Overcoming your BodyWeight

>Overcoming your BodyWeight

>2016 Olympics highlights

>What is gravity lul



>Youtube Channels


>Safest Static Hold Progression

Steady State Cycles: www.antranik.org/how-to-implement-a-steady-state-training-cycle

>Common Prereqs


>Wrists mobility

Foundation Handstand One

>Bicep Tendon Prep


>Scooby teaches you how to do a pull Up


>How to make parallettes out of PVC


>Foundation series (4 books + 2 Handstand + Rings)

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:39d3d785f7c6df583af2fa846646a74b3d256cac&dn=Coach Christopher Sommer Mastering Gymnastic Strength Training 2014&tr=udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.leechers-paradise.org:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.mg64.net:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce&tr=udp://tracker.sktorrent.net:6969/announce

>Overcoming gravity



>is my routine good?
if it has no progression, you are just doing cardio and maintaining

Other urls found in this thread:



i've been training bodyweight for about a year now. is there anything i can do to learn tricking and stuff from my apartment? i've been using a doorframe pullup bar with some rings hanging from it.

back lever
handstand push ups
front lever

see u in 4+ years

thanks user

Is this legitimate? Please respond


You probably cant do cool 360 shit on a bar but you can do all the wild push ups like clapping behind your back and doing a 360
Yeah it is

How do you know it's legitimate? How can I trust you? Do you have first hand experience with this program?

Well it has sets, reps and most importantly progressions that will hopefully challenge your body. Ive looked closer at it and some progressions could go further but it's a good start.

Pulling and legs are legit, I'd say push up progression doesn't lead you to one arm push up just like that, but it still has a good linear overload. For dips you'll need more than just two chairs, consider PVC parallettes.

Here's the foundation progression

Would it be detrimental to my gainz if I do extra reps? Also would starting in the middle fuck me up later, even if I'm able to do them relatively easy? Is there anything you would add that this is lacking in?

I'd say go no further than 3x12. Unless you want to better endurance, your last rep should be almost failure, so if you manage an exercise 3x18, you'd better move to the next exercise.
Yeah you can start from the middle, try every progression 3x8 until you find your level. At this point, do 3x4 and progress as said in the pic.
Highly suggested is adding some skill work. For those you can look up the foundation series

i'd say start at lower progressions just to be sure your form is good so you don't snap your shit up doing the harder stuff later.

it won't hurt your gains to do extra reps, but if you can do more than 8-12 reps of a particular exercise, you can probably just progress to a harder version to make more gains.

once you get up to advanced shrimps go ahead and move on to weighted squats to keep making leg gains, or keep doing advanced shrimps if you don't mind maintaining them.

i'd add in handstand practice before each workout (5-10 min), just so you can move on to freestanding handstand pushups later instead of relying on the wall.

otherwise, it's a solid program.

If you can do an exercise you should probably start for the ones you can do. Theres no point in doing wall push ups if you can easily do push ups.

I fucked up the Foundation tables on Handstand. I did

1st and 2nd workout 3x12 sec (week1).
3rd and 4th workout 4x24s (week5).
5th 6th and 7th workout 4x 30-36 (week 6)

As you can see in the last thing I couldn't always hold tripod for 36 secs. I think I tried to advance too fast.

Should I go to 4x24s? Or keep up at 4x36s? I am confident I won't be able to do 5x36s properly (week7). It would still be 5x30-36s.

I dont understand coach sommer, does he not understand the concept of specificity? Why the fuck would i do rope climbs if i want a fucking ring handstand push-up? The beauty of bodyweight training is that it's scaleable!

Thanks guys. I'll remember you when I finally make gains. I have one last question; realistically how long will it take for me to go from around the middle to the very end?

Posting helpful and interesting resources




do you guys train legs or skip them?




I skip them

shrimp squats, single leg calf raises, nordic curls, glute bridges

i run alot too so if my legs are done from a run i skip lower body and just do upper+core for that day

I train them, but once i stall full on BW ill probably drop them


I did that too except for running and didn't notice any growth. I guess the only way to gain muscle mass is to squat at the gym.

Man, that video with the 15 hardest moves ... do you have more of that kind. It's really hyping me up.




