Genetics is totally a meme guys!

Genetics is totally a meme guys!

>Starts lifting seriously for the first time
>Benches 215lb

Other urls found in this thread:

Firstly one of them was otter mode before he started lifting, and also

It's called lying.

They were probably fucking around but still working out fairly often, they only "seriously" started lifting in the last 7 months.

jealous of niggers 2bh

they naturally have less myostatin meanwhile i have to take shit like yk-11 to inhibit it

Some people already have strength. I started at high lifts because my previous job was lifting sacks of potatoes and onions all day.

Read the fucking thread, they were athletes.

>Tfw East African
>Only thing genetics have blessed me with is long legs and starvation mode body

Why live

They were high school athletes so add lifted for 4+ years

Wait. Do you really think that these guys are telling the truth? On the internet?

Also who gives a shit, they are manlets. Genetic trash

genetics were never a meme

>"At a bodyweight somewhere around 165-170, I benched 275 and deadlifted 425 that first day in the weight room – keep in mind that I’d done both movements maybe a dozen times in my life, spread over a 4 year period prior to that point – untrained for all intents and purposes."

>lifting for 7 months
>just starting to lift seriously
op what is wrong with you

>Background: We’ve been varsity athletes for the past 5 years. We actually have had short stints of weightlifting in the past; in 7th grade (12 years old) for two semesters for 45 minutes a day, the first semester of freshmen year for an hour twice a week (football conditioning, though we both quit before the season), and the summer before our senior year for an hour twice a week (track conditioning, the sport we’re varsity athletes in. They added conditioning during our senior year). Just wanted to start off by saying this because posted before and got a lot of skepticism so wanted to clarify early

>posts a thread he didn't read.

if anything this just proves that you are genetically retarded OP.

>starting with a 215lb bench

>I took up powerlifting seriously a year later after some concussions knocked me out of basketball and football. I did a little local meet with no training leading up to it and broke the state records. I learned about the 100% raw federation soon after, checked out their record books for my age and weight, and thought, “oh, I can break all those records now,” so over the next few months, I did.

>At this time, my training was incredibly stupid. Imagine the ignorance of youth combined with the added arrogance of breaking records with minimal effort, and you’ll have a pretty good idea of how insufferable and closed off to critique and criticism 15 and 16 year old Greg was. My training routine was a high volume, high intensity, high frequency, high band tension, high accessory work, high disregard for life, limb, and proper form monstrosity. And with it, I managed to squat mid 500s, bench 400, and deadlift 600 not long after turning 16 at a bodyweight hovering around 195-205.

Somali? You should be a distance runner

I'm East African too nigga. Don't blame your genetics cause you're lazy

>varsity athletes for 5 years
yeah this is totally 7 months worth of training guys!

is this somehow true or is this guy just a fucking scamming retard

he's a former WR holder and one of the best sources for lifting information out there if not the best

greg is one of the only people who will actually kick you the real deal instead of promising you a 405 squat in a few months on linear progression

Who says genetics is a meme?

A combination of genetics and playing competitive sports from child leads to a solid foundation. It also makes it easier when coming back after a break.

Remember to force your kids into sports.

>My parents got me a weight set when I was 10. It was a small bar (not an Olympic bar) that could only hold 250 pounds. I rushed down on Christmas morning, and, as any true future bro would do, I maxed out on everything. That first morning, I bench pressed 150 and deadlifted all 250 pounds with ease.

but he does sound like he's full of shit

are there truly 10yo children out there who can bench the same amount of weight a 25yo male benches after 3 to 5 months lifting? I mean what the fuck man

head on over to /plg/

a 173 17yo kid is squatting 550, benching almost 300, deadlifting almost 550

and on his first day, with ease


He's probably some sort of nilote.

big different between 17 and 10

he's obviously lying, a 10 year old boy hasn't even entered puberty, effectively giving him the strength equivalent to a 10 year old girl.

>be 5 foor 6 nigger
>do some college sports because thats all nigs are good for
>take roids
>brag about your "serious lifting routine" on reddit

uh huh

he's not lying, you need to come to terms with reality

Why be natty when your body looks like shit?

OK if they are playing college sports then they are definitely are steroids then. Nothing to see here

Yes, he is.

It's not even close to being realistic.

here's a 9 year old benching 135, and he's probably not as much of a genetic anomaly as greg is

The point isn't that young kids can't do training
It's that they don't be benching well over body weight on the first fucking time they lay on a bench

it's ok

it's ok man

you didn't win the genetic lottery

i'm sorry you had to learn this way

you must be literally retarded to believe a 10 year old would bench 135 and dl 250 "with ease" on his first day

nice 135 lb belly bump video though

>people still think genetics isn't a defining feature of strength

Lmao, its like saying you can get to 6'11" with a good linear progression program.

anyone who has been around serious lifters knows to check for a few things with newbies straight away.

wrist, ankle and neck size of an untrained person will give you straight away an idea of their totals and maximum potential.

grip strength, posture, shoulder width, these are important also.

Going very heavy is genetics, every adult human male can reach 500lb squat, 600dl, 315 bench within 10-15 years of training.

It takes a very special individual to squat 500+ dl 600+ and bench 300+.

