
injecting steroids sometimes but mostly blogging about women


read ALL of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index before asking your retarded ass questions

reminder: alex is still banned. report on sight


do skinnyfats with confirmed low testosterone bulk or cut when starting "aggressive" self TRT? more on the skinny side

5'9 155, 14%. scared of just getting fat for summer by bulking

i am not fat, but not lean either


Hey there !

I wonder just how many people have gotten conned into doing shitty cycles because of him?

Recomp. If you're coming from legit low T then TRT is going to rebuild you. Start with an actual TRT dose though.

Why is it the norm to take a higher dosage of sterons after 1st Cycle? Why not just stay on a low dosage forever and stay safer?

Hey dude, as an oldfag who has been on Tinder for like a month and been on like 5-6 first dates, all of them good (on my end, I ghosted a few of the girls but they all liked me to one degree or another), I'ma break it down for you:

First date idea is fucking dinner or drinks.

So first of all, you have obviously gotten her to agree to meet, so we don't have to cover that part. Now you're like "hey are you free X" and she's like "sure" and you have to come up with something.

Here's what you do:

0. Ask her if she has any dietary restrictions or bugaboos (like maybe she irrationally hates Vietnamese food or something)
1. Figure out where each of y'all is coming from and pick somewhere halfway. The place should have a bunch of restaurants bars and be decent for walking around.
2. Use Yelp to find 2-3 options. Offer them to her like "want to meet for drinks at this cool dive bar or have Italian?" or "Kabobs or Korean" or something. Usually, offer options. Sometimes, it's OK to just say "hey there is this great sushi place I love how's that sound?" (The latter is what I did for my date tomorrow and that's cool.)
3. Shoot them a link to the Yelp listing on Tinder so they can scope it out a bit if they want. Also the format of how it gets put into a message when you hit the "share" button on the Tinder app is really convenient for her to put into GPS or whatever.
3.5. Make a reservation in your name if appropriate. This is important! Tell her if you do in case she gets there earlier.
4. Dress and groom yourself. Don't wear a fucking suit, but shower, shave (or trim), wear a little cologne if that's your style, try to have a decent haircut. Have some minty gum with you.
5. Show up exactly on time, give a quick hug/peck if there's an opening.

What exactly do you expect to be safe from? You're still going to die nerd.


6. Listen attentively. Ask "tell me about your day." Bring up stuff you've been texting about. Always be listening to her, eyes on her face, engaged. Here it really helps if you're genuinely interested in getting to know people. People are fucking fascinating, even ones you don't want to bang.
------Everything below here is if you actually like her, which by now you can probably tell. If you don't like her, politely eat your food and listen, and say you have to go. Ghosting is totally appropriate but if you feel guilty, shoot her a text and say "Hey it was nice meeting you but I don't feel a connection. Best of luck!"
7. Offer to share/trade food. It's a nice touch and builds a little bond.
8. Throw in a compliment towards the end when the flow is working.
9. Once the meal is done, say you want to get out of there and walk around. Another nice touch is to decline dessert at the place, but go somewhere else for an ice cream or whatever.
10. Keep up the convo and getting to know each other.
11. Try to be the one that ends the date. Leave her wanting more. Try to get a kiss if possible. This doesn't always happen, but keep yourself ready for it.
11.5 Sometimes you try to seal the deal for another date here, sometimes you wait until the follow-up text, play it by ear. Either is fine.
12. If appropriate, tell her to text you when she gets home.
13. Text her THE NEXT DAY (no later, no earlier) that you had a good time and hope to/can't wait to see her again.
14. Continue to engage fitfully over text; let her make some moves herself to make sure she's into you and willing to put in a little work. But don't withhold either.
99. While it's possible that chemsitry is so good that you do this earlier, the third date is when you go back to one of y'alls places and make out like teenagers and maybe more.

surprisingly, higher dosages mean better results

Lots of people just up the dose without really considering things. It all depends on goals and risk/reward calculation.

>is when you go back to one of y'alls places and make out like teenagers and maybe more.
sounds like this was written by a thirsty 40 year old reddit soccer mom

but they said muscles make you immortal

Close. 42. But that's what happened last night so I used it in the post. Girl was on her period so that's what we did.

Seriously though, if you're not thirsty, you let the GIRL do some of the leading, and it works out so much better that way. Trust me.

OBV you have multiple girls in your pipeline so you don't catch feelings until after you've gotten the third date under your belt, at which point you have the difficult decision of having to choose one, but compared to some of the "tfw no gf" people on here, that's a good problem to have.

if you let them lead young grils tend to think you are a beta,this being 'alpha' shit is pretty popular rn.

