It's black history month, where we celebrate figures in the civil Rights movement

>it's black history month, where we celebrate figures in the civil Rights movement
>Instead of actually interesting black history like African warrior cultures and animism

Why do Americans do this? Why not call it "Contemporary African American History Month" like it really is? Why don't they teach people about the Zulu expansion or the Haitian revolution?

>why do the celebrators of an incredibly ethno-centric holiday restrict the time period and location of the people that holiday celebrates
gee i dunno

It's a shame really, voodoo is one of the most interesting religious movement in all of African history but you never hear anything about it.

Black history month is MLK, Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X. That's it. Then they have to grasp for straws to come up with black inventors and authors when there is a world of history about topics that normies just can't handle.

>have to grasp for straws to come up with black authors
Ebin meme. Off the top of my head:
James Baldwin
Bob Herbert
WEB Dubois
Booker T. Washington
CLR James
Toni Morrison
Maya Angelou
Fredrick Douglass
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Langston Hughes
Ralph Ellison
Huey P. Newton
There are plenty more.

Oh awesome my favourite month of the year. All hail the blacks, tell me more about the blacks, I can't get enough about yank blacks and their morally pure and superior history. God is black, black is inherently good, more blacks the merrier!

Who's your favourite american black, OP?

>black history month
>it's the shortest month of the year
What did they mean by this?

Youre words carry less meaning when you tell them that the slaves ruined a nation 100 years prior

Why do Americans have a whole month dedicated to "black history"? It's pretty fucking weird.

lotta nig nogs and people who like nig nogs over here, user

There's a lot of Asians here in Australia, we don't have a whole "Asian history month".

I can't tell if you're actually dumb, or you just refuse to think about what you actually type.

>huurpa durrp respect my amerimutt "education"
lol okay

I didn't say respect anything, you mong. But at least you answered my question. It looks like you take a little from column A and B.

You didn't explain yourself, you mongrel. Just answer the question, no other nation on Earth has this.

>Web Dubois
>Frederick Douglas
>Famous/ good authors

Most of the people you listed are just pro black activists, and yes this small pool is grasping at straws

What is there to explain? It's the same reason Germany cast out all notions of the Nazi party. They felt bad, much like Americans felt bad for African slaves. I called you dumb because you couldn't figure that out for yourself. This isn't some grand sociological puzzle. Idiot.

>durpa hurp we'll change the entire curriculum and dedicate an entire month to making blacks feel better because white guilt
I seriously hope amerimutts aren't this brain damaged.

>Booker t Washington
>Malcolm X
>People with a high literary merit

Zora Neal Hurston, Chinua Achebe, Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, these are good black authors. Even they are small cadre of authors

That's exactly what it was. You can claim we're brain damaged, but you're the idiot who couldn't figure it out. This is Veeky Forums not /pol/, go shallow shitpost somewhere else. This is HISTORY meaning it has already happened, you can look back and ascertain why, or you can act like a drooling retard and ask stuoid questions just for a rise. Right now, you're being a drooling retard.

>Booker T

>Names politicians as part of a list of well known authors
Because the first thing people think about when they think of Thomas Jefferson is his artistic merit.

>You couldn't figure it out
I just didn't want to believe the most simplest, most asinine excuse would be the legitimate one, I guess it's enough for your tiny brain but not for me. It's actually sad that Americans have fallen this low desu. It's essentially white guilt taken to the next level, even 1984-tier countries in Europe don't do this.

I hope your country can fix itself soon, take care.

This is why you claiming anyone else has a "tiny brain" is ironic.
>even 1984-ttier countries in Europe don't do this
Great Britain literally celebrated black history month in 1987. That's exactly what those European countries did. You can claim its asinine all you please, but just because it's the simplest idea doesn't make it false. I'll refer you to occam's razor.

Because those blacks have literally nothing to do with African Americans?


>It's called black history month
>Not African American history month
>Only focuses on African Americans
Rly makes u think

Thinking is anathema to American education friend