I need you help Veeky Forums, I've already lost 10 kilos in two weeks and have been walking more and eating healthier...

I need you help Veeky Forums, I've already lost 10 kilos in two weeks and have been walking more and eating healthier, plus am planning to get a bike and take it to work everyday but anyways, my fucking man-tits wont go. I've tried working out my chest area more for weeks and it did no difference, I need your advice or any tips you can give me

Looks like you might have some gyno.


change your point of view until you're thinking about your body changing over YEARS.

>lost 10 kilos in two weeks
Good job losing what little muscle mass you had by starving yourself. Keep it up and one day you'll look like that Afghan child you so desperately aspire to

I considered that, seeing that I have a very soft voice too

I do know that but come on, I mean, I'm not a fucking elephant to take years to get rid of man tits
this pic was taken 4 months ago and I already maintained my diet and exercise, starving myself was no pleasant experience and I don't plan on repeating it anytime in the future

Op what happened to your arm on the right?

fell off my skateboard

Would lick

Mine are going away very slowly but I still have less than an inch on the abs and a shitton on the ""love handles"". Try eating more fatI think cabbage and broccoli might help reduce estrogen, Reduce carb intake overall (150 net max) and be patient

lmao that has nothing to do with it man

>lost 10kg on two weeks
Did you tear your own arm off? You're overestimating your weight loss. 4kg is A MONTH is already full of suffering. 8kg a month is something 99% of the people won't ever be able to do. And you're saying you lost 10kg in 2 weeks?

Slow down, man. Remember: water weight.

well my diet was basically a slice of bread with oatmeal and an apple for breakfast and a tuna sandwich or a small salad plate for lunch and a banana, apple or another slice of bread for dinner. It was fucking hell for me but I was so happy with the result and now I eat normally but in certain quantities and make sure to walk very often

you are still 18-20% bodyfat mate.

for all i know man boobs might be the problem area for you and you don't see much progress until you reach around 12% bodyfat.

jus keep cutting and lifting mate. will take around 3 months, obviously depending on how unhealthy deficit u wanna go.

we will re-evaluate your 'gyno' then.

Well, ok. But be very careful about weighing yourself. You can lose/gain 2kg of water/food weight in a day. It's a fluctuation, not truly loss of weight. That's why you need to always weigh yourself on the same hour and under the same conditions. For example, I weigh myself every Friday right after waking up and peeing. That way, I can be sure I've shed most of my water weight while sleeping.

Anyway, if you're looking into lowering your bf% while not looking like a skeleton, I suggest keep cardio to a maximum of 1 hour per day, and to start lifting or doing callisthenics. That way, you'll lose fat, but gain muscle at the same time.

>That way, you'll lose fat, but gain muscle at the same time.
stop it

>10 kg weight loss
>two weeks

Might want to see a doc OP, there is something terribly wrong with you. Look to the future. If you continue with this weight loss, how long before you are at a healthy weight? Underweight? You need to address the cause of this unnatural and unhealthy weight loss before you continue.

KEEP muscle then. FUCK. I always make that mistake.

>mfw look almost like right pic in the morning and almost like left pic at night
Life is suffering, truly.

He probably overestimated it or didn't weigh himself correctly. I remember a thread on /v/ where a guy said he lost 28kg on 2 months. There was another guy who said he was losing 1kg per day under a 1000 calorie diet. Didn't account for water weight too.

I was under a very strict diet for 4 months last year, and the most I lost in a month was 6kg. And that was hellish. Stomach cramps, cold sweat and everything. The doctor told me he knew a single guy that lost 8kg in a month, and he was a national team goalkeeper. Most people fall under 3 to 4kg of weight loss per month.

OP here. Well the thing is, I shit out whatever I eat literally on the same day no matter how big or small the quantity is, so I guess having eaten very small quantities of food and letting it out only hours later did help

This just looks very strange. It seems like you only lost fat in one area of your body. Are you starving yourself? If so, that is a terrible idea, your body will become super disproportionate and your stomach will become a pot belly once you start eating normal again.

how long did it take you to gain them? progress is a slow process senpai.

well they've been there since I was 10 I guess

Shut the fuck up and keep cutting