The king of leftypol has spoken

The king of leftypol has spoken

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R-robert, is this you?

Is this a joke?

We wuz linguists and shit

shit now I understand why people mock and hate wewuzzing

>mfw this is a real tweet

>everything i don't like i leftypol

>only now
Keep up pace, the next thing is already on the way!

he was 25% black, how does that work? wtf?

Leftypol literally worships black people

Memes aside, the actual black man in Pushkin's lineage was pretty awesome. Why not name him instead of applying one drop rule like a retard?

Reminder that peter the great and most russian boyars were also black

He is 1/8th African

Nasheed is right-wing, like all hoteps

2^(-3) black

He was 1/8th black. Born and raised in Russia. He literally had zero thing in common with Africa.

Hillary is a neo liberal but that didn't stop the soybabies on leftypol from backing her

Tariq is a master troll

being black is like having genital warts, even one small trace of it and youre permanently contaminated

1. he was extremely influential in starting the era of modern russian literature, he did not "create" the modern russian language
2. that nigger was whiter than milk (or at least as white as slavs can be, at any rate)

African people are truly desperate to show to rest of the world that they contributed anything to humanity.

please dont say N word again

His real name was Alexuille Pushkang. White supremacist d'Anthes killed him because photography was invented and they didn't want future generations to know that he is actually black.

Isn't Lomonosov the guy who wrote the first Russian systematic grammar and modernized literary language?

exactly, he was a Russian mulatto, which doesn't mean he was black. so why is this retard trying to claim he was? wewuzzing needs to stop

>Implying r/pol/ isn’t constantly yelling le based black man

He was not a mulatto, he was 1/8th African, 7/8th Russian. Born and raised in Russia. How in the name of God did he have anything in common with Africans?

1/8th black isn’t even mulato. Isn’t that 50/50?

He was an octaroon, only in USA he would be considered black.

>Memes aside, the actual black man in Pushkin's lineage was pretty awesome.

No he was a fucking wewuzer

>It was during his time in France that Abram adopted the surname "Gannibal" in honor of the Carthaginian general Hannibal (Gannibal being the traditional transliteration of the name in Russian).[7]

Pushkin was often mocked by his Russian contemporaries for being very swarthy and having negroid facial features like large lips and black curly fair.



What a stupid comment.

N word again

we aren't, we do however find him funny