>you are allowed to go back in time
>everything stays the same - coins that mooned will moon again when you re-live that day
>catch: for every day you go back, 1 year from your total life is deducted
do you do it? how far do you go?
You are allowed to go back in time
I go back 1 year and buy ETH
literally notjing in last week mooned eniugh to qualify. make it 1 year= 1 month or some shit
Shit couldn't stay the same once you start making huge transactions that make you a fortune. Your large and influential actions on the market will steer it in new directions and everything will change.
But if you just want to make a few thousands $ you could probably get away with it and not alter the market.
>lose 365 years from life
>for every day you go back, 1 year from your total life is deducted
literally fucking retarded
just wait for the next moon mission with insane volume/market cap increase, go back one day, go all-in (take a bank loan if not enough capital) and go up like 100x overnight, retire
nothing happened recently enough that it would be worth going back very many days, i'd save it for 1-5 day span at most
i go back ten years
i can pinpoint the beginning of my pink wojack life to one day
i must stop myself
365 years
Then buy the guns and shoot myself before death gets.me
In 3 months I would come back today and buy 1m $ECC at 4 sats.
Get rekt faggots.
-365 yrs gets deducted from your life. also neo was more profitable than eth
Here's how you win this game while losing the least number of years of your life. You monitor ether delta constantly and wait for the biggest fat finger fuckup in the history of the world.
Now OP only gave us the ratio 1 day back --> 1 yr deduction, it isn't stated explicitly that you MUST go back in intervals of days. So you can actually go back 5-30 minutes or so to prep for these and you'll lose a smaller fraction.
Alternatively you can always wait for a big black swan event to occur (e.g. Amazon decides to partner with OmiseGo and will use plasma for all transactions), it's less certain but at that point you can pretty much run up your credit cards, get loans, ect. and buy in before the out of nowhere announcement.
There's a lot of fun opportunities. Shit gets real though if everyone's allowed to do this but of course this is going to alter time.
> delisted after no buyers even at 1 sat
In which case fuck crypto. Wait for a huge lottery and then pick the numbers.
I go back 4 trillion years.
this, easy peasy
reading comprehension at an all time low, no wonder all of you are poor
So what happens if I have negative years left? Does that mean I come back to life after some time?
plot twist i welcome death's cold embrace
There are no buyers because the platform isn’t live yet dumb fuck, just a heads up if you want to get in on the ground floor.
you would be dead you retard unless you live to be over 400 lmao
the correct answer is wait until the day bitcoin fucking CRASHES and short that shit on 100x margin
overflow error because the developer (god) was a fucking pajeet copied the code for life from stackoverflow so you end up 12 years old again
it's a win-win honestly.
it's called a sploit, noobs.
>the correct answer is wait until the day bitcoin fucking CRASHES and short that shit on 100x margin
100x margin so you get swatted when it bounces 25 cents above your buy in
my plan is flawless whereas you are now liquidated and you lost a year
nice brain lmao
I don't care how many years I have left as long as she's still here with me...
fucken gay
Go back two weeks and sell LINK at ath
I would go back 3 days to 10/23 and put my whole stack on XVG at 76 SATs. Cash it out at 110 - 116 SATs. I chose XVG, because it has enough volume to cash in and out large amounts of BTC without too much trouble.
>can only think of going all in
you're the tard this board deserves
>wait for the next 10x
>use up one day
>all in
>you can go back in time
>hurr why not diversify
are you retarded
real talk for a sec
are u dum
Bullshit, just check recent shitcoin that went up even 50%, if there is enough liquidity and action you could make very decent money even if you go 1-2 days back.
Don't put huge amounts, accumulate if necessary and there is enough time
good strategies but you can only go back by days
you die instantly
How about a different catch: it doesn't matter how far back you go, but as soon as you do it, the "you" in the original timeline dies instantly. Would you still do it? would you cause pain to your loved ones, knowing that they'll find your body and won't know what happened?
Stop posting my grandfather as a meme
delete this
>1 year from your total life is deducted
Wait so I am 35 and if I go back two days I'll be 33?
BTW if you like sci fi movies this is basically the plot of Primer. Some DIY garage scientists figure out how to make a time machine and start fucking with stocks etc. Don't want to ruin the plot for people that have not seen it.
yes, but dont go back more than 35 days
thanks, gonna watch this tonight now
Go back like a day and put everything on ETH Gold.
Go back a couple days and slowly put my portfolio into eth gold. Easy.
go back to walton at 1.20 put my whole stack instead of a measly $400, make 9k. put that 9k into chainlink at .12, sell on sibos for 35k put that into mona and i'd have over 100k in link and be able to actually make it
Can I chose when I go back?
Then a week is enough.
