How frugal is Veeky Forums?
I'm curious, as I've always been a minimalist, way more so than my friends. I can tell the stories of how I've lived for
How frugal is Veeky Forums?
I'm curious, as I've always been a minimalist, way more so than my friends. I can tell the stories of how I've lived for
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> $2.98 for potatoes
wtf nigga I just bought a 5 lb bag of potatoes for 77 cents
Convenience also has a value OP.
Yes, the chicken dinner is half as expensive. But, the McDonalds dinner saved more than 2 times the TIME.
TIME is the currency. We live in a time of rampant laziness and self absorption. The ego has increased in importance
the kroger by me does this sometimes. god i love taters
Cheap as fuck
I plan to leave in a garage next spring.
>for 4
I eat that by myself
You're dying. Use your fucking money.