What the hell happened to all the celts? Why are they only in Ireland now?
What the hell happened to all the celts? Why are they only in Ireland now?
Because Ireland was hard for the romans to get to so the celts flocked there and the romans just left them there
They got Shoa'd by the Romans and G*rms
Celtic people still live in the parts of Britain that weren't fully taken by rome, namely, the scots, welsh, manx, and bretons (I'm not sure about Britanny under rome but i assume that roman power wasn't able to project as well considering the survival of the culture), Ireland's the only independent state that consists mostly of celtic people, but they still exist in other places.
They abandoned the culture as the middle ages arrived.
>only in Ireland
What about Cantabria, Asturias, Galicia, Wales, Scottland, England , Britanny, Touraine, Poitou, Auvergne, Saintonge, Vannetais, Berry, Vermandois, Chartrais ?
Sonwere they all killed or were they absorbed?
So how are modern celts still celts? What do the Irish do that keeps the Celtic culture alive?
So, what makes a cuture Celtic exactly, did they come from druids too?
Because they self-identify as celts. That's the only criteria. In reality, modern Irish culture bares almost no semblance to the ancient celts. They weren't Christian for a start.
Celticness is mainly racial, there are Germanic-speaking Celts like Scotts, and Romance-speaking ones like Galicians.
>what makes a cuture Celtic exactly, did they come from druids too?
A culture is Celtic if it originates from a people of Celtic stock.
That's wrong, Celt where the ones than Spoke celtic.It wasn't a culture, a race or a civilization.
It was just a linguistic group and the people got assimilated into other linguistic groups. There were a shitload of different languages and 90% of them were absorbed into the Romance, Germanic and Slavic groups.
Which modern language is the most similar to celtic
Welsh or Irish.
Celts had distinct art, religion and wore flannel.
They absolutely were a culture at the very least.
Celticness has nothing with artificial things like "Englishness" or "Germaneness"
A Celt is someone who has Celtic blood, nobody speaks Celtic today.
The Irish didn't worship the same gods, or had the same art, than the Celt-Iberians or the Gauls.
Are you saying Celtic was the common language of antiquity at some point? Were most Celtics intelligible with each other?
Got btfo hard by Meds and Germanics
Lugh and Cernunnos, also that one who chopped down brances. Don't know where you're getting your information man.
Oh, and Taranis.
Nobody has said that. Some dialects where more intelligible than others tough, a Celt-Iberian could speak more easy with the Irish than with the Gauls, because they celtic was closer. While a Belgae could speak easier with a southern-eastern briton for example. But the Celts where ones of the several cultures back then, and they lived alongside and where influenced or influenced older cultures like the Ligurians, Thracians, Germans, Iberians etc.
Scottish Gaelic is a Celtic language
>Cernunnos is the conventional name given in Celtic studies to depictions of the "horned god" of Celtic polytheism. Cernunnos was a Celtic god of fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the underworld. The name itself is only attested once, on the 1st-century Pillar of the Boatmen.
Lots of "Celtic" gods are barely recorded (some points in some Roman journals like Caesar, or Christian account) and could have been easy from Pre-celtic people, than the Celts took over as theirs or whatever, we could not be sure because there aren't lots of first person sources about them, specially from they Priestly caste, so all we have are conjetures and lots of larping.
Just because his name only appears once does not change the fact that his likeness is on other Celtic art.
Ah thanks for explaining me, much love :-)
It's only the likeness of a god with horns. The devils is represented with horns. Moses or St Joseph are represented with horns because it represents power...
Shut the fuck up
Amazing how such a powerful empire collapsed
Lel. They are barely conected be language (as much as a German is conected with a Norwegian) and where very different in culture,heck the majority of them couldn't even unite themselves long enough to face an external enemy like the Cimbrians or Romans. Plus that pink map has erased a fucktone of non-Celtic tribes, from the Aquitianians, Ligurians, Cantabrians, Lusitanians, the North-East Iberian tribes, the Thracians etc
So Gaelic, is essentially Gaul(ic), but how does gaelic relate to Celtic? Are they both language groups? Cultures? Ethnicities?
They are still, and even if the culture is somehow lost, the blood is there, for sure in Ireland, England, France, Portugal, Spain. Swizrtland, North Italy, Belgium
scots aren't celt, lmao scots is literally a germanic language
>the blood is there
They were something else before Celts and they became something else after. Muh blood is a stupid concept.
>Muh blood is a stupid concept.
So reality is a stupid concept? they are related.
Scotts is literally the Latin word for Gael, Nigel
This honestly. We are all humans living in the planet earth. Citizens of the world if you will. All are my brothers yet I have no family. Collectively individual
There are 3 languages spoken in Scotland, English is of course the first language as it is now part of the UK.
The Scots language you mentioned is a branch of old english thats been left over from the middle ages and was spoken in the lowlands.
The highlanders spoke Scottish Gaelic, and many still do, its a celtic language.
Do some reading before making fooling comments, young one.
My father grew up on Skye, for reference.
Might want to look up why England is called England and why Wales is called Wales...
Assimilated into the Goths
Assimilated into the Goths
Assimilated into the Franks
Don't know about the rest desu
European history is composed of the story of the Celtic peoples, slowly getting eaten by Germanics.
Fierce Breton warriors never assimilated into anything , they managed to keep their political independance until the XVIth century before being annexed by the Gauls.
