The project is all hype and talk. Their direct partners ( who are using LINK with their product confirm that it's still basically just an idea. Just like BTG. Can linkies just admit they've been rused? I swear you retards have a glint in your eye that banks are going to be buying this shit up any minute now! And by minute I mean this year or even next year.... You realize the ChainLink network isn't even a thing yet? It's literally just an idea. Plus all the bureaucracy and testing for this to hit production....? of THOUSANDS of alleged banks? FOMO me all you want but I'm legit selling this at a loss immediately.
ChainLink Confirmed Scam
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sold at link 9k sats
>Whitelisted for confido
> You realize the ChainLink network isn't even a thing yet? It's literally just an idea.
You realize OMG isn't even a thing yet. Its really just an idea?
No srsly. They have even less than LINK. And they're a top 15 coin.
There's legitimately no point in holding this coin until 2019. Buy back in early 2018. It's seriously not going to do shit inbetween now and then even with good news. EVERYONE is waiting to dump their LINK bags once it moons anyway! You will get dumped on even if we supremely moon due to the fact this coin is all speculation and the application of an Oracle may not need to be incentivized with a token.
>implying I hold OMG
you fucking retard. Shifting the blame to another shitcoin you ASSUME I hold? get fucking real
OMG mooned in the golden era of alts. news flash; that era is over and never coming back. More and more companies and institutions are implementing their own private blockchains.
or just buy in cheap and hold. only reason to sell is if youretrying to trade other things for profit
Meanwhile xcs and enjincoin both have working products up and running. In enjins' case for a while now.
Veeky Forumsmalwaysnshilling garbage and ideas that will never be applied to the real world.
>More companies and institutions are implementing their own blockchains
>Which is why Chainlink the middle man for ALL OF THEM is going to be worth nothing anytime soon
Yeah no this is someone accumulating.
I am trying to trade things for profit just like everyone else. Literally no point in holding until, like I said, at LEAST Q2 2018. Nothing is gonna happen except massive dumps every time Rory farts out a tiny piece of psuedo-news
Its a fucking working prototype/product idiot. Thats why they held a "proof of concept". It doesnt mean every fucking feature is ready to go in the mainnet. Learn the difference between a working product vs a finished product.
Plus its only 1 month since ICO. If chainlink had a "finished" product as opposed to a working product we would already be in the moon.
I am selling my link
Dude I mean implementing them in such a way where they wont need some dumb token to mediate external off-chain data. Like you think they're gonna start dumping millions into a half-baked product? which is essentially just a JSON API that parses a null value (see the SONY-AXA contract on Snap the fuck out of it my man. You've been tricked. If it's too good to be true then it probably is
I knew it was garbage hahahahahah
Are you telling me all these ICOs I poured my money into are just vaporware?
>NEO reached 2.5 billion mcap with just an idea
Exactly. No where CLOSE to ready. This is no where close to a point where banks are going to legitimately dump millions of capital into it. That would require it to be massively niche successful and undyingly necessary which it isn't. We'll hit $1 in Q1 2019, sure. Just realize the time scale of how things are being framed by biz FOMOers. Best case scenario I could see maybe $2 in 2-3 years
NEO has a full team of respectable computer scientists and engineers coordinating the effort. And let's not forget they know how to market (re-brand even, from Antshares) as well as communicate to their clients, users, and investors other than "we're working on it lol"
If you look at the price right now, you know OP is just FUDing. What a fag
Yeah another "gaming" token. Literally almost all of the altcoins dont have a finished product. Some have working products though. They just demoed the proof of concept in SIBOS as proof that they have a working product.
For confido to completely use LINK as of now, it has to be totally complete. If a dapp can use LINK as an oracle then its finished already no development to be done further aside from patches.
Confido doesnt even have a working product, they are developing their alpha version. ChainLink is at the alpha version get it you fucking fags?
>using Oraclize
Linkies utterly BTFO
legit the one fucking use case for LINK and they're already using the one other oracle solution that's actually ready
ahahahaha they had a fucking FREEBIE
Orcalize is the tortoise and chainlink is the hare
Uhhh except I'm not and you know that this is a huge blow to chainlink
an OUNCE of transparency from ANOTHER fucking company and they more or less confirm ChainLink is bullshit
They had fucking chainlink in their WHITEPAPER!
