>He bought LINK
He bought LINK
been on Veeky Forums since the beginning
never seen a coin shilled as much as LINK
LINK faggots don't realize they're only being fudded because they were acting like spergs for weeks with unrealistic price predictions and now we get to laugh at them
>inb4 muh rent free
>muh ETH 2.0
more like Caca 2.0
I lost a few years pay. It's not funny guys :(
holy shit you're retarded
You haven't lost shit, dude. Maybe delete Blockfolio for a little while if it's stressing you out. As user said above, all of this FUDding is just revenge for the walls of LINK shill posts.
What do we actually KNOW?
>SIBOS presentation to a packed room, Sergey impressed by the increased blockchain knowledge of technical and management staff
>ChainLink provided bank data by entities like BNP Paribas ($2 trillion in assets) which is insane
>New technical staff being hired
>Smartcontract added to the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance
>Sergey presenting at DEVCON3.
It's all good in the hood.
>put 40% of portfolio @ 10k sats
Don't worry user you'll maybe break even in 2019.
Yup just now at 3850 fucking order didnt want to fill for shit goddam deluded linkies
You have to be completely retarded to believe the FUD that LINK has no working product and only has a JSON parser at this point.
Really? A fucking JSON parser in SIBOS along with 11 banks. Even a brainlet can see that this FUD is bullshit.
If LINK has a finished (not just working) product that dapp developers can use seamlessly already then it should be at a 500m to 1+ billion marketcap.
>SIBOS presentation to a packed room, Sergey impressed by the increased blockchain knowledge of technical and management staff
>price droped
>>ChainLink provided bank data by entities like BNP Paribas ($2 trillion in assets) which is insane
>price droped
>>New technical staff being hired
>price still dropping
>>Smartcontract added to the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance
>price dropped
>>Sergey presenting at DEVCON3.
>price still dropping
dont you get it? all the news is priced in. Obviously link will go up in a year or two but opportunity cost is much higher.
>"why hasn't user been around lately?"
>"i heard he lost his life savings playing with his internet coins"
>"his parents must be so sad"
In all seriousness don't stress and hodl. That was an extremly gutsy buy on such a speculative coin, but learn your lessons, ride this one out as a long hold, and you could well be rich by 2020. As long as you don't make the same mistake again, it's worth it.
>November 1st, 2017
D-ddelete this
It actually isn't funny. Fuck you Veeky Forums, lives are being destroyed here.
Hold those bags until zero... i mean lambo
Laugh it up you fuckers, it's easy to kick a man when he's down. Go ahead and use your 20/20 hindsight to make all the people who took a chance on this coin feel like shit. We gambled like all of you have in the past but, since it became popular and failed it's easy to pick on. I don't care though. I am not letting go of this dream no matter how much you mock or fud. This coin will bounce back and then we will see who is laughing.
Sorry man. Like the other guy said I'm retarded. I thought the sibos conference was going to drive the price to the moon. I legitimately thought this. This market isn't for me. Selling at the first spike before or during devcon, putting whatever's left in the bank and just accepting the wageslave life. Good luck to you though man. Thanks for not being a dick.
we wouldn't be laughing if you all didn't shit up the board for a solid month
next time don't shitpost nonstop and people won't laugh at you if your coin crashes
>The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient
>Money will always fall into the hands of those who know how to use it best
Welcome to the real world fuckers. Shit happens, laugh it off, money isnt everything
>he fell for a meme coin
Got 50k @ 15c, still comfy AF bitches, cry me a river
If you think about it, the people who bought near ATH are probably not the shills, but the shilled ones.
>That was an extremly gutsy buy on such a speculative coin
A gutsy buy? No it wasn't. It was herd mentality leading all the sheep to slaughter.
Markets will kick your ass until you learn how to handle them. Trading without a concrete strategy is economic suicide. Yeah he lost 35k, yeah it stings, but if he uses the information well he stands to gain a lot more than 35k, trust me.
i.e. a gutsy buy, but you're right. The best way to use Veeky Forums is as a gauge of market sentiment and not as actual investment advice.
pathetic LINKies. you are now DGB tier.
OK, but let me just say one more thing. Try to take yourself out of the horrible feeling of losing money for a second, and think about the bigger picture.
Let me frame the question this way:
Knowing the following:
-That Smartcontract is a company that has been around for 5 years
-That ChainLink was the first peer-reviewed whitepaper and was co-written by Ari Juels
-That Smartcontract have already demonstrated close and positive connections with the absolute top end of town (SWIFT, Santander, BNP Paribas, etc)
-That this project is the first mover to free up what is considered the bottleneck preventing Smart Contracts from mainstream adoption
-That it is designed to work with any existing software, making adoption unbelievably easy
-That its use case is so broad (any data to any blockchain) that you literally can't comprehend the future scope of this project, and;
-That this project has only just launched
Knowing all that, do you really want to sell, a month after launch, after it has dipped 33%? I don't know how long you've been in crypto, but those losses, as much as they suck, get erased in a week. With big news they get erased in a day. Do you have any actual reason to doubt the ChainLink project beyond the sick gut feeling of being down on your money?
When Eth dipped from $4.50 to $1.50 people sold. user posted some threads of people who sold at that point, they weren't pretty.
The biggest ChainLink wallets haven't sold a single token. Are you really sure you want to, and make those losses real?
>the fud shills are out in full force
Linkies on suicide watch
i suggest you take a look at the coinmarketcap list.....LINK is actually UNDER DGB, AND still dropping...fucking hilarious. linkies are getting even JUSTED harder than digicucks.