Hey fit I just started reading ss and I have one question does the book give a routine to follow or do I make on my own?
I haven't read far into the book but I would like to start the program while still reading it, I don't know if further along the book gives a routine or not. If not could you guys recommend one?
/Starting Strength/
How about you keep reading the book and see if there's a routine in it, dipshit.
I'm convinced that there are organized shitposters dedicating their time to ask the same three or four questions about SS every day on Veeky Forums
You're going to get a lot of conflicting advice.
Protip: "Starting Strength is a meme" is a meme.
Yes there is a routine. Problem is you can't do the routine unless you know how to do the movements, which you won't know until you read the book, which is why the routine is near the end.
Also, there's a table of contents that tells you what's in the book and where it is. Do you not know how to read a book?
>tfw to intelligent to read
Here's your routine:
Squat 3x5
Overhead Press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Chin-ups for reps
Read the squat, press, and deadlift chapters first so you don't fuck up your body.
Then, read the bench press chapter and alternate that with overhead press.
Anthing more than that is just extra gains, but not really nessisary.
>wanting to invest years of hard work into body
>failing at the first effort to spend few days reading
oh boy
Don't fall for the SS meme, do 5x5 stronglift.
Program is GOMAD. If you honestly missed that, start over from page 1
Stronglifts is so much worse for aesthetics:
Still squatting every workout, but now you're doing 66% more work, so the weight progression must slow down.
It has half the deadlift volume in order to include rows.
It doesn't have chin-ups.
Basic Stronglifts does NOTHING for your biceps.
Do SS but replace power cleans so it's less of a meme
People should do starting strength with deadlifts every workout until they can at least deadlift 2pl8 safely with good form.
this, I do SS but I replaced cleans with Rows and i do chins and curls added on one day and dips and skullcrushers added on another day.
THE POINT is that you first build strength, then you go for another workout, that's not SS actually but long reps, low rest.
I replaced cleans the first time round with rows aswell, but I recently started a new round of starting strength with cleans.
Initially I had a hard time not rounding my back doing cleans which led to lots of back pain.
Then a couple months ago I nearly went to snap city doing deadlifts(was no longer doing SS at that point), so I decided to deload to babyweights and restart a SS cycle with cleans to strengthen my back.
SS is a shitty compromise between SL and conventional bodybuilding workout.
It's a fucking meme.
The philosophy behind Stronglift is what every bodybuilder should agree on: you need strength to build muscle.
SS won't let you add weight in each workout, you don't train to build strength but to start building it...
You need to bench 12x100kg before you can think of getting bigger pecs.
>SS won't let you add weight in each workout
yes it will
Do Greyskull LP, its in the sticky.
Its version of SS that makes you not hate yourself.
All of your shit is fucking dumb.
>Need strength to start building muscle.
The fuck are you on?
I guess you're another long reps faggots.
I have no idea what this even means.
>SS won't let you add weight in each workout
Adding weight each workout is the basis of SS, don't talk shit if you have no idea about it.
It means you jerk off with curls and have no gains whatsoever ,then you start blaming nutrition while getting fat for no apparent reason.
What the fuck, cleans are the most fun.
I'll trust a renowned coach and credible source before I trust a random Veeky Forums DYEL thanks. I'm already stronger than 90% of the memers that go to my gym doing their brosplits and ive only been lifting for 2 months
>someone wants to finally get active and use his muscles
>fit unironically tells him to stay at home and read a book
fucking nerds
this, OP. GSLP allows you to get strong and not look like shit.
But do you deny that you could have been even stronger by doing SL?
No because the increased volume slows weight progression. I also heavily doubt Mehdi's credentials as a trainer or an authority on lifting in general.
>SS won't let you add weight in each workout, you don't train to build strength but to start building it...
so my 3 plate squat wasn't actually a result of doing Starting Strength for 5 months but rather the milky jetbeam farts from GOMAD?
fuck me
>he doesn't even work out in the library
I've heard it's better to have high frequency as a beginner i.e work out as many times per week (at least 3). is it needed to limit yourself to only 3 days for rest?
the last sentence in your post might answer my question though
>It has half the deadlift volume in order to include rows.
um "no", it has the same as SS.
