It was a good while it lasted, it honestly was pretty interesting from an historical view, sadly it will forever be hated in Veeky Forums because of muh muslims
It was a good while it lasted, it honestly was pretty interesting from an historical view...
eh, I don't think it was that cool. They were a wasted potential, the Reconquista began right after the Battle of Tours and the Muslims were too busy with fitna to ever properly take advantage of their position ever again. They were isolated from the rest of the Islamic world by the berber kangz too after the umayyads got BTFO. It was cool but only in a 'what could have been' sort of sense
>Be Veeky Forums
>Hate /pol/ with a passion
>Decide to take all their bad qualities anyways
Why was it "good"?
Make Spain Visigothic Again
Reccared Did Nothing Wrong
the myth of the andalusian paradise is a good fucking book, and I say that as a liberal.
I wonder if future historians will happen to find this gif and be baffled trying to decipher it
Well that book describes Al-Andalus as not being a "multi-cultural paradise". I see nothing bad about Al-Andalus there.
But there's semi-quality discussion about Islamic history here all the time. Maybe the difficulty with having a decent discussion lies not only in /pol/ trying to annex the board but also with how garbage and polarizing Islam is in the first place?
If you want to see a board completely astro-turfed into something 360 degrees from what it was intended to be / originally populated by... check out /r9k/
Nice. Honestly. Your still a fag unfortunately.
>hated because of muh muslims
People shit on it because retarded liberals think it was some sort of 21st century paradise where everyone got along, when it was just as shitty as everywhere else. Read this book OP. Its very good.
Yeah I agree with the book, this just raises my opinion of Al-Andalus though.
>Reccared Did Nothing Wrong
Chindasvinto or bust
The nobility had it coming
Let the bodies hit the floor
Do it again, King Chindaswinth!!!
No, just no. Fuck pisslam. Islam's poopy Islam is stinky I fucking hate Islam it's poopy smelly and bad. Muhammad was a poopy smelly pedophile he smelled like poop Islam is poop pooplam. I hate Islam so much I don't care about Islam I don't want to learn about it. Because I don't care about Islam I'm proud to be an Infidel I'm proud to drink alcohol I'm proud to eat pork I'm proud to be against Islam.
Its was a frontier of the muslim civilization so ofcourse there would be cultural mixing its the same with the ottoman empire.
The Iberian has was and always will be Greco-Roman soil. The Saracen/Berber pilgrims and invaders made their point that Islam can be cool when it is properly governed but for Historians to say Muslim controlled Iberia was the pinnical of its existance is utterly false.
>thanks for the cool accents
>thanks for the cool architecture
>thanks for the Damascus steel
>and thank you for the cool historiy lesson
But be gone and stay gone, Credo in unim Latin Espana!
How do other liberals respond to this?
>It was a good while it lasted
no it wasn't
>foreign conquerors
>perpetual state of warfare
fucking Veeky Forums has been taken over by reddit
one thing that interested me was the resilience of the Asturias people
literally just innahills and resisting occupation to an afghanistan tier
Hmmm... what if syagrius rump state survived in normandy then conquered england in 1066
>be at constant state of warfare
>the people living under you all hate you
>get btfo by charlie
>fall apart
>a thousand years later fedora tippers say you where great cause of muh muslims
That map is strait up bullshit.
I know they have some building designs in the south that are very influenced by South Eastern Culture.
But does anyone in this thread actually know what Islamic Spain was like?
They have interesting aesthetics that for sure
What movie is this pic from?
Game of thrones
Uh, I don't know much about the franchise, but isn't it supposed to take place on a fictional equivalent of the British Isles?
like everything run by muslims, it was shit for non muslims and heaven for muslims
In what way? Or are you just here to shitpost
Reddit is a beacon of islamophobia you fag
They baned christians from owning bibles or wearing crosses
no way
Where did you hear this. Out of your asshole
it wasn't as much religious hierarchy as ethnic hierarchy senpai
it usually followed religion but it was ethnicity based
it's part of the reason why spain/portugal fetishized and over-obsessed on skin colour and race in their early years
a lot of them seem to acknowledge it
t. ledditor who used to frequent /r/badhistory
Not even Reddit tries to defend Islam any more.
It was a good while it lasted
Let's take a look : religious discrimination of non-Muslims, centuries of Arab supremacy over non-Arab muslims such as Berbers or Muwalladun (islamicized Iberians).
Yeah sure buddy
A constant state of warfare, endless infighting, Christian rebellions...
"you either convert, pay a religious tax or get beheaded" was literally the way you were treated as non muslims... also, in courts the word of a muslim was worth more than that of a jew or a christian
>pay a religious tax
The Jizya, or the taxation of non-Muslims was a pretty light sentence considering the religiously charged times. Europe was fighting over scripture as well at this time. Killing other cults of Jesus.
>get beheaded
For not paying taxes. I don't know where you are from, but the taxman has always been a bitch. 1500 years ago they take it more seriously.
Does anyone know what the exact amount of taxation that was levied on the Christian peasants?