You see on one hand I have you telling me it's garbage. On the other I have Swift inviting them to Sibos and them already working with banks and other financial institutions at this very moment.
So you can see how some random man on the internet saying it's worthless right now doesn't ring true to me.
Thats why its at this marketcap. If its already completely finished then all of the dapp projects would be using it right now and not Oraclize and we would have a marketcap of 1billion plus.
Why are you even investing in crypto if all you're looking for is finished products and not working products?
Notice the choice of words, they were forced. They understand the potental of chainlink compared to oraclize however chainlink has a lot of work to do before it can even work from blockchain to blockchain--at least oraclize does that.
Priced in, faggot.
Anyone posted this on Slack?
I want to hear team's comment on this.
>Sibos and them already working with banks and other financial institutions at this very moment.
except they're not because they got a few fucking smartcontracts working as oracles that don't even use the fucking LINK token
google: ETH USD public price oracle
None of those use chainlink. It's essentially just a fucking JSON parser. This is not a trillion dollar idea.
SWIFT will just implement their own they're not gonna pay these two assholes millions for some JSON parsers
I would, but ya know, they closed the slack to their own user base prematurely
You're dumb as fuck. Oraclize has always been ready. Even Etheroll uses it. There has always been centralized oracles.
ChainLink is the only decentralized oracle with a working (not finished) product that was ready enough to demo a proof of concept in SIBOS.
God you guys are dumb.
I'm looking for projects that arent memes and blowing smoke up my ass
How the fuck is orcalize ready and chainlink isnt? They have allegedly huge partnerships and big name advisors. Something is just WRONG here. In my gut.
Wtf why did they close slack?
omise are making multi million dollar partnerships every week
Omg has way more than chainlink going on
They are in development of plasma ffs...
bump. Make them answer to this
Its been @rory, no comment so far.
You know you can just email them right?
Again the evidence doesn't support the things you are saying.
So I have to take either your word as established random man on the internet or Sergey and the established Swift connection.
The thing is nothing has happened which would make any rational person think this was a trick or a scam. So again I say why would I trust some random man on the internet saying it has no value and that Swift won't do what every shred of evidence suggests they are going to do because some random man on the internet says they wont?
Can you actually offer up and explanation as to why they would not other than the fact you say they wont?
Meme status, 100% incontrovertibly confirmed
even this rinky dink attempt at a business can realize that ChainLink is way oversold. Even if they think it has potential, it's so unusable right now that they can't even masquerade it as being part of their product to avoid legitimate concerns of being smoke & mirrors
Try to sign up. It says that the "invite limit has been reached".... great community out reach huh?
They really give a fuck about us, you know, those of us who were actually interested in running a node, etc.
nope, fuck us. they have our $32 mill
Oraclize is a fucking centralized oracle that has always been ready. Dapps like Etheroll have been using it since launch.
The problem that ChainLink is trying to solve is decentralizing these oracles. They obviously have a working product otherwise what the fuck did they demo in SIBOS?
Once you mentioned ChainLink only being a JSON parse just showed that this is such obvious FUD and you know it. You really think they would demo a proof of concept of a JSON parser in SIBOS with 11 banks?
What confido is asking for is a "finished" ChainLink. If confido can use it already then that would mean its already COMPLETELY FINISHED.
Why the fuck would sergey hire more developers? At that point no more development is needed only small patches.
I wouldn't worry, SWIFT is a high reputation group, soon sergay is doing a talk at devcon about smartcontract and oracles, he'll likely push his product to new startups.
People act like this is a be-all-end-all but chainlink can offer its services directly to banks, they can develop their api to work with outdated systems, current oracles only talk between other blockchains because they cant reach the banks systems. Nobody is willing to work with them, chainlink has the best chance at building an oracle system that works for all systems.
You're hanging on to this SWIFT thing like it means literally anyting. They gave a 25 min talk at SIBOS? Have you been to a conference? The little workshops are basically just like fucking science experiments that "lol mite b cool"
SWIFT isn't going to use LINK. They will use oracles, blockchain tech, sure, but this isn't going to be crunching worldwide financial transactions in the near or even mid-term
The whole "dumb token" argument is pretty much null and void: it makes use of blockchain technology to validate and add security to oracles. People are locked into the idea of looking at blockchain-based tokens the same way they look at bitcoin - as a currency. LINK is not a currency, it is a tool necessary for Chainlink's point of difference against its competitors, and it works. You are correct that it likely will not have upside potential for a while, and that it will probably get cheaper though. I'm only holding now because it's easy to hold and forget about for a few years and only sell once it's made some upside potential.
