/fraud/ general

Autistic manchildren on steroids general

There's a wiki somewhere if you can find it.

Other urls found in this thread:


you guys didnt tell me that I cant drown my sorrow with roids

Just pinned prop for the first time.

Should I take 0.5mg of adex EOD or use that only when I'm feeling high estro symptoms?

>There's a wiki somewhere if you can find it.
Lazy cunt.

Damn, I was about to. Use it wisely.


yeah but im kind of afraid of using it, think im still too weak
want to use it on my next cycle when i have more muscle maturity

start taking it when sides appear.

I never get tired of these.

can someone post that 24 year old bodybuilder that MAST posted that looked like 50?

its never too early to start taking tren son.

or just any young bodybuilder that looks old with messed up skin


does deca really help with skin ?

yes it will clear your acne.

I doubt Steve fucks with deca.

Gotta hop on that growth for skin

On Saturday night, since I have no social life I turned my training routine comprised of a 10 word txt file into a pdf.

What do you guys think of my autism?

> replies with lazy cunt
> doesn't include the link himself
how berry meta

>I doubt Steve fucks with deca.
why? Calum uses it and dbol and manage to not look bloated

calum looks wet af tho.

Justin Compton looks fucked Google him

Got a bunch of superdrol and tren
Wife got some var

Dammit Brick

that is the most shitty attempt i have ever seen at hiding a REEEEceding hairline

did steroids make any of your lives better?

Most definitely not


man that was really great.

doubt that

affording or finding legit hgh is something i can only dream of

>>affording or finding legit hgh is something i can only dream of

>what is leddit

I got a few weeks worth of anadrol for free with an order. Is it worth taking alone let alone is it work doing a cycle of it at all?

I'm on Fin and .5mg Duta/week.

Will a low Test, high Deca cruise fuck my pee wee up? No sides from either fin or duta currently.

Is it true that Deca + Anti-Androgen will eat my hair?

Sure sex life with my wife increased with new self confidence. Same with job performance due to confidence.

Increased activity because of seeing the changes in my body increased my drive.

No not alone would be stupid and a waste after having to pay for pct.

That's what I thought. Everything I read people just use it to jump start a cycle of slower acting substances

>jump start

With a test base sure, definitely.

I should have put it in quotations because it's not the proper wording.

I have heard various posts among various forums that deca + fin/duta is a really bad idea.

I wouldnt do it. Just do low test, high deca, that will do barely anything to your hair.

Thanks for the (You)

Yeah, heard similar things. What about just a Test/T-bol or Var blast/cruise?

I'm bound to fin/duta, as i have hairloss.

Guessing Tren is a no-go as well?


I read the wiki about formation of breasts on males, but will extra cardio and lots of chest slow that down?

no lol

re-read the estrogen handbook page because you clearly didn't understand anything

are you fucking retarded

I'm 20%+ BF and I'm on test. Should I take my AI EOD or wait until I start getting bitch tits to take it?

Please does anyone know of a full scope athletic strength and conditioning routine I can read about or ideas in creating my own? I don't even know if those are the proper terms or what to even Google for routines like this. Something like:

>Monday: Upper strength 5x8
>Tuesday: LISS cardio
>Wednesday: Rest
>Thursday: Lower strength 5x8
>Friday: Agility work (box jumps, foot ladder etc)
>Saturday: HIIT

Wtf would a routine like that be called?

I guess it'd be better for 2 full body days rather than a U/L split bit whatever. Like I said I need help making a routine like that


>cardio prevents gyno
fkn lmao, do you think cardio makes you shredded too ?

try not being a fat fuck and eating estrogen loaded milk.

cant help with those brah, i only do test

if you are eager to stay on fina, then dont do deca brah.

no idea about tren

Check out Juggernaut method for ideas on mixing conditioning and strength training

Check out Triphashic Training and Cal Dietz in general for athletic explosivenes, speed, etc

Agility and shit you're on your own I don't know anything good for that.

when will this meme end

you will 99.9% need it but you might be one of the lucky few

you can wait until you feel a tingling sensation in your nipples. or just start with 6.25mg on every pin day and stop if you feel like you're having joint problems. your choice.

You're a fucking retard.

Athletic training is about the most important time to develop a routine. It's not just hurr go get a pump and hiit bro

never just like natties will never stop thinking they are gonna look like jeff seid after lifting for x years

>sees roider in cbt

>hey guys what routine gets me thicc xDDD

>what routine do i do for this body
>what routine do i do for my wide hips and narrow shoudlers xDDDD

I might opt with taking it regularly 2bh. I'm not familiar with how quick estro acts, but I definitely want to avert any of the sides as well as I can.

I'm thinking about going with 0.5mg E3D. How does that sound?

0.5mg of adex eod is a lot if you haven't had any signs of high estro yet. start at 0.25 eod and go from there.

not when you consider his 20% is realistically 30%

Alright, I'll do that.


It's not though. I'm somewhere between 18-22%.

85kg 182cm lifting for 4 years.

The last 4 years my mothers pension gone from $1.8k a month to $1.3k, guess which country I live in

>Gets a routine
>it says, Monday, you start off with 6 sets of bench press, and then 4 sets of DB flys.

Hmm so if you do 5 sets of bench press instead, and you skip the flys and do incline DB press instead, you are going to lose all your gains because you didnt follow a routine?

Its fucking pointless. Pick the exercises that benefit you the most, do those exercises until you have to throw up. Do them with intensity. Who the fuck cares if you do 6 or 10 sets of something. Who cares if you do 6 or 8 reps of an exercises.

Who cares if you train for 1 hour or 1hr20mins.

