We all know how popular SS is for beginners that want to gain muscle mass and bulk up

We all know how popular SS is for beginners that want to gain muscle mass and bulk up.

But whats a good routine for beginner faggotsl ike myself that are on a cut and want them noob gains? I thought about doing PPL. Would it be fine?

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SS isn't just about getting stronger, you also learn the lifts. I wouldn't worry about the linear progression too much while on a cut but still progress as much as possible

Beginner here.

Is SS just a meme or should I actually do it? 182cm / 74kg.

Can i get stronger while on a cut tho

if you are able to do LP and doesn't do it then you're just wasting your time and money at the gym.

I'm about to start this:

Seems to be a good PPL that still gets some strength gains.

Same thing except you cut and don't really make that much in the way of strength gains but you shape up and look better.

In this case you mostly throw recovery and linear progression to the wind and add accessories to make sure you hit your whole body. OR you commit to stalling a lot and just keep going.

The clue is in the name, starting strength.

Its designed to introduce you to lift, lifting technique, and compound exercises whilst gaining steady early noob gains.

Once you've got good strength after being on program for 3 months switch to 5/3/1 with BBB.

Sure. Make sure to eat lot's of protein and time your carbs/fats around your workout .


>Starting Strength

The clue is in the name - STARTING

The reason people call it a meme is because they fuck around on it for a year or more.

You should work hard at it, increase your lifts, don't skimp out on exercises you don't like (mainly I see guys "skipping" squats and coming up with all sorts of stupid excuses), make sure your form is fucking nailed, and most importantly be CONSISTENT.

After a three or four months you should see major progress in the amount you can lift, your form should be great, and you can move on to something more advanced.

It works wonders for beginners who've literally never picked up a bar, or who've fucked around on and off for a few years with 20lb dumbells and machines doing pointless brosplits. But it becomes stupid and ineffective if you're on it for too long, assuming you're putting the work in and making adequate progress without shitty excuses.

Please read this, specifically:

>Along with these changes have come another 30-40 pounds of squat. The program has not changed
significantly, but the gains have begun to taper as the complexities of life and adaptation accumulate
to further interrupt your good intentions. But if you have persisted on the program and have not used
these tapering results as an excuse to drop it and move “on” to Super-Slow, or HIT, or Jay Cutler’s Pre-
Olympia Contest Preparatory Routine, you’ll still be accumulating progress. This will mean that your
squat may be up 200 pounds.
So, if you’re still drinking a gallon of milk a day eight months into the program, YNDTP. If you have
only gained 8 pounds, either as a skinny guy or above your low point when you were losing bodyfat,
YNDTP. If your squat has only increased 50 pounds, YNDTP.

The program is meant to be ran for as long as progress can be sustained. If that's 3 months ok, I personally know starting strength coaches who have clients who have been running the LP for over a year and still making gains. Don't blame the program for your shit work ethic (not directed towards you specifically, moreso people who are DEMANDING that you only run SS for 3 months at most.)

So absically i should still run SS even if i start on a cut?

Fair enough

Mark the faggot literally says you have to eat a fuckton on SS how are you supoosed to do that on a cut

>i didn't read SS

Do whatever. Just stick with it.

>mod sama warned me to have high quality posts/images on Veeky Forums
>but he doesnt know the desire

Something you'd like to share?

for the millionth time: you are not just doing SS/SL/whatever compound based noob routine to get started with powerlifting.

if you were sedentary then your joints, mobility, muscle coordination, form, strength balance, connective tissue - are all in the shitter. these routine help with all those things.

if you jump straight into a high volume programme like PPL you'll most likely fuck your shit up. another ancillary benefit: it's much easier to track and implement quick progress (which you as a noob will have) on a simple compound based programme than on PPL or even PHUL.

>hey guys, i want to get into playing the piano. my friends recommended i start learning songs like "twinkle, twinkle little star" to practice the basics - is it okay if I start with Chopin instead?

read the sticky, do ss, go back to your shithole website.
>inb4 i dont want to become fat on ss

Smoke on the Water.

>thank me later

Literally my guitar

dont listen to those guys user
did that ppl for awhile. saw some fantastic gains. just because it has reddit in the url doesnt mean its bad.

It's not a meme, but it's only something to do while your body is untrained. Run it for like 4-6 months when you start depending on how bad your diet is. When your dramatic growth slows down it's time to find a routine based on your goals.

This guy knows.

I've seen about a dozen threads over the past few weeks of "hi, new to lifting...can I do superextrememassivegainsprogramover9000 alongside SS?"

Sure you see guys who are hench as a fucking ox doing particular lifts. You are not there yet. You are a beginner kicking your body into it's fledgling capacity for physical activity. This will not be something instantly gratifying. It will be a long, gradual progression.

Let the fucking progression happen, be patient and let the grains roll.

SS was designed so granny could pick up a barbell and lift. It's a good program that says what it does, but it's not optimal, and you can make better gains doing a heftier program. SS IS THE BARE MINIMUM YOU CAN DO FOR GAINS!