ITT: Historical figures that cause massive butt-hurt
ITT: Historical figures that cause massive butt-hurt
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umm so when is Hitler going to be posted?
Literally who?
Indians hate him. See how he killed 6 gorillion Indians with one simple trick
>not even knowing who fucking ataturk is
get off this board
This is an actual example.
Never seen so much poo in the loo.
>anglo education
Vlad probably hurt a lot of people's bottoms
>>Anglo education
Probably removed the FB
it's a way of not giving any (you)'s
But the (you)s must be evenly distributed to the people comrade!
Fransisco Franco
>Makes fascists butthurt because he dumped their economic policies
>makes commo's butthurt because he blew them the fuck out
>Makes monarchists butthurt because he didn't reinstate it immediately
Best answer in this thread
This, i wont give any (You)s to tankies
>rally the different nations against the Nazi/fascist threat
>liberate Yugoslavia without the help of the Red Army
>create a socialist worker's utopia with worker self-management, worker resorts
>industrialise the nation and build factories all over the place creating real value and quality products
>increase the literacy of the previously-peasant population to 100%
>build major universities in capitals and all over the place
>people from all around the world want to study there (Qaddafi was educated in Yugoslavia)
>resist Stalin and survive assassination attempts
>play the West like a harp and extract money from them to industrialise the nation, ensure that no one goes hungry
>create the Unaligned Movement because fuck NATO vs Warsaw Pact bullshit
>create a world power with over 8 million able-bodied, trained reserve soldiers
>have state-of-the-art navy and airforce
>Yugoslav passport opened all doors and could travel anywhere and be welcomed
>let Italians have Trieste despite it being 90+% Yugoslav because realpolitik and statesmanship
>foment brotherhood and unity
>be beloved by all people, when he died people were crying in the streets
>most visited statesman's funeral ever, even more than the pope
>be a total player and have the Queen of England fawn over him
>outlive Stalin, Churchill, Truman, etc.
Now (right-wing) Croatians say that it was a period of Yugo-communist darkness and want to remove his name off the streets and squares. Everything worthwhile that exists in former Yugoslav countries like schools, hospitals and universities was built during Tito's time. In the 25+ years of Croatian independence only one primary school was built and 13+ churches in the second largest city (Split).
Things he did wrong:
>didn't ensure a power vacuum wasn't created due to his sudden death
>allowed religions to spread and build churches and mosques instead of crushing any type of nationalism
based Goering
He's the chad to Goering's virgin
the only thing he did wrong was not finish the job
cry more /pol/yp
Damn you dumb
No one is interested in turkish history, roach... well, maybe turkish defeats
>create a socialist worker's utopia with worker self-management, worker resorts
stopped reading there
STILL causing massive butthurt amongst degenerates and modern day barbarians
Did you actually read those papers? They all say that it wasn’t due to worker self management, it was due to government intervention.
Nvm I didn’t read your earlier posts
Kinda incredible how he managed to unify such opposed groups
>Croatians say that it was a period of Yugo-communist darkness and want to remove his name off the streets and squares
based ostrogoths
Everything Stalin did leading up to and during WW2 was justified, not so sure after that.
"They're just pamphlets, calm the fuck down"