It doesnt fucking matter. If your workouts are fucking hard and really intense, you are going to get fkn jacked and athletic no matter.

WHY the fuck do you have to follow some fucking autistic routine as if that magically does wonders just because its written down on some fucking paper sheet or something.

i will never understand it

>hey whats the best routine for abs?
>uhmm well how about you just TRAIN YOUR FUCKING ABS
>nono i need an autistic number of sets and reps and order of different exercises otherwise it doesnt work

kys kys kys


Hurrrrrrr ukraine


I used $ because there are a lot of americans here

Any of your get your cardio by skating? I've been doing distance skating on a longboard for two years now and I have jaisu legs plus I don't pay for petrol anymore. Living in a coastal town with a really pretty beach run helps, feels really zen with the sights, smells and sounds of crashing waves.

This, it really didn't take long for me to ditch everything and work off my own plan, probably the closest routine would be PHAT as a base. Just take lots of vitamin b12 and lift bar.


That means that after taxes she would have $900 a month lol, and it is only gonna get worse

Is 19 too late to take HGH and make height gains?

Stick with what you know

If you go as hard as possible on squats, you'll be fucked for cardio and practice drills later.

If you go balls out on HIIT you'll fuck yourself for explosive/plyo training.

If you're a thrower, going too heavy too often on bench will slow you down.

There's a few examples of why you need to plan out what you're doing if you're going to train for a proper sport.

Not everyone is training to be a bodybuilder, sometimes you have to take recovery into account. Now go be stupid somewhere else.


idk lets use me as an experiment since i am on 10 iu eod

if its overdosed like the other batches of black tops its more like 15 iu eod

Government needs that money to keep Ahmed and friends fed and warm.

When is there gonna be an ethnic cleansing in your country? Too cucked?

it's far too late

>When is there gonna be an ethnic cleansing in your country?
never, it is too late now, literally nothing can be done, as soon as I'm done with uni I'm going to the states and after that I will get my mom there too, I'm pretty sure that I can give her $5k a year

Is 18? When is the latest you could?

How old are you swoleface?



it's not about the age, it's about whether your growth plates have fused, which is different for everyone

but there's a 99% chance they've closed if you're 19. if you grew within the past couple months you might grow again, otherwise it's over for you

>Went from nordic badasses that terrorized everyone with a coastline and crossed the Atlantic without knowing shit about what might be there
>To accepting the importation of inbred dirty muhammeddans

Well shit, how can I know for sure? Don't most people grow past 18?

>>but there's a 99% chance they've closed if you're 19.
since when, i always hear about faggots talking how they grew an inch or two from 18-25

Where did you get your HGH? Dark net? Isn't that shit expensive as fuck?

they are outliers

OK for real, why the fuck do they send 1 ml of BAC water with HCG? What a fucking useless amount of BAC water. What am I supposed to do, inject 0.05 ml for an actual therapeutic dose? You don't need to inject fucking 1,000 iu of HCG. Idiot drug manufacturers.

I think growth plates take a while to fuse completely, but if you can get your hands on HGH you better hurry the fuck up

Do you not understand the difference between routines for lmao aesthetics and actual athletic conditioning? You think amateur boxers just walk into the gym and say

>hurrrrr routines are dumb I'm going to do whatever I want. HIIT 4 days in a row followed by a full body day in the gym!

I wasn't asking for a body building routine where all that matters is volume/frequency/intensity. I wasn't asking for the best set/rep scheme or how often I should hit pecs and at what angles.

I'm asking for an outline for proper conditioning and strength where shit like separating days of HIIT and LISS and skill work actually matter. You think I'd be able to go all out boxing in my gym right after I do hill sprints?

I've read Juggernaut but forgot about it thanks. I'll check the others too

How long do they take to fuse??? And I want to point out I'm 18 anyways, was on this thread 2 days ago in fact

my dick

some people stop growing at 15 some at 23, get an x-ray if you haven't grown taller in the last months you probably won't on hgh anyways, if they were open you would grow like 1/8'' at most

pls respond ;_;

Does anyone else here train like this?

Do you look better than me? I know you don't post pics but I'm curious your height and weight and how you would compare your physique to mine

A normal bulk is like 500 kcal surplus abouts, but what should your surplus on 500 test be too maximize muscle growth?

How would I go about getting that X-Ray?

don't focus on a set numbers for bulk or cut, weigh yourself and set goal for weight every week/month

idk man contact a hospital I don't know how your healthcare system works

so go ask on a hill sprinting boxing forum and not a steroid bodybuilding thread you fucking retard

So what about NBA players who clearly took HGH? Like Dennis Rodman had a huge growth spurt AFTER high school and sprouted like a foot from when he was 18 to 19.


>going downstairs to gym
I am not going to react
I cant
Or i will fucking wind up
Jesus i cant think
Tren rage is real

Retard ass brother keeps putting mouse traps on the stairs to the gym

Last time my dad stepped in it...

About to have a heart attack from rage holy shit...

I need to sell his steam account

Anyone notice they sweat more when at a caloric defecit? Is lipolysis thermogenic?

the post you quoted here answered that question

what has you confused

how much would a low dose of hgh cost for a cycle?

how long is a piece of string? what do you mean by low dose? 2iu? 4iu? 4iu would be twice as expensive as 2iu so hard to answer

So what I'm gathering is that I don't have much time to fuck around. Is there any tips you guys might want to give me since I don't have allot of time to research? I've never injected anything in my life.

do you have any idea how expensive hgh is lol

what a pointless thing to be mad about

Not really? I have a few thousand dollars I'm willing to invest in myself. I can hustle a few more when that runs dry.

How much do I need? No price is too high for my own body.