The USSR is so fascinating to me. It's like an early American Utopian settlement but on massive scale and shitty. What are the must-read books to read on Soviet history? Preferably on the revolution
The USSR is so fascinating to me. It's like an early American Utopian settlement but on massive scale and shitty...
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just read Doctor Zhivago
It's pretty fascinating in that it's really the last legit empire that existed.
The Bolsheviks & Worker's Control - Maurice Brinton
>tfw you widdle down the grand history of a country and start to hunger for what it was like for the average person just to live there day to day
>inb4 America is an Empire
Two Hundred Years Together, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Most of it has been translated from Russian to English here:
I prefer the term "inadvertent empire"
>Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Back to leftypol you go
Just get it straight from the horse's mouth. The History of the Russian Revolution by Leon Trotsky.
>Stalin turns one of the largest countries on the planet filled with uneducated peasants into a world superpower with almost 100% literacy
>defeats Nazi Germany, Red Army is the first to Berlin
>continues to be a match to the US and defeats it in the space race continually (first satellite, first man in space, first space station, first docking in space, an unmanned shuttle that could take off, orbit the Earth and land itself)
He stole the best parts of Trotsky's plan but implemented it in the most ruthless way possible, with a twist of Russian chauvanism. The Soviet union nearly lost the war due to his purges.
>Stalin turns one of the largest countries on the planet filled with uneducated peasants into a world superpower with almost 100% literacy
>After killing hundreds of thousands in purges and millions in famines
>Then unwittingly sowing the seeds that would destroy the Soviet Union due to constant war and expansions that would surpass his own reign
>Dragged the rest of Eastern Europe down into a miniature technological dark
>The Berlin Wall
>But dude muh literacy rates and muh space program
An hero immediately
>muh trillions
>believing Jewish propaganda
>After killing hundreds of thousands in purges and millions in famines
But user you want to kill all commies and hates slavs so how can this be bad?
it's ok to be fascinated with history of USSR especially spooky early years and cozy 60s/70s but you probably would not want to live there
I'm so confused. Are Pro Stalin people anti Semites now?
Jews killed Stalin.
Great argument.
>Jews are money-lenders, control state's central banks, and have lifted themselves to positions of power due to money and capitalism
>communism is a moneyless, classless, stateless society that wants to abolish capitalism, wage labour financial markets and generalised commodity production
>Jews in America and Europe have been on a 90-year smear campaign against communism and socialism trying to portray it as a genocidal ideology ("capitalism is true freedom, goy!")
>Jews in Hollywood can't stop making movies that glorify the profit motive, capitalism, business, use communists as bad guys and generally revise history to make capitalists the saviors of the planet
>good goys on Veeky Forums eat up kike propaganda and internalise it, defending their wage slave status because Jews in Reagan's administration told them the wealth would trickle down
>goys on Veeky Forums support a president whose daughter became Jewish, married a Jew and who is a good friend of Israel and increased military aid for them
Hell yes, communists are against the international Jewry that perpetuates capitalism and concentrates the wealth in the hands of a small number of people through nepotism and just the way wealth is distributed in capitalism.
Good. Now take the biological red pill and accept the biology of tribalism in homo sapiens. Accept that every peoples has a right to exist and be free from international, capitalist, Jewry. Viola. Now you understand NatSoc. The biggest difference is that communism was designed to be kosher and perpetuate the oligarchy.
Nations are nothing more than tribes forced to live together. Nationalists try to force the nation meme, but that doesn't really exist. Worker self-management on a small scale with federated horizontally connected communes with voluntary association who decide on their way of life is the way to go. Want to go live in an all-white commune? Go ahead.
Holy shit people unironically believe this
>radical centrist
>soy meme kek i'm smart
>US Federal Reserve Bank chairman, as well as most of the board members, are Jews.
>CEOs of banks involved in the 2008 recession (due to forcing deregulation via lobbying of congress, selling of subprime mortgages and other shitty practices) were/are Jews
>IMF, jews
>World Bank, jews
>Jews don't control banks
Holy shit these nerds are like living memes
Stalin literally worshipped Jews
Thank you facebook
Google Nazbol
>posting le /pol/ soy meme
Opinion discarded; retard identified.
Ten days that shook the world (start of soviet union)
Lenin's tomb (end of soviet union)
Kotkin's two books on Stalin (detail on exciting time)
The First Socialist Society: A History of the Soviet Union from Within (general history)
Behind the Urals: An American Worker in Russia's City of Steel (the glory years–30s)
Molotov Remembers: Inside Kremlin Politics (an extremely important figure reminisces)
I would recommend these to anyone interested in the period at all, they're some random books I like that cover most of the things I think you'd want to learn about. If you have specific requests, I can provide
fuck off leftypol
I am not from /letypol/, I am from Russia you dumb polocks
Michael gorbachevs memoirs are pretty good if you want to know about later soviet society and why it all went to shit.
>These are their best arguments against what I said about Bolshevism and NatSoc
It could take a while but I could compile a brief list.
Impractical as the collective will always be more capable and more powerful than the individual, or smaller pockets of individuals. In practice, communism has always been rampant statism.
If you don't mind the high-trotskyism, Ticktin's "Origins of the Crisis in the USSR: Essays on the Political Economy of a Disintegrating System" was one of the better analysis and predictors of its demise.
He goes over some of the dumbest bits of the soviet system of labour organisation and monetary policy.
hahahahaha epik XDD lololol XDDD epikly memed dood XDDDDD!!!!
>he believes the natsoc meme
I have. The REAL biological red pill is that race does not play as near a big a role as you would say and the number one divider in human society is class, and all nationalism does is further divide the already weak working class.
The reason you see so many soyboy """leftists""" (liberals) is because the (((capitalists))) have managed to commodify the spirit of the revolution, and now liberals have started calling themselves radical leftists, and wear Che shirts when a lot of them just spread more /idpol/ (76 genders bs, black supremacy, 3rd wave feminism etc), which is absolutely cancerous and undermines any hope of an actual revolution.
I read Lenin on the Train a few months ago. I would highly recommend. It does a really good job of tying the revolution in with European politics as a whole.
The first volume of Trotsky's History of the Soviet Revolution is pretty great. The Five Days chapter is excellent for putting yourself in the shoes of someone who experienced the 'February Revolution' as it was happening.
There are good Great Courses lecture series on the USSR and Communist China.
I'm unsure how you can recognize and name the (((oligrachs))) and (((capitalists))), yet you continue to perceive politics through their lens. Certainly, the capitalists are something that must be dealt with. But racial conflict is inherent. There is no amount of 'dealing' with the problem that will ever remove the issue, unlike the toppling of the oligarchy, which can be solved within a lifetime or two. That being said, I'm not opposed to a multi-racial alliance to band against the international bankers. Pic related was an arm of the Waffen SS.
I agree that commodified communism and all that /idpol/ crap is cancer, so I'm glad to share that common ground here.
Another thing I want to make clear is the right for peoples to preserve their tribe and heritage, which includes their genetics, and their culture. If one race wishes to separate, it is unethical for force integration upon them.