If you know exactly all the right picks for every hour of every day of a whole week in crypto, you will be millionaire in a week, even less.
If it's exact, go back 1 day and do 500x leverage cfd's, etc.
>hurr, i just lose 400 years life time
>durr, there's only one way to margin trade
>i am ze smart
Day before Eth Flash Crash.
Would be a millionaire several times over in one day. Nothing else remotely touches that one day.
I rather take 1 year in the future for 30 seconds and check co8nmarketcap
Flash crash.
Oh and for the record, Time Travel won't get accomplished in our lifetime. Proof: remember the highest poweball winnings ever was split by two or three people? If someone went back in time to the week before that they could have won and the payout to the one winner would have been more than the payout to any one single person in the history of the lottery, in other words it would have been the most likely destination for any time traveler looking to make money.
Go back 2 days. Bet my entire portfolio on the world series and every nba game I can remember.
>find coin that mooned 100x a week ago
>put buy order up
>bots outbid me
>get their orders filled
>process continues all the way up
>finally just buy a sell order
>price plummets all the way down
That's how unlucky I am
Buy Google stocks. Much better than being a cryptoloser like now, following an unregulated industry where insider trading, scams and manchilds are commonplace.
>$800 beginning of year
>$1000 now
Fucking dogecoins did better than google lmao
But you are assuming that when one travels back in time they end up in the same dimension that we are living in. That's a common misconception. When time travelers go back to a certain time in the past, the timeline they enter immediately branches off from the one that we are in, without time travel. In actuality, they shape the world with decisions they make, but only they see the world in that way. Thus, in a way, two time travelers can not meet at the same time, because they each create their own reality. It is a hard concept to grasp, but if you think about it it makes sense. When we are all able to time travel in the near future we will be able to live out the world we wished to take part in, the only catch is that you can not reenter the future without creating potentially disastrous consequences, once you go back in time you are essentially stuck there if you wish to be safe mentally and physically. But there will come a time where everyone will be able to create their perfect world; through the power of time travel. It will be glorious, and we will all have lambos and the cutest girl of our dreams, with all the happiness you can imagine, free from anxiety and depression. This world is coming soon, so just hold on guys, anyone suicidal should not kill themselves yet, cause the best is yet to come. Just hold on for a bit longer... the singularity is closer than you think, and when it happens, all of life will start to make sense. Peace and love guys; we will all make it!
>Truly the niggers of gender.
prolly catch the last doge pump
The scariest part about this, however, is that when the time machine is invented. It will not be proven to work for a long time, perhaps even for hundreds of years. The technology will be far too advanced for humans in the present to understand. So those who are brave enough to journey in the time machine will be seen as people who disappear forever, no one will know what happens on the other side, because no one can return. So stepping into this time machine could have potentially scary consequences, such as death. You will be considered dead in this dimension, but may return to a past form of your body as the same consciousness with your memories of the future still intact. It is a big leap of faith, would you do it? Keep in mind your family in this dimension will think you are dead, but you will still have the same family, just in another parallel dimension. Those who take this leap of faith will be heavily rewarded with the knowledge they take back to the past with them. Keep in mind that there are some limitations with modern time travel. You can not go back to the day before you were born, and if you return to your body before the age of your earliest memory, you will forget what you have seen in the future, making your new life just a repeat of the one you tried so hard to escape from. There is also no time traveling into the future yet, that will not happen for thousands of years.
Look at my post numbers, you can not deny this magic. It is a message from the future. Heed it wisely anons
Could you tell me what people are working on this?
Bruh I go back 8 years and load the fucking boat with bitcoin
>implying I care about 8 years when I'm old and decrepit
Mainly CERN, stay updated on their advancements over the next couple of years. Technology will only continue to advance exponentially, so fast that it's scary. Just like when a cryptocoin moons to form a parabolic chart, the bubble will pop, but this time it will not be a loss of money, but a tremendous loss of life. Things in the near future will be full of excitement and terror. We are living in special times friend
Your reading comprehension skills mean you’re never going to make it
Based retardbro
u buy bittercoins duh
seriously fucked up shit, user.
I wouldn't go back. I'm already crypto rich
go back 1 day and use 100x margin on btc...
1 day, get off Veeky Forums and play the lottery
fucking retards
>Working on time travel
lul are you retarded
btw time travel to the future is possible, we could do it right now with enough money and power. You just have to travel to a speed close to the speed of light (for example in orbit around the solar system) for some time. For example, f you travel at 99.99% the speed of light for 1 year, when you get out, 70 years have passed.
Go back 1 day ,tell my 1 day old self to go back 1 day and tell his 1 day old self to go back 1 day so on until the 323rd guy buys ark
you kill everyone in your family line that goes back to the negative years