Yeah, and? You want some dumb chick that has no opinions and input and just follows you around? Fine then be "alpha."

Usually it's good to put a little pressure on, like they feel pressure to do or say something cool, then you say you like what they did, and they fucking melt.

The best is when they say something like "hell yeah, I'm awesome" then it's fucking on because you now have a little joust thing/point you can prod them on for pretty much the resto of the relationship.


>there is 42 yo posting on Veeky Forums giving dating advice

Not every phase of working out falls into "cut" or "bulk"

Sometimes you are just grinding, eating mostly OK and working out hard.

There are people in this world who neglect the wisdom of their elders.

If you're 42 and still picking up women on Tinder you're in no position to be giving advice to young men.

you are getting memed

Wall of text incoming:
I appreciate the rough play by play but my situation is a little different. She's a coworker at a entry level job and she's working there while waiting to get in-state residency for tuition and I'm in school.

On one hand work has played into my favor because everyone there knows me, likes me, and speaks extremely well of me so she hears it from other people that I'm decent. But it sucks because I don't do well talking to her when there's a big group because they're all just sitting there evesdropping or talking about their own shit so I can't really get to know her, but I guess that's why I need to ask her out.

We have a unique opportunity to travel wherever we want and I feel like that may be the best way to get her to open up and learn more about each other. I know some of you guys probably think it's beta but she's like, perfectly cute and small which is what I always go for.

how is life my mang

Pretty good m8

im about to do my first cycle, should I cut more?

have you considered lifting

Yes cut more

nah not really :^)

fo sho. If I did some carb cycling for like two weeks then went back on while already on cycle would I blow up again, or would the roids help offset the fat gain?

"unique opportunity to travel anywhere" what do you mean by that?

Sounds like you just need a quiet spot where you can talk, and have a mutual activity to take up some attention to fill in the gaps.

I've forgotten more about dating that you know, son. Take my advice for what it's worth, it's free after all...

Test doesn't really offset fat gain. Just raises the ceiling for muscle growth and raises tdee, insulin spiking will still make your fat stores grow

It's worth shit because you're some weirdo 42 year old on tinder and Veeky Forums, and going on about how it takes you 3+ dates to even get to first base with some tinderella

honestly should I even cut then? I;m eating like 3.5kcal a day, but it's honestly not the highest quality food, so fat gain is going to happen. I could try upping the cardio, but more than anything I'm trying to gain strength, so I rather get fat and build mass underneath/improve my strength, then cut and end up losing strength. I could always cut later right?

I got my 3 black tops of oil (Test E). I'm about to do my first ever injection of 250 mg.

I'm thinking about doing ventrogluteal exclusively. Any drawback to doing only that location and flipping sides?

seriously if it took me more than one night to fuck a girl on TINDER of all places I would probably give up on trying to have sex altogether



but that's not what black top means

Are you bnc? If not, cut now. Don't cycle and then cut afterwards you'll lose everything and waste your time.

Take a month or two to cut. Yes strength goes down, but it will come back up when you hop on and start eating a surplus again.

Be fucking patient it's not a race.

>but that's not what black top means
I forgot in this circle it refers to the bull

Potentially scar tissue but if you're injecting e3.5d and do the recommended 1min/ml injection speed you'll be fine.

You're a complete faggot

He's talking about the hgh black tops

Go jump in front of a bus you worthless pos

I do gluteus medius exclusively, alternating sides twice a week. Works fine.

I don't feel comfortable trying ventrogluteal on myself, I feel like its such a small spot and its hard to visualize exactly where you are putting the needle on the side like that. Gluteus medius is really easy to see. You just flex your butt just before you inject and you can see exactly what muscle you are aiming for. PIP not bad at all there either in my experience. I tried outer quads a few times, found PIP much worse there.

>more than one night to fuck a girl on TINDER of all places I would probably give up on trying to have sex altogether
Tbh this. Tinder is for quick fucks not dates and shit famalam

>tfw synthol now available

Time to fix these calves?

>1min/ml injection speed
Who recommends this shit? Thats slow af

I can't tell what gender that person is

And injecting collagen into your calf sounds like absolute hell


Bodyweight calf raises. 100ED

I know you are retarded enough to use meth/eroin.
But synthol ? come on mate you cant be that retarded.

He is, haven't you seen his posts?

People like him genuinely make me lose faith in humanity, and its not even really his fault. Just born not that bright. And then you think, "fuck, this is how the average asshole thinks and goes about life" . Helps you understand why this world is the way it is.

