Most intelligent black person in history?
Most intelligent black person in history?
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Whatever nigger in the Sahara developed metallurgy.
So there is no “ smartest Black person” then?
Mike DeGrassi Tyson for developing Astrology
No the smartest black in history was the african man who developed metallurgy from scratch.
>African man developed metallurgy
when and where was this? sounds like hilarious bs.
If we are going to assume the Economics Nobel Prize isn't a jack-off session then William Arthur Lewis, although he shared the Nobel Prize but he is the only Black to win a Nobel Prize that isn't "Peace" or "Literature"
Dare I say, racists BTFO?
>If we are going to assume the Economics Nobel Prize isn't a jack-off session
All Nobel prizes are jack off sessions 2bh.
this, but ironically
the 'Nobel" Prize in Economics has nothing to do with the Prize system set up by Nobel. It was just named after him by sneaky people.
can someone give me the quick rundown on yakub?
The black guy who invented video game cartridges.
Malcolm X is certainly up there imo.
Somehow niggers had iron weapons meaning metallurgy meaning a black genius figured it out and taught it to outliers and this knowledge spread from tribe to tribe in Saharan Africa then eventually jungle africa.
Alan eyes
Not the smartest ever but definitely the most bro-tier.
this nigger
You desu
>Dare I say, racists BTFO?
It would just make you look foolish because of pic related. I think the "racists" you are referring to are simply those who acknowledge the biological reality of race, IQ, ect. That being said, I do applaud outstanding blacks. Being a black genius is like being a 7-foot-tall Japanese man; it's impressive due to how much of a statistical anomaly it is.
May favorites are (Jerry Lawson) and unironically Sylvester James Gates.
>ywn live in Ben Carson’s America
>Statistical average is the same thing as "all"
I thought Japanese were generally pretty tall
Definitely, for Asians. Google said their average male height is about 5'7". Slavs are about 6'1". You can see where I was going with that.
>He clearly didn't comprehend my point
>pyramids built to store grain