Does it work?
Lifting for girls
All these Zyzz-wannabes can't score anything above a 6/10 club rate. If that's your thing go for it. Otherwise, lift for yourself.
For guys who say "Yes"
Please post what level you need for it to work, right now im at a pretty good level but results arent in yet
because its not only your body, it is how you treat girls, a good body allows you easily approach girls. From there on you need more than a body
I'd be happy with a 6/10 desu senpai
At my age (32) three groups of women are attracted to muscles; other gym goers, young girls, old women. Slightly culturally dependent so ymmv.
>young girls, old women
So basically everyone?
>a good body allows you easily approach girls
This is not what ive found out at all
im at 6'1'' and 210lbs currently with a pretty low bf (13%) and cutting but i have been lower and more ottermode
Approaching girls has never been easy and im curious when this comes into play
I don't really get the same mires from my own age group. So no not everyone.
A 6/10 club whore? Why? They're disgusting sluts and borderline retarded.
What am I looking at in this pic? Is that a grill trapped between his legs sucking his cock or is it just a wig?
Ah. I'm 24 so I kinda see 32 year olds in the "old women" group.
>young girls, old women
What other groups of women are there?
>young women
So, perfect?
Girls your age.
only literal faggots care about ripped fags, women want strong men with a hairy chest and that reminds them of their fathers.
>girl I like is into muscular men
>starts working out to see my chances
>jumps from 55 to 68kg of pure muscle mass in 2-3 months
>she finally notices me
>gets too intimate
>she's just into my body
>in the end rejected her
I've been dead inside ever since, all I have are my gains now
Love your gains, not some whore.
living the dream user, you found a girl who liked your bod
Id love to find something like that and ive gone from 77kg muscular to 91kg muscular with nothing to show
>gained 13kg in 3 months
Nigga, you got fat. Then again at 68kg you're probably a super-manlet.
>Having younger girls want you at the age of 32 is a bad thing
Are you retarded?
>lift for a couple of years
>interested in several girls
>they all have boyfriends who are skinnyfat 5/10
>still ignored by most women
Wew I guess personality does matter
If you want to be loved, buy a dog.
unless youre on that jamba juice theres no way you put on THIRTEEN KILOS of pure muscle mass in 2-3 months
you got fat son
Are you retarded? He never implied that
>Implying muscles matter if you don't have a good face
People will just say you are overcompensating.
>they all have boyfriends who are skinnyfat 5/10
They just don't know any better.
PEople only think that if you're a roid fag
>implying normies even know who's roiding or not
Shit, I was being asked if I juice when I was in HS and had 16 inch arms at 15%. Normies think anyone who's ottermode or bigger is on roids.
>55 to 68kg of pure muscle mass in 2-3 months
Nah, you're fat now.
So how do you succeed when all girls are sticking to their 5/10 bfs?
If only there were a term for people that aren't old, and aren't young, you know like they're age is somewhere in the middle..
Middle-aged women are old, user. Anything over 29 is old for a woman.
Be playful. Be better.
just b ur self
You don't actually have to look all that good. I've gotten a serious increase in positive attention from women and I'm still fat.
is he forcing a cat on his penis ?
Just be yourself.
Most have them probably have a better face than you do. They are likely more confident too.
40% looks
60% confidence
>40% looks
I kek'd good, m8.
How did you manage that?
Some do, many dont
Point being if all girls are taken what do?
>Point being if all girls are taken what do?
According to the entire site women are cheating cunts. Where's the problem?
Eat clean and tren hard.
Literally everything you need to pull off a picture like the op
In my experience girls rarely cheat, and id like a gf so you see the bind im in
Thinking about it, backed off from doing roids but it seems its the only way to get ahead
>girls lifting at the gym
Amusing, but pointless
Only if you do roids
>not that I care, but I oughta get a million (You)'s saying "this" for this comment
Helps a shitload. I was a beta cuck friendzoned by a girl I was head over-heels-for, lifted every day for a year and a half, and now am dating that girl. She even says I "became hot."
And I'm still an autistic beta on the inside, so if I can do it, anyone can
This. The reason guys get friend zone are they are either unattractive or crazy
How much did you gain?
>Dating the girl who once thought she was too good for you
Every girl that friendzones me I stop contact with, and if I can't because of common friends or something I just treat them politely when I am confronted but stay distant
If I am 6'2'' 240 lbs how far to go before girls dont find me repulsive?
Move on? Are you fucking retarded
Did you do her good at least
Move on to what, exactly?
How aesthetic do you need to be before girls start showing interest in you? I want to know so I can break their hearts and treat them like shit
I lifted for strength and I'm old and not that attractive but after posting 1 year progress pics I've had a tenfold increase in the number of girls and they're all contacting me now rather than me contacting them or not at all.
>They're all contacting me now
Where, on dating sites?
Social media, phone apps, life
all I'm trying to say is after lifting a lot in high school my face changed, went from a fat bullied kid in 8th grade to a ripped kid by senior year and I promise It makes it easier to get girls. I remember the girls I would be honored to date are now somebody I wouldent consider dating at all.
Do you post pics of your progress?
It will help, but in the end it's mostly about the face.
Even on roids it's impossible to put on 13 kilos of muscle in 3 months. Literally impossible.
One or two, hence the sudden and vast increase. Like I said, before I'd either not talk to girls or I'd have to initiate. I'm still lazy but now they all talk to me, including girls adding me I've never met before and female friends of female friends
Post pics
Yeah post pics or stats plz
Ive made gains of about 12 kg muscle over a longer period and so far ive gotten LESS attention from girls than i did when i was a skelly
I assure you I'm not particularly good looking or even built. You'd be severely disappointed and/or ridicule
I've gained approx 10kg of muscle in just over 1 year and didn't even have lats til a month ago. Despite all that I'm absolutely receiving far more chat, chat ups, adds and real life conversation starts from girls.
Forgot stats
60kg OHP
100kg Bench
150kg Squat
130kg Diddy
Pretty much 1/2/3/4 except for the diddy which is catching up. Lower bodyfat is what matters to girls though
I wouldnt make fun of you mate, im curious since ive gotten quite big but your experience is vastly diffrent from mine
If anything youre in a better position than me because im doing horrible in the dating game, granted i put in no effort at all but it seems you do too and girls flock to you
Ive only gotten a few girls who chased me in the past year and its not at all been as crazy as i had hoped
squatting more then you dead lift?
That is pretty strange. Something is likely off with your form. Either you're half squatting or your deadlift technique need some work. With those numbers, I feel like its likely the latter.
Deload some, and work on your from. Ask for help from someone, or watch some videos.
I'm guessing that with just some form tweaks, you could at least get your squat and deadlight equal within a few weeks
Won't bully user I promise
I was fairly antisocial so it's probably a more marked/visible difference for me. I'm just getting talked to fairly regularly by new girls now as opposed to hardly ever before.
Started squatting 10+ months ago. Started deadlifting 2-3 months ago. Catching up quick and improving my form has been the biggest thing but my grip/forearms are a huge limiting factor. Not worried about it while I'm still making progress though.
kek nice shop
Well you are looking juicy mate so if this works then im happy for you
Also i agree with the other guy, work on your DL form.
If grip is limiting you then do grip training
keep making it, friend
Height and Bodyweight?
Looking good man, im jelly. You look better than me with slightly lower stats.
I'm 5'9" and 170. Thinking I need to drop 10-15lbs and everything will be better.
hes holding her head and shes sucking his dick
you can see her left arm on the right
another 2 inches should do the trick
>midget cats.