So if abs are revealed in the kitchen...

So if abs are revealed in the kitchen, doesn't that just mean eating below the amount of calories your body burns means that you'll get abs?
Why aren't I getting abs if I'm working out and not eating a lot of shit?
Does what you eat really matter if you're under the amount of calories your body burns?
Are ab workouts worth it? Or just a meme?

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Also, does starving yourself get rid of muscle?
Should starving yourself technically just reveal abs? But does it lose muscle?

Idiot it doesnt work like that, if you starve yourself your body goes into containment mode and eats your muscles before any fat, eat 500 less than TDEE or so and you're gonna lose weight


>if you starve yourself your body goes into containment mode and eats your muscles before any fat,
Thank you very much, that was my next question

abs work like any other muscle. they won't be visible under a thick layer of fat unless you work them a lot. work your abs regularly, and cut to 12% or lower bf% to have visible abs.

After proper nutrition and consistent calisthenic training I finally got the abs I've wanted all my life and I cant believe how fast they formed with proper training. Still a long ways to go but progress so far

That's also false, and makes literally zero sense from an evolutionary standpoint. There is no situation where it's advantageous for your body to catabolize skeletal muscles over adipose tissue, until you get to low single digit body fat %.


No specific routine. Just consistently do bodyweight exercises everyday. Such as pushups, handstands, planks, planche, L-sit, pistol squats, and heavy stretching focus(master every one of those moves with proper technique). as far as nutrition goes, only water/coffee(black)/and whole milk. Natural whole foods, and a 24 hour fast once a week.

You loose a lot of muscle once your deficit is above 1000. Of course it depends on your genetics. Some people even lose muscle on more moderate diets.
If you want to cut aggressively try keto or some type of anabolic diet which is keto thru the week with refeeds on the weekends.

i do 18/6 and was considering adding a 24 day every once in a while.

I dont always hit 24 hours, like today I did 21, bout 20-24 i aim for. And i always follow it up with a very big dinner. today i felt reckless and had 4 big pieces of pizza for dinner after my fast, but thats all I had so its okay i guess lol

my girlfriend is a manager at papa johns so its hard to stay away from pizza lol. but at most I have it once a weekend, usually after a fast.
Also due to work, I drink a mug of black coffee everyday around 9 am, and dont eat lunch until 12pm. For lunch I choose one fruit(apple,orange,banana,plums,berries,grapes) and a protein(peanut butter,tunafish, yogurt, whole milk+cereal) then go back to work until about 5-6pm. and try to eat one more meal with plenty of veggies and whatever else im feeling(rice,beef ravioli, baked fish, canned beans) and maybe another snack. hope that helps at all, works for me

>my girlfriend is a manager at papa johns

not gonna make it xd

Post your whale


>thinks 3 hours is a fast

Hey its Evan again

im saying thats my daily routine throughout the week, and then I do a 24 hour fast on the weekend. but even when im at work from 12pm-5pm everyday and i dont eat that is still considered a small fast.

24 hour fast is starving..

Wow you trained and dieted one year for what you could have achieved in one month

The whole "abs are made in the kitchen" saying is a meme. Of course low body fat is gonna help show off your muscles, but you gotta have muscle in the first place. Ab workouts are worth it, but don't think they're some super special type of muscle. You gotta work them out like you do any other. Go on a weight crunch machine or do hanging leg raises with a weight. Feel free to do any type of ranges. Don't think you gotta do a hundred crunches or some shit like that. Lift heavy and eat well. Even people with a little extra weight on them can have visible abs if they've built the muscle well enough.

I'll keep posting this until it becomes a meme.