all these disgusting whales and see myself in them to keep from eating over my deficit.
scrubs is the most reddut tier garbage even on television. Dont ever post that again
>getting sick is inevitable
>getting fat is preventable
>Bike to work.
Not going to lie, if I biked 60 miles round trip a day to work I'd probably be hella Veeky Forums but also ran over thrice a day by the shitty drivers here.
It is though. The huge is so "haha le random and quirky xd"
Seinfeld is patrician as fuck and if you didnt watch that on tbs growing up your childhood must have sucked ass.
scrubs is legit nothing like Seinfeld, also literally no idea what your first sentence is trying to say. Assuming English is not your first language and/or you had a stroke?
Saw this image and started talking to myself in Hut... immediately.
Everyone that truly wants it, is gonna make it.
They all have excellent trigger discipline.
It's only the fingers holding the mask, she's clutching it too tightly. Try it yourself.
that movie is fucked up desu
I disagree. Her whole hand is red. She would have to be squeezing the shit out of it, which would break the cheap plastic
No idea how durable those masks are, but check her middle finger. It's red all over.
Full body version
"it is though " usually implies that it is true, regardless of what would say otherwise
>half a girls daily calories in one drink
>bike to work
Nigga, it's 104 deg here in the summer and the winters still hit the 90's on occasion. I ride my road bike but I'd never ride that shit to work.
>synthol done wrong.jpg
>delet this.jpg
It's called photoshop, my dude. There are several before and after shots of her 'work' that show her face, head and jaw get touched up alongside those tall white kitchen bags filled with cottage cheese she calls legs
What is the most Veeky Forums show?
Anything by MDE
My 600lb life