Request Network

started buying REQ two days ago.

Average around 0.00015 ETH.

ICO price is .0002 ETH.

Big news coming out on Oct 27.

Feeling comfy AF.

Other urls found in this thread:


Me to user. Bought at .13
Lets hold hands

Same here. I took a bit off of my Link stack for it.

>big news

There are no big news expected on 27th. Just minor developer update.

more Due Diligence on REQ.

reqtards lmao

When the fomo starts I'll be laughing so hard at the fudders

I knownas soon as I sell my link for req it'll moon

wax on wax off

REQ is a moon mission just waiting to be explored. new paypal

shut the fuck up I want this board to feel my fucking pain when they miss out.

Don't sell it all. I sold 10% of my Link stack for Req. I think Req is likely to 2X before Link does but I also believe in Link far more.

If Link moons first I'll just eat the 10% loss. If Req moons first I'll sell 90% of it and put it back into Link.

sold my bat for this shit LEGO

priced in

guys dont click this i just lost all of my freaking REQ

I'm a poorfag so 10% is like $20

Holding 22000 REQ, ready for moon missions!

Is this thing on any exchanges besides ED and mercatox?

Oohh NOoo MY REQ!


listed on binance just now


This is a blue board.