how much of a difference does high natty test levels make? i always thought i was low T until i got bloods done and found that im at 713 ng/DL which my doc made seem fairly high. I have pretty low confidence/assertivness and have always had low interest in getting a gf compared to my peers so ive pretty much been single my whole adult life.
what gives?
Test levels
Your problems are social, not chemical
You're a fucking autist
713 is on the higher side, especially if you are actually an adult, which you are not, but it's still kind of up there.
But yeah, you're an autist.
>Shaper mind
was waiting for this reply, but im not even that autistic atleast ive never had problems holding steady friends or fitting in I just lack some of the masculine qualities i desire.
On the topic of testosterone, what's a good diet for naturally increasing it? I know that soy is bad, but that's about it.
>tfw when to inteligence for shaper minds
That's pretty high. Different tests have different definitions but normal is like "250-1000" so you're on the high end. Do you know your Free Testosterone? That's important.
I had my T tested like 3 years ago and it was like 275. I was fine, I was lifting weights, my numbers were good, my bench was like 375, deadlift was 500, squat was 400 something. Then something happened, still working with doctors to figure out what. My T went down to 170 and my free testosterone was super low.
Gained 20lbs of pure fat. Lost motivation to work out. Lost motivation to fuck. Lost motivation to do almost everything. Started losing erections. Shit is terrible.
Currently on T-replacement and things are slowly improving, but working to find out the cause and reverse it.
Shellfish. Vitamin D supplements. Egg yolks. Tuna. Milk. Zinc.
But the rise is pretty moderate. Google around, the site ArtofManliness has a good breakdown of what you can achieve with diet
20 year old here, test levels at 310.
Is this low? Is it low enough for TRT?
Also my FSH, LH and Prolactin are higher than normal.
I have hypothyroidism but I'm taking medication. What does this mean?
How do you get your test level tested? Do you go to a gp and just ask for it?
It depends. Most normal doctors won't put you on TRT for 310 especially at your age.
However, if you wanted TRT or you wanted to get T for a cycle, look up Anti-Aging Specialists or "Men's Health" doctors. These guys will most likely be more than willing to give you a prescription to get your levels "optimal."
It's like how if you ask your GP for weight loss drugs he'll say "No, just eat right and exercise" but if you go to a "Fat Loss Specialist" he'll write you whatever the fuck you want for money.
A complete physical blood panel may include it, but I asked my GP to test my levels because I was experiencing all the symptoms of low T so he ordered the test.
Also lots of "Anti-aging" places or Men's place will do the test cheap in hopes of selling you on their services later.
>found out i had 379ng/DL when i got tested
>1 whole month of 10+ hours of sleep & eating big & meditating
>Got tested again, results came back way later but test was now at 593ng/DL
>noticed better progression in lifts after getting shit loads of sleep and food
>after 3 months got tested again
>test recorded at 633ng/DL
>Still not visibly muscular even though 2plate bench and squat and 1 plate OHP for 5x5
>order test online and go to reddit for roid help
>yes reddit is actually way more helpful than /fraud/ is regarding roids
>start taking 100mg
>fucking gains everywhere
>bench/squat/ohp all increase by 20lbs on first month
>bloodwork comes back with test at 1340ng/DL
Yah, whoever spouts that bullshit (I've seen some anons post it) about how training doesn't really matter if you got low test and how gains don't matter as long as you are consistent with your training routine was an outright liar.
Eeverything is so much easier with high test, I can't even describe it to you OP, it's like you feel strong and happy and nothing can get in your way, not even, it's like walking on sunshine, for me personally, but hey, don't mind the user who said they gained 20lbs on OHP with 1 month, pay no heed to that user because he must be bullshitting.
how do u sleep for 10+ hours a day wtf
What about side effects of your treatment. Are yoh going bald? I have thick and strong hair and I am not sure if I want to exchange it for test. Also what about your balls and erections pls respo d
Autist = chemicals you autist
Another trt guy here who blasts occasionally. You'll only go bald if it's in your genetics. (Mom's dads) if it is then yes it miiiight speed up the process might not. Just like creatine.
Well, my dad had thick hair so did hos father. But me mum's father was 100% bald.
Creatine speeds up balding? Started taking it a week ago and noticed some hair when I washed myself. Fugg
How are the roid side effects?
You are that Brazil Nut Butter guy. I recognize those numbers and story.
Im interested in this