>"you either convert, pay a religious tax or get beheaded" was literally the way you were treated as non muslims
Muslims had to pay taxes too.
>in courts the word of a muslim was worth more than that of a jew or a christian
Well, Muslim also paid their own tax called zakat or welfare but that money is only for Muslim poor only and cannot be distributed to non Muslim, however for non Muslim jizyah tax is a used where the money is channeled to poor non Muslim. Both systems are kinda same but different names. Convert or beheading doesn't take place until reconquista took place, so.
Dorne is pretty much wog land
No, it started that way (War of the Roses analogue) but Westeros is pretty much based on all of Europe.
The North - Scotland
The Reach - France
Westernlands - England
Stormlands - Germany
Braavos - Italy
Dorne - Southern Spain
Iron Islands - Scandinavia
Incredibly simplistic interpretation, Dorne is it's own meme mix of female inheritance with some med aesthetics, Bravos is Venice especially considering all the free cities are basically the Italian city states (Florence = Myr, Qohor = Sicily, Pentos = Genoa, etc)
Always thought Braavos was particularly Constantinople
TIL that muslims are based like our totally based pet negroes
How come they all speak the same language? Shouldn't they have their own especially after existing for thousands of years there.
I'm not Spanish but I'm glad for them
Didn't they influence the food as well? Not to mention all the arab loanwords in spanish.
As a historian though, it's not that good.
>The Iberian has was and always will be Greco-Roman soil
The irony is that the Moors were very integrated with the Romano-Iberian urban population that was concentrated in the south and east, and the Asturians were more thoroughly mixed with the non-Roman tribes of the north and west.
Because despite normalfags thinking it's a "dark" and "realistic" take on fantasy, GRRM has only a very basic understanding of medieval history
Who gives a shit what some pol-int-lit colony made long after this site was redditified thinks?
>tfw no Ottoman led Caliph containing all historical muslim land
This is the worst timeline
Everything in that pic is stolen Roman Clay. Gibe it back you bunch of fucking gingers.
Well, I do not like the Muslim & infidel segregation stuff
Reconquista it was just the normal and expected behaviour that native iberians (spanish and portuguese) had to expell invaders (muslims-moors) out.
Still the majority of muslims were native europeans that have been converted.
Mexican here
Got one of these DNA kits for Christmas and I sent it in to only be surprised I had a lot less Arabic or middle East genes for that matter.
We're my Spanish genes left unscathed?
spanish and portuguese aren't related to arabs, they are european stock,why are you surprised?
well under the control of the muzzys for 800 years, you'd think that some one would've dipped into the gene pool and tainted the whole thing.
Afghans and iranians would always assume I was one of them, so led me to believe I had some of there genetics.
You are mexican(literally amerindian) spaniards are white europeans.
Yes, definitely more Mestizo than anything but I do not appear to look 70% indigenous.
it'd be nice to know which tribe I was from. At this point it's like a needle in a haystack. I'd at least like to know what part of Spain my ancestors came from.
It's fascinating to wonder that someone actually got on that ship to the new world.
You wonder about yourself when your other Mexican friends are dark and straight haired black. Was jelly of there hair at times.
Superior Islamic empire coming through
Arabs were a tiny drop in the bucket, some tens of thousands assimilated into a dense native population of Iberians and Roman settlers and Germanic tribes. Most Moors were more likely to be Spaniards who had an (supposed) Arabic ancestor at some point, were North Africans who genetically were present there long before the Arab Conquest, aristocratic Roman or Gothic families who adopted Arabic names, or even Slavs.
Objectively false. If you didn't pay the Jizya you get beheaded. This was ON TOP of the other taxes. And Reagan wasn't around back then.
Second statement is bait. Everyone knows it was, and common sense says it too.
>Objectively false. If you didn't pay the Jizya you get beheaded.
Not him, but more like jailed from what I've read of instances where someone didn't pay up. It was used often for pilgrims to buy free access between Muslim ports, almost like a visa. Also, the convert/tax/die option - along with the court worth of Muslims vs non-Muslims - was mostly theoretical. There were tribes who didn't pay or convert or die for various reasons, such as allied Christian Arab tribes on account of being Arab, or aristocratic landholders who provided bureaucrats or financing to the state, or the poor souls in various wars who were never offered any choice and were simply killed. Islamic jurisprudence was for the most part what the writers imagined was perfect, Godly law in a perfect, Godly society. The reality was that people tended to do whatever and get away with whatever. You come across complaints from jurists about non-Muslims not paying the jizya often enough to realize this.
Trade tariffs and land taxes were about the only sort of tax regularly imposed with any discipline anyway.
>some tens of thousands assimilated into a dense native population of Iberians and Roman settlers and Germanic tribes.
This is the dilusion of the day, congrats, moors/berbers were an absolute minority in the iberian peninsula. Iberoian peninsula was never mass colonized or something, it was a military invasion, iberians remained what they were before (this is even genetically confirmed). The same way germans in the iberians peninsula were also minoritary