My legs have definately gotten bigger, nothing close to ss+gomad t-rex mode, but i look pretty proportional imo.

For op since he likes posting gymnastics gymnastics



Is there similar table about the stretches?

not progressions, but i like starting stretch

How hard is this moves compared to straight arm planche?

are you OP?

Do you think some of those dudes in the videos used Foundation or something similar? I want to achieve what I saw in these videos

horizontal pulls
>vertical pulls

kek, he's still pulling himself horizontally but yea

I wish we had form checks here too.

In contrast to increasing weight in weightlifting, bodyweight advances with moving on to the harder variation. Thereby you need to reestablish good form in your movements. So if one of us moves on to the next variation, it would be great to get criticism on form.

Ideally, we could have our own good form database in /bwg/.

Not op butt......

The idea of foundation is to build a base in order to preform these more demanding movements, they may have done something similar, but with probably more specificity, IMO foundation has too many variations, and not enough specificity, read link below.

Do foundation, but if there is a specific goal you have in mind try doing a little more would towards that specific movement.


Does what your doing cause any irregular pain? no?
your form is fine then, faggot.

I tried playing around with progressions towards it, the shoulder angle/core strength to do it is very similar to planche, i would say try getting a advance straddle planche before trying it out. It's also very strenuous on the elbows.

Okay will check out link
btw what is your level and when did you start? You seem experienced.

Let me see if I understood.

can I be ripped as a natty if I only do one arm pull ups, one arm push ups and one leg squats using a weighted vest?

I didn't write that for solely myself you flaming faggot. These threads are usually slow and could benefit from form check shitposting.

But no, you have to be that guy.

Form with bodyweight training can be a little subjective, however is you want a very specific skill you will need a solid form.

For instance, many people when doing planks have a lower back arch and no protraction, this usually carryovers to their handstand which gives them a banana back, with a fuck load of shoulder compensation, which intern leads to them never getting a press handstand. Ideally posterior pelvic tilt, and protraction should be done in the plank, so it can carry over to a solid handstand, which in tern will help you with more difficult skills going down the line.

Just record a video and post it, or make a webm and post it with "gfycat"

ill be more than happy to help to me best knowledge when im available.

you wont get huge but you can get ripped

add in handstand pushups, front lever rows, and ab work

>one arm pull ups
you realize how long you have to train to achieve a single rep with this exercise? You are not just gonna start busting out 1 arm pull ups and push ups your first day.

whats your definition of ripped
that's more of a diet thing to me

>Just record a video and post it

Sure, I don't feel like I'm doing something wrong but whenever I progress to a new move I feel like I'm fucking myself up with shitty form.

I don't have a camera, but I will try to get something with my phone in my next workout.

I dont think you can fuck yourself up too much with shitty form with bodyweights

I dont do foundation, but i do use alot of the mobility work, and templates/progressions to aid my training.

Currently working on the following

Ring Bulgarian hspu negative

Free standing handstand for 60 plus seconds

strict false grip pull-ups

false grip curls

you absolutely can

>lol bodyweight is only pushups and bodyweight squats though

Ever wonder why cross fitters don't progress to move advanced body weight skills?

Do it mane

What are exercises I can add to a fitness routine on off days that "do their own thing"?
As in train stabilizers without interfering too much with lifting weights (for strength).

I'm almost at 1/2/3/4 for the main lifts and want to emphasize bodyweight training and mastering my own bodyweight more after that.

I thought so. I mean I'm like 65 kilogram, lmaobabyweight 2pl8 right?

However, even the simplest shit like push-ups may enable lots of possible form mistakes. And through repetition, you may fuck up your joints. I got blown the fuck out when I watched push-up form videos on youtube. When I fixed my form, my actual push-up count dropped to a laughable number.

It's very easy to have bad form with handstand push ups especially. Maybe not with things like chin ups(all you need is chin over bar) but a lot of things can become questionable like body angle during back lever.

The best things that probably wont fatigue your muscles are handstands. Anything else will have some effect on your recovery.

Years, some skills like full planche or iron cross require 3+ years of constant work. Enjoy the ride f.am

I read the link. Now I need to know how to make Foundation work. Can you help me with that? How would you fix foundation? or at least can you tell me your routine when you started? I am so confused right now.

if you have specific goals don't follow a cookie cutter routine like foundation then. read overcoming gravity and build a routine that fits what you want to accomplish

i think the program is meant to build a foundation of bodyweight strength.
If you want to work towards rings hspu just do it

Everyone is different.

