First day on Veeky Forums was two days ago and a friendly fellow replied to me in this post....
Good fucking thing I didn't listen !!!!!!!!!
First day on Veeky Forums was two days ago and a friendly fellow replied to me in this post....
Good fucking thing I didn't listen !!!!!!!!!
yup, been watching it all day starting at 1.50... etherdelta is so fucking hard to understand because it moves so god damn slow
Whoever you are bud if you are seeing this drop me your telegram @ again... I forget to save it and lost the thread...only capped the steps
I got some ether today...won't arrive in CB for a week... when you say slow what do you mean exactly? Slow for people to purchase at your bid price? Or the actual website
Dude! That was me! I sold at .0038. I wish I had stayed on board.
Anyways, good luck!
what was your telegram @
the actual website, the chart hardly updates
Yep that is you ... cool I'll hit you up sometime