The concept is better than its competition and it has had a really strong foot-in-the-door on the marketing front, and with the hiring of a team hopefully things will speed up a bit. They got really far as a 2 man operation so with more hands on deck it looks very promising, people are only shitting the bed because the price is tanking, when people bought in ENTIRELY based on speculation. It was clear this was a short term pump and dump, but it only was selected as such because the long term potential makes it very easy to shill.
You've made some good points but I dont think your argument applies to every category of LINK investor. Just my 2 cents though.
Not reddit. Nice dubs. Just face the fact that chainlink isn't going to make you (or me! I hold tens of thousands of this shitcoin) rich so stop being a passive aggressive faggot
Where were you
The day
The ChainLink....
Wow, and Veeky Forums is still defending this project?
Being as Sibos (why does everyone capitalize each letter?) is run by SWIFT and SWIFT helps banks with developing new fintech. I'd say its a thing to hang onto.
Sure man, hold some LINK ERC20 tokens. Should you go all in? Fuck no. Are you going to moon to lamboland?
Pretty much impossible, is the point I'm trying to make.
Sorry Veeky Forums, iI'll break your heart and hopes before LINK eventually does
>16 posts by this ID
And again you are dodging the question because as I suspected you don't actually have real arguments.
I asked a very simple question. Why would they not? Your response? Because Sibos is a stupid conference and SWIFT just considers them a little science experiment and then just saying SWIFT isn't going to use Link.
That isn't an argument. Sergey said they were in talks with Swift and other major financial institutions on a larger implementation of the Chainlink network. They worked with five top 20 banks in designing their Swift prototype.
They have never hyped a single thing and hardly communicate with the community. Sergey made a very clear and direct statement so I ask you are you actually accusing him of lying? What evidence do you have of him doing so.
Stop evading and answer directly.
Again, a unique and (potentially) important connection there but under the veil it's all inflated hopes and vague communication coming from the team about actual steps forward
I'm not going to run away like a little bitch. I've supported LINK and I'm genuinely pissed off that the reality of this is becoming clearer and clearer by the day. I'm voicing my actual beliefs. LINK holders should be concerned. They owe us answers. It's up to us to be on these guys' heels and pressure them if we eve want this to have a shot of at least being a minor success
There is no argument. Most of this community is possessed by demons and even hodlers can't help but FUD their own coin. Since this community hodls most of the coins its fate will literally be determined by angels and demons until institutional investors come in to wash away the autism.
Yes, because they are working directly with banks? They also need to prove that the value of chainlink's token isn't absurdly chaotic, with the way people have pnd it, it looks like just a normal speculative market. This is good to banking investors who have to consider the cost of using said product.
But I agree, unless they outright tell us there is a gag order, then that itself is speculation... however there was a post from slack that kinda confirms it...
>Why would they not?
Why would SWIFT want to pay for every single verifiable audit-able transaction ever to
The fud tactics are getting more advanced by the day
I'm guessibg someone REALLY wants to accumulate at a lower price
His central argument still boils down to "why would swift use link when they can use an inhouse solution" and is thus retarded however
Dude Sergey says in this video
Interviewer: "so all value in this token flows back to your company correct?"
Sergey: "yeah, blah blah blah:
.... why the fuck would SWIFT pay
Confido is still eventually going to use link. Both have a long way to go to be complete, link is part of confidos roadmap basically.
Jeez everyone in here reads so much into short term updates and doesn’t look at the big picture. I’ve researched a ton of companies issuing tokens and link is actually the most professional of them. The lack of communication and hype is a good thing! They’re building something real instead of taking everyone’s money.
Amazon had an earnings call today. They do those QUARTERLY. And you have dudes freaking out in a slack channel that they aren’t getting answers every hour
Are you the guy they banned from Slack?
lol wtf is this team doing, I feel sorry for you guys.
>so all transaction fees will flow back to your company correct?
"yeah blah blah blah"
People get banned from the slack for good reasons.
You're the faggot here spacing like a fucking mongoloid.