>SS generals
Oh boi
>I've heard it's better to have high frequency as a beginner i.e work out as many times per week (at least 3). is it needed to limit yourself to only 3 days for rest?
In theory, you could start all of your lifts at zero pounds and do them daily adding one pound a day. At a certain point, you wouldn't be able to recover and would have to do any given lift every other day. The recovery gap would keep growing until you get to lifting heavy once a week for any lift. At this point, Starting Strength would say you are now an intermediate.
Starting Strength (and most programs) simplify the recovery process by doing a schedule which gives you more rest than you need at the beginning in hopes that you won't burn out.
Starting Strength begins with deadlifts every workout and only adds in power cleans when recovery has become an issue.
In Rip's words:
Do Squat, Bench/OHP, and Deadlift "until the freshness of the deadlift has worn off a little and after the quick initial gains establish the deadlift well ahead of the squat. At this post the power clean is introduced."
I start with squats always, does it make any difference? I usually recover enough in between when I do bench press/press
Squats are first for three reasons:
1. They get your whole body warmed up
2. They can effectively start from zero pounds when warming up
3. The pressing movement in the middle gives you some rest before doing deadlifts.
I think he means at first you deadlift during each workout and add power cleans later rather than the first exercise in each workout being the deadlift (it's the squat)
Yes, that's what I was talking about. Starting Strength begins with:
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5 / Press 3x5 (alternate these)
Deadlift 1x5
Deadlift is always the last lift of the three barbell lifts for the day.
You do the beginner workout for a few weeks and then add chin-ups at the end of OHP day.
Then, when your deadlift gains have slowed and you are confident in your deadlift form, add power cleans every other workout so that deadlifts and power cleans will alternate.
Don't add power cleans too soon. Be conservative and max out your initial deadlift gains. If you are over 30, you might want to skip power cleans all together. In either case, try to get a bodyweight deadlift before experimenting with power cleans.
you should be shot in the head with a captive bolt gun for this level of stupidity
you deserve death
>mfw no qt 3,14 amazon who can do handstands gf
who's that artist?
OP this is what you do if you want to look good and get the benefits from SS:
Squats 3x5
Bench Press 3x5 + a fourth set of 8 with less weight
Deadlift 1x5
Chin-ups 3x5
OHP + a fourth set of 8 with less weight
Power Clean/Rows 5x3(PC)/4x8(Rows)
Curls 3x12
Chest isolation 3x12
This will give you a balanced physique, and the extra set on upper body movements will give more muscle.
Not sure. Found it on Veeky Forums many years ago. I keep it as inspiration to keep lifting until I can do moves like handstand push-ups and press handstands.
>Power Clean/Rows 5x3(PC)/4x8(Rows)
chose one of them. and for rows i wuld recommend one armed dumbell row with some cheating. Its great for upper back, grip and obliques.
>SS won't let you add weight in each workout, you don't train to build strength but to start building it...
lmao what i have heard of ss is that that is literally the idea of the whole program to constantly add weights every fucking time you lift
>This will give you a balanced physique, and the extra set on upper body movements will give more muscle.
No it won't, this will only reduce your gains on the main compound movements which are the sole purpose of the whole program.
Just do the fucking program by the book. Its much better that way.
it wont. all youre doing is adding 2 assistant exercises (curls and chest) for the muscles that would otherwise would be worked half as much or less than their antagonists.
Rip says himself in practical programming or an article( cant recall which one) that adding a fourth set of 8 is enough to get more volume for building muscle.
And that the 4th set of 8 should be dropped when you start stalling.
Its not gonna hinder anything other than making it more balanced.
I'm too afraid to do deadlifts, should I just scratch it and do the rest of SS anyway?
Squats are scarier than deadlifts tbqhfam.
Na, why?
>it's in the sticky