My starting point was 20 consecutive chin ups.

Over the course of a week and a half I was doing 3*10 with 55lbs.

2.5 months after that I had the one arm chin.


Like i said just do foundation, but if you have a specific goal in mind, work a little more towards it. Got any specific end goals you want to work?

>you dont need proper form


as a 3-4 exercise, ive been doing knee raises - from a dip position at the top - like 2-3 sets of 10, and now i can hold them for like 15 seconds or so. i want to start doing leg raises for like an L shape -but i feel like im not flexible enough. like sitting on sits bones on the floor is hard


if im getting some impingment on my left shoulder - i should do shoulder flexion and extension exercises ?

that coach doesnt even look strong

Fair enough, thanks.

Yea I want to be able to do all of the Foundation things like FL SL sPL HBP. My biggest goal is doing 10-15 handstand push ups.
Okay so how do I work more towards it? My current routine is pic related with no rest. I though I was already putting a lot of accent on the HS

Also can I work simultaneously towards multiple goals? There probably is some overtraining limit.

you should always work shoulder flexion and extension guy

you have any good youtube vids on right way to do it

my left shoulder may keep me from doing these types of things, for some reason it susceptible . my right is perfect tho

When are your rest days?

What level are you on hollow back press?

How fatigued do you usually feel after a week of training?








I consider HS days as rest, because it is mostly wrist work and it takes me 5-10 minutes at the end of the workout to do tripods and headstands. I just cycle the 4 days without ever resting.

HBP- I did 3 HBP workouts in a row Incline Push ups 4x12 reps so next 2-3 workouts should be 4x15. (At least it's proper form. and 10 sec rest betweens sets doing German arm swings )

I am fatigued at the end of a workout. Usually I don't feel tired the next time I am doing the same workout. Happened once - when doing side-to-side squat on SLS. I felt DOMS the second time I tried to do them so I was able to do less reps than the first time.

i mean these seem nice but dont see how they can help me fix shoulder impingement. seems like you either get it or your dont . or if you are too weak and went to fast

Id say just keep doing foundation, but there may come a time when doing the 4 day cycle will become a little too strenuous; due to the difficulty of the progressions, you may have to implement a rest day or two during the week. I would say once you get to pike hspu, go ahead and keep doing normal ring dips and try working them to higher volume, perhaps 5x10. also pick a pulling movement that you find comfortable enough to work up to about the same volume. This will ensure you don't detain the movements you neglect in foundation, and will also help with building work capacity, for those higher level skills.

you're p funneh mane

tnx. i was going to try standup commedy but my social phobia is too strong

Okay, I kind of calmed down a bit. I was worried that 1 month went down the sewer lel. Btw is this pike hspu. Closest thing I found in foundation3. It is pretty advanced. Man, thank you for all the advice you gave me.

Same, just write some material and record it, do that 100x till it feels solid, and go out there and do it

ok i just tried some of those , feels good actually. except not sure i can even get close to starting position on the standing wall raises one.

yep thats it mane, no problem im happy to help.


can you be my life coach. serious, you can help me with impingement, bodyweight training and standup.

i'll pay you

Jesus man, well just start by trying hold the begging position for about 2-3 sets of 15 seconds.

that isn't until foundation 3? fuck that noise, that's some slow ass progression

Bodyweight shit is cool, but lots of it is dependent upon being upside down for extended periods of time. I absolutely cannot stand that shitty, shitty fucking headrush that you get from doing a handstand. It feels awful and is extremely distracting. Does anyone else feel this way?

You get use to it, also breath.


It's the first exercise from HBP in foundation3. The other exercises look really hard compared to it.

Pay in heroin and it's a deal, make sure to lat me on my side after a inject too.

Yeah I used to get it. Took me about 3-4 weeks to get through it. It disappears so you should just keep going as long as you can hold it. For me it happened overnight. One day is there - the next day - it's gone, never to be heard of again.

i'll do the same motion but lay on my back and put my back flat and raise my hands above my head like that