Yeah Im with you man. I think long term this could 10x or more. It really, really depends on how heavily speculative the alt market becomes in the next boom. I think the recoil after the recent dip will scare a lot of people off and you won't see coins without an actual product (read: OMG) getting billion dollar market caps.
People saying "If bitcoin gets a trillion dollar market cap, LINK should it a few hundred billion easily!" are outright idiotic. Bitcoin is a currency, LINK is a tool. Apples and Oranges. The only connection between the values of BTC and LINK is the speculative forces of the market which try to force this connection, and ultimately get dumped on once the coin is overbought as a result.
LINK is a crypto, but not a cryptocurrency as such. Many people have fallen for this, and I wish I had considered this before I bought in fairly high (35-30c incremented), because I should have considered the impact time would have on the mass of speculation. But, such is life.
Nope, wasn't kicked because I never got it.
They closed it to those of us that were interested in hearing from the team that may have gave 2 shits otherwise
I don't know? I don't know the realities of Swifts operation and neither do you. But the evidence is on my side that they WILL be using Chainlink.
Again answer the question. Are you accusing Sergey of lying outright?
It's true. Literal demons from the spirit world have taken over Veeky Forums. Not even meming. If you're new here, get out. Leave. Save your soul while you still can.
I swear how can we take you seriously when you spread FUD that LINK is just a JSON parser at this point.
OP you are fucking retarded. ChainLink is confirmed in their Beta, they're just fucking around with centralized Oracles until it's ready
There's angels here too, friend, but yeah, lots of people on chans have become nihilistic demons.
I read that whole thread and he sounded legit.
Sounds like me selling at 10k was a great decision, I knew something was off with this team right from the start.
WRONG faggot. Oracalize for the Alpha, ChainLink for the Beta and final version. Read a fucking book
I don't remember it being in a thread on slack, I thought he was being a dick on #general.
unless you mean a thread on biz.
There was a thread here on biz earlier, I don't know if it's still up
chill out user, and take a deep breath. everything will be ok. buy more link.
"Have taken over"? Haven't they always been here. Isn't this a haven.
>alpha comes before beta
hahahahaha you idiot
they have chainlink in the white paper!
the alpha (acutally deployed) will use Oraclize!
Again, chainlink just a neat idea and only that!
I love LINK because the holders are the ones who FUD it the most, usually with relevant info, and it's always followed by spastic bagholders going apeshit and the OP stringing them along for a laugh by post 50 or thereabouts.
Shit communities are best communities
What a dumbass. Alpha product is deployed and beta isn't.... Does anyone actually take you seriously around here?
The fuck are you high on?
The little sandbox alpha version that none of us can use will test shit with Oracalize
I can't believe I have to explain this desu
>will has
this is your typical LINK ""investor"": Illiterate, and delusional.
The moment he said alpha products are deployed and beta products are not is the moment he showed how much of a brainlet he is.
why the fuck are you even bothering when people are just clearly messing with you? idk but i think youre getting too emotional about this. look at the first guy who replied to you, he pointed at a fucking grammar/spelling error when it doesnt even fucking matter. chill the fuck out user
Hush my child
poor guy is actually getting affected by the fud i felt slightly bad that i had to comment that lmao. who cares i guess
you fags are spreading FUD and you're wondering why holders are disproving the FUD?
They will not even be switching to Link, once they are running well on Oracalize why the fuck would they swap Oracles? That would be idiotic, Link has always been D.O.A.
Hahaha I mean thats fair. I really dont know what it is about this place but it does bring out the worst in me. Its a good way to vent off steam about shitcoins I guess
>money will always fall into the hands of those who know how to use it best
>fear will always fall out of the hands of those who know how to distribute it best
I bought 6000 link at 0.45 cents, is it all over for me should I kill myself?
Just fucking wait you dumb fuck, bothering with this board won't help you
I bought 20k LINK at $0.40 and I still think I made a good (long term) decision.
Holding this shit because I know in the long run I'll be getting a better return than daytrading shitcoins.
I bought 30k at 40c and I'm still holding. man up you pussy
Long term, win. Short term, fucking painful.
Market doesnt lie when it didnt rebound and the dead silence from devs i was out with a comfy gain
hold for 2 years and maybe itll be a dollar!
Hehe I FUD the shit out of Chainlink.
The toilet memes are the best.
>hodling 50k links
>Mommy, it’s going to recover, right? I didn’t waste all of my money, right? Right????