>ventrogluteal on myself, I feel like its such a small spot and its hard to visualize exactly
put your fingers between your hip bone and head of femur, then shift your weight from foot to foot while standing still

you can feel the muscle flex hard

Why aren't you married with kids?


You might not like it but that's what peak female performance looks like

FaceTimed my junky var ex last night and all her muscle is gone from getting sepsis via dirty needle and 3 months in county. Smh what a waste.

I find super high rep calf work is the way to go. I do
4x20 dumbbell calf raises
Each set followed by
4x20 body weight

Also the usual calf raise machine work etc

>usual calf raise machine work
I have fuckhuge calves but for some reason standing calf raises never seem like they allow me to contract the muscle very hard. Even doing one leg at a time.

Tomorrow will be the day for qt3.14gf

nah you're right. Do you think 8 lbs would be enough? So if I was -2000kcal a day for two weeks. I'd just have to run a shit load, but I think I could pull it off.

Nest post, kahuna is legit retarded. Hope his current he he's crazy about find out he cheated somehow. Retard doesn't deserve her. No will power

Does this count as a bodybuilding thread

No we just use gear to make more money as gay prostitutes and porn stars.

>Hope his current he he's crazy about find out he cheated somehow.
what did i miss

Somewhat. But: too juiced for natty bb, too sane still for 5g a week WHATEVER IT TAKES approach, so what should we even discuss kek

He can't stop talking about this new girl who's a nurse or some shit and a qt, and how he wants to settle down with her but cheated on her already is having a hard time resist g cheating on her again, and still talks to his ex. He's a fucking retard and I hope both g but misfortune befall him considering he could marry a sugar momma right now (and cant stop mentioning settling down with her) he could have her pay for his college or some shit dik just get his life together. He doesn't deserve happiness he's so fucking stupid.
I can't see how people like him can't keep his dick in his pants or have such garbage will power. What a retard

you seem mad

Wow Kahuna self hate much?

t. white knight

>tfw binged and probably exceeded maintenance a little bit for 3 days straight

fuck this shit lads, im not gonna eat anything for the next 48 hours.

I see some other retard worshippers are triggered.
>alphas get addicted to meth and heroin, then proceed to fuck anything that moves.
>alphas sell their assholes to pay rent
>alphas cheat and destroy relationships with dream girls who are loaded with cash and love them.

It's like those edgy kids In higjschool that thought slangin drugs I highschool and being a thug is cool episode. Damn fraud you're so beta. You'd do anything to feel cool.

Geez meanposter

I cheated once and still feel awful. Not happening again. I appreciate her so much and lesson learned. Not for her money, she's a kind person who's willing to overlook my past.

I still hope you succeed and reach your goals. You seem to hate me for valid reasons. I'm working on my flaws.

Ayy finally.

you still seem mad

I just did my first ever injection! It doesn't hurt at all in the ventrogluteal site! I would timestamp my materials but I have legal paranoia

I'm a little confused though, I injected 250 mg of test E more than 60 seconds ago and i'm still not swole?

Im saying the money is a plus. She loves you and shes doing good and you still manage to somehow fuck up. That's no tiny fuck up either. She deserves to know. Shell find out eventually. Ya gotta grow up dood you seem to have found someone to out the fire under your was to do good. Yeah I don't hate you just piss me off sometimes I hate seeing people who finely start to do good fuck their whole progress up.

>I cheated once
kill you'reself :)

I've fucked up a lot in life and I look for validation wherever I can get it (primarily from females, and when I was young my peers really emphasized the importance of sleeping around).

Trying to remedy long engrained behaviors hasn't been an instant thing for me but it's all moving in a positive direction.

I'm not trying to justify selfish behaviors at all. Realistically I don't deserve the girl that I'm with. idk what point in trying to make, Im an extremely flawed person and I'm embarrassed of how my life has turned out. I don't want to seem "alpha" at all which is why I post openly about the gay prostitution and other awful shit I've done to MYSELF. Believe it or not I come here to hear shit like what you're saying to me. Anonymous people are much more objective.

>How many kits did you get?