We had this 21yr old Samoan on our rugby team, first day in the gym be squats 150kg, he just back muscled the weight. He pulled 250kg off the floor with the worst fucking form you ever saw. I saw it happen before my eyes, dude was 6'3 130kg massive legs, massive wrists, massive head and neck. Built to lift, if he wanted to dedicate himself to it he could've been a serious world competitor.

Some people are just naturally big and strong.

not everyone can squat 500, bench 300, or deadlift 600, that's very very optimistic

some 5'1" guy with 5 inch wrists is not going to be able to do those things

gonna go over there and get his ass banned lmao

squatting a little over bw first day in the gym is just decent for a dude with athletic training

>very heavy is genetics, every adult human male can reach 500lb squat, 600dl, 315 bench within 10-15 years of training.
>It takes a very special individual to squat 500+ dl 600+ and bench 300+.


>grow, grow, grow

you are genuinely retarded

That 21yr old Samoan dude clearly has been doing physical activity his whole life.

If you're not starting lifting raw, yeah you'll have decent numbers because a life of physical activity leading up to lifting gives you a headstart, no shit.

Most men can. There are some outliers out there, but the bulk of men can hit those numbers with dedicated training. I'm started a skinny skelly at 5' 11" 135 lbs, no sports back ground apart from long distance running in high school. I have a small frame. My wrists are just over 6 inches. I'm not gifted by any means. Quite the opposite. I squat 455, bench 275, and deadlift 585 after about 5 years of "dedicated" training (I'm graduating med school this eyar, so it's been pretty inconsistent).

If my shitty, small, frail body can do these things, most people can.

He meant it takes a special individual to go far above those numbers.

his family was all huge. stop fucking pretending like he got big because he played sports, we all played sports growing up, this guy was man sized at 13.

>tfw a beginner only squatting 75lb

>squtting 185 after two years of training
>I've endured an inguinal hernia on one side and a mild sports hernia onthe other jsut to get there

I'm 1/2/3.5 otherwise. I'm just not built to squat.

it's definitely not most

the population of people you see training in the gym consistently is already somewhat selected for strength, people who have incredibly poor results are not likely to stick around for years

also thin wrists are not the end all be all of gauging strength potential, and starting point doesn't tell you much about how well you will respond to training

there are so many factors that go into it

joint thickness, muscle origins and insertions, relative limb lengths, general injury resistance, how optimized your nervous system is for lifting shit

And I thought I was hot shit for DL 102kg 1st time at the gym, being 93kg at that time...


Ethiopia? Tanzania? Kenya?

A 10 year old baling hay since he was 4? and being a genetic anamoly

cat back deadlifted 3 plates my first time and pulled a disk my first time dead-lifting lmao(5'9 180 pounds).

Why is his head so fuckin big is this guy 4'5

This is sort of true, I started off with a 1pl8 bench and 2pl8 deadlift at 16 after doing sports/manual labor with little to no weight training. Decent form too, except absolutely no leg drive with my bench. It would explain why those were decent and my OHP was shit at 65lbs

no one would lie on the internet, especially niggers.

>At this time, my training was incredibly stupid. Imagine the ignorance of youth combined with the added arrogance of breaking records with minimal effort, and you’ll have a pretty good idea of how insufferable and closed off to critique and criticism 15 and 16 year old Greg was. My training routine was a high volume, high intensity, high frequency, high band tension, high accessory work, high disregard for life, limb, and proper form monstrosity. And with it, I managed to squat mid 500s, bench 400, and deadlift 600 not long after turning 16 at a bodyweight hovering around 195-205.

Seriously, what's the point of lying on the internet.

His parents also died so he has the advantage of rage fueling his workouts for years straight. That and gear.

So in a year of serious lifting he benched 400 pounds at 16.

In 8 years he only increased his bench by 75 pounds with over 40 pounds gained in weight using actual programs.

Something doesn't add up.


yeah he should be lifting 2 tons by now. WTF this is why I hate genetic-lets like that

11yaks = niggermode?!?!!!

>being jelly of subhumans
I bet you have massive jealousy on gorillas too

their belly buttons aren't even above the door handle in their pictures. i'm 5'3 and my bellybutton is above. they're fucking turbo short niggers. even i'm a lanklet to them. wtf

genetics isnt a meme. saying youre fat because of genetics is a meme.

>Yup, that's all for squat day. Though squats are almost always abs too

What did he mean by this?

>Law 30: Make Your Accomplishments Seem Effortless

Your actions must seem natural and executed with ease. All the toil and practice that go into them, and also all the clever tricks, must be concealed. When you act, act effortlessly, as if you could do much more. Avoid the temptation of revealing how hard you work—it only raises questions. Teach no one your tricks or they will be used against you.

Basically. Nigs love to pretend they do jack shit and were born ripped. Guaranteed these guys are downplaying how long they have been lifting. Haha, I wasn't taking it seriously the past 3 years.

I was just gonna say this good post tripfag

i think most people can reach those numbers under a couple circumstances:

1) they gain as much weight as they can and pack on as much muscle as possible, easily weighing probably 200lbs+
2)they train hard, not talking about your 1hr gym session then leave, but training as if it were your job

now lift for 10-15 years and given these conditions i think many people could hit these numbers. the biggest reason why most people would not hit these lifts in reality is because most people dont care arbitrary gym numbers, much less lifting in general. so none of them will spend the effort to do whats required to reach these numbers

nothing wrong with that, but most people probably have a lot more potential than they think