mfw thor is hopped up on juice
it's common sense. This is why Natty>Roid life
Women don't know what they want.
You know how some men like small tits and some like big ones?
most girls who have time to bother posting on plebbit are fat or memer retards, of course they only want average bodies cuz that's all they can get
>the big steroid-feuled bodybuilders are hideous
Fuck you, fucking faggot ass redditor. I bet the cuck that typed this is either a dyel manlet or a 300lb neckbeard. Hard work and effort = hideous? Suck my fucking cock. Shit like this triggers the fuck out of me. Take your skinnyfat worthless ass back to planet fitness you fucking cucklord.
also to add, you can tell by their usernames what kind of girl they are
food in name = fatty
*chan or jap sounding shit = weeaboo
kitten or something about girl power/veganism = blue haired feminist freak with shaved head
look in the op's pic, eimi-chan and risenphoenix-kai, weeaboo filth right there
For me, it's Chris Hemsworth
Anyone who isn't into bodybuilding or lifting obviously is gonna think that people like Kai and Phil look like shit. Stop being such a whiny little bitch you faggot
he is right though.
They are fucking hideous tho
It's not so surprising that women like normal dudes who's muscle makes them seem healthy and active, not obsessed and roided. Though I doubt they can tell the difference
this desu
thats my point.
>i dont like big muscles
>chris hemworth is the biggest id like
what are you trying to talk about? I don't see what's weird about this.
>ewww why are they so big and muscly lol
Fuck off cucks. Fucking insane that we live in a world where fat fucks that shovel food into their disgusting fucking faces 24/7 is the norm but hard work and effort is considered hideous. It's fine if you don't think their physique looks good, but it's moronic to call it hideous.
How can leave humanity behind?
All I'm saying is that a normal person is gonna see a roided up body builder and think it's awful. Obviously they should think the same thing about fatties and unfit people, but the roided physic (when done to excess) looks very weird.
>steroid abuse
>hard work
It's literally cheating, and it is hideous.
The fact that they dont like "big guys" but they like chris hemsworth who is unironically huge and on juice. I guee the main take away is that as long as your natty you will never be too big, No one finds these roided out freaks attractive except a very small niche.
Dont tell me about hard work you fucking cheater. Roiders can sit on there ass and gain muscle. You literally couldnt stand the hard work so you fucking cheated.