10, if I'd known then I would've grabbed like 20-30 to flip

>anyone have experience with iso's DHB?

either it's actually bold or he's loading it to the fucking gills with eo and guaiacol, literally no way to get it to 200 otherwise

>i think i might transition to powerfatting
>don't but i mean i would fit in with the whole bullshit of "hur i only care about strength, for myself" or whatever powerfats tell themselves, and if i am obese from permabulking then i can at least blame myself for being disgusting instead of it feeling helplessly out of my control

it's actually really funny that you two keep up with this delusional meme about powerlifting

maybe ask bimbo or kahuna about it, I'm sure they'll back you up about it turning you into an amorphous wall-e blob person

>Any input on stacking low-dose Mestanolone with 75-100mg Anadrol?

some dudes were raving about the benefits of mestanolone on gh15 but stoya's old account got booped and I don't remember any specifics

>Yeah it's calling being a skinny asshole that should eat more.

like 2-3% more bf and triple the size of your obliques, boom brickmode

I'll trade you chest/back depth for beard genetics

>(like maybe she irrationally hates Vietnamese food or something)

I'm gonna have to stop you right there, pho > hoes

>Tbh this. Tinder is for quick fucks not dates and shit famalam

if you only limit yourself to that, sure

>let's see how long does it take to come up with a retarded strawman counter argument

told you how to do calves already, you big gay baby

that'd be me, and I love how that imagery sticks in peoples' heads

what batch# do you have? i have 25, havent seen bloods for them yet

sorry for noobish question, but should i be worried? legit 200 would be a godsend but i never came even close to the amounts needed for that to hold, might as well be toxic at that point lol

I didnt know about gay prostitution,da fuq mane.
your personal life aside,do not use synthol,do not even touch it,your calves will look like empty sack of balls.

>retarded strawman counter argument
Nah. Not completely disagreeing with you it's just that's what the majority of people on there are looking for.

Do you have a GF currently? I'm sure there are tons of college sloots up there.

>tfw no a v e r a g e gf

Welcome back sweet prince

Question from a mere mortal natty...

Do any of you regret taking dat der cell tech? Seriously, I've been considering it as of lately, have done a good amount of research. Can anyone run through your personal pro's and con's?

cons: it makes you restless as fuck and unable to be content sitting in your loser ass room playing video games, because you would rather be out doing shit with the single life you have to live instead

sounds like less of a con and more of a pro... from what I hear the pro's almost always heavily outweigh the cons

In the short term the pros are many and the cons are few. In the long term, we really don't know. We all might be killing ourselves slowly.


Then why do you sit in your room playing wow all day

hmmmmmmmmmmm cant imagine

and i dont play wow, starcraft 2 arcade now

Fuck that. Like kahuna was saying make that shit happen this year. Quit fucking around putting it off and making excuses because girls aren't going to wait around for you.

any girl that would be able to look me in the eyes and fuck or kiss me as i am right now would be completely mentally ill anyway

or in reality just want my money


>wanting girls taking your money and time
Theres got to be an easy way to buy lolis from china
I wonder if raw suppliers would know

arcade where you can just fuck around with other people in minigames > gookclick

I thought your swelling was going down from all that pilocarpine. But living the life of a hermit is going to fuck with your head long-term.

Idk what has gotten to me recently but it's like why not take the fucking shot and atleast try. Tbh I'm scared as fuck of asking a girl out but nobody else is going to do it for me and it would kill me to see her with another guy when it could've been me.

Havent you said glands are almost fixed ?

Quality over quantity, always.

Copper shitter detected

Find a twin and give me the other ones number

it seems (S E E M S) to be going down overall slowly, but still has massive up-and-down fluctuations

so one day it was basically completely gone. couldn't stop looking in the mirror, taking pictures of myself, etc..

and then i woke up the next day and it was "not gone" again

i was diamond zerg in wings of liberty

then hots made the game a piece of shit and it died, i saw it coming and quit before it happened though. added too much braindead shit like widow mines

>other ones number
That's not my qt, that's Georgia Ellenwood. I'd go for it if I lived in Wisconsin.

Have you considered dropping tren ? Chinese bathub flintstone vitamins may have correlation between your face,have you ever fucking thought about that ?

I completely agree actually
Had multiple wol accounts for ladder lol

I wasn't asking.
Now less excuses I expect a twins number by tomorrow

Not to be a glands apologist, but who the fuck do you know that has ever had their face blow up like his from steroids complications? For months on end?

also i have basically not been taking the pilocarpine at all compared to when i first started, because it was going to make me fail all my classes, so i have only been taking it on weekends. now it is """spring break""" so hopefully i will make as much progress in these 10 days as i normally would in like 6 weeks

also it seems that it gets bigger whenever i sleep... which is retarded... if i only sleep for less than 3 hours or so at a time, it will be small as fuck and i will look human, then it resets if i sleep for a long time straight...........


>twins number by tomorrow
N-no promises Kreiger senpai.

Didnt you turned into a pokemon after you started using steroids ?

not randomly OVERNIGHT after using them for ~5 months beforehand