>Galicia and Asturias
Quite the contrary
While Wisifaggots got MOOR'D fierce Asturo-Galician warriors kept the non-white menace in check. They were also indendant for most of their history.
>Assimilated into the Franks
Those are fighting words...
>So Gaelic, is essentially Gaul(ic), but how does gaelic relate to Celtic? Are they both language groups? Cultures? Ethnicities?
Gaelic and Gallic are only very distantly related. The word "Gael" comes from a Brythonic word meaning "wild one" and "Gaul" comes from a Germanic word for "foreigner".
Gaelic is a subfamily of the Celtic language family. The Gaelic languages are Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Manx. People from Ireland, the Scottish Highlands, and the Isle of Man are Gaels. The Gaelic languages are related to the Brythonic languages (those being Welsh, Cornish and Breton) but relatively distantly.
"Celticness" is based on linguistical criterias. Nothing Celtic about Galicia and Asturias, and please don't bring in the "Atlantic Celts" bullshit, or the damn bagpipes, which have nothing to do with Celtic civilization.
Hello there newfriend! Just so you know, blatant trolling and a low level of discourse is against the rules of Veeky Forums. Take care not to do it again, or the mods might ban you :(
irish celts were one of the earliest peoples to adopt christianity
And Brythonic were the cool ones
Breton here. Given the fact that breton language is dying, yes, it can be said we were assimilated. Pretty late though, but assimilated anyway.
Exterminated. Til the very last one of them got killed, except in Ireland which is the only celtic country, 100% pure, because Enya, the guinness beer and a language that nobody speaks.
t. butthurt goth assimilated into the moors
>Pelagius (Spanish: Pelayo, Asturian: Pelayu; c. 685 – 737) was a Visigothic nobleman[1] who founded the Kingdom of Asturias, ruling it from 718 until his death.
Where are you from by the way? What made you hate germans?
1/3 killed
1/3 enslaved
1/3 absorbed
How entelligable were different “Germans” to each other in the 1300’s?
Even now many Germans can’t understand one another unless they both talk in standard German, which was invented in the last couple hundred years.
Celticness is based on what my ass says.
Btw, the barely surviving gaelic languages, apart of being bastardized versions, are the most distant and newfag branch of all ancient celtic languages.
Don't wewuz too much about gaels and celticness because that's like the equivalent of a numidian lad from the I century going to Mediolanum and saying "ave! I'm Roman! the epitome of roman-ness!. And you, what are you, italic man?"
Brittany was resettled by Britons that's why they speak Breton and it's called Brittany. They're not Gauls.
I'm more interested in what happened to the pre-Celts in Britain.
The surviving pre-celts in western Europe might be the Basques
Celts are Italo-Celtic, they share common ancestry with Italic peoples. Most Celts converted to the more successful Italian dialects when the Roman republic came along. In the British Isles they were pushed westwards by the Saxons arriving from the North Sea migration.
The original tribe of BLACK Celts ruled over Europe centuries before the wh*Tes (g*rmans and romans) polluted Europe. They were much more advanced and spiritual but couldn't hold back the hordes of savage euros
>language = ethnicity
Subhuman r*Ma(n)s destroyed them out of greed.
Sure buddy
>Btw, the barely surviving gaelic languages, apart of being bastardized versions, are the most distant and newfag branch of all ancient celtic languages.
Welsh is the most vivid Celtic language and it's not Gaelic, retard.
Where ?
Celticbess as conceived today was literally invented in the renaissance enlightenement and romantic/nationalist age in equal parts
Yes, and sometimes it gets really stupid, Celts being considered a bunch of feminist Elves supposedly closer to nature than the evils Romans.
>celtic peoples
That's an extremely tenuous connection, they probably have almost no links to those people.
R*man """"""""civilization""""""" genocided them
Not quite.
There is a artistic and cultural tradition that emerges in the Bronze Age and extends into the Iron Age. We call member of this tradition "Celts".
But there is also a group of languages spoken today in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the Isle of Man, Cornwall, and Brittany. We call these the "Celtic languages" and the people who speak them the Celts.
The issue is that the cultural tradition and the languages are not exactly the same thing, although there is considerable overlap.
I've heard some scholars argue we really should be calling the languages something else, such as the "Atlantic" languages or whatever, but the name "Celtic" has stuck.
insular celts =/= continental celts
You mean the Neanderthals?
No, the people who built stonehenge, the so-called "beaker culture" that flourished in various parts of Europe during the late neolithic and early bronze age.
They were assimilated, most 'germanics' in this day and age are probably genetically more celtic.
This is one of the historical misconceptions that really annoys me. The Celts were not the 'original' people of Britain. Britain has been inhabited since at least 8000BC, and the Celts only started showing up in the middle of the 1st millennium BC.
Germanics are genuinely a genetic plague. They polute the civilised Romano-British gene pool with their barbaric inbred genes to the point where we can't even wewuz as King Arthur any more
>The Celts just magically disappeared
You're all idiots
Because they only know linguistic differences, and nothing about biology.
Everyone forgets the original non-cropped version.
We wuz celts n shiet
Gaelic is a Celtic language, how are they not Celtic?
R1b =/= celts
(You) =/= right
Celts are still present in Cornwall, Wales, Scotland and Brittany