Anyone else drink 7 days a week, and still hit the gym 5 days a week? Usually have 2 40zs a night. Anyone else alk/fit?

Anyone else drink 7 days a week, and still hit the gym 5 days a week? Usually have 2 40zs a night. Anyone else alk/fit?

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Nigger or poor

Or both

im white.

Gym 4 days a week, drink everyday. 2 25 oz cans of natty daddy mon-thur, drink heavily fri-sun. It has no little to no impact on my fitness.

did you see they now have 42 oz bottles of natty daddy?

Lift heavy weights every other day and take a couple shots of whiskey every day. Getting stronger and built each day. Just drink plenty of water to avoid hangovers.

I used to

Mickey's & King Cobra

mickeys ice >>>> mickeys

I can't do that. It's not even the calories but the hangover and the laziness on Sunday or Monday.

Went hard Late Thurs/Friday/St. Patty's day but was exhausted Sunday and still a little tired today.

so poor


They sell 40s of bud light. Pretty good. Plus they cost $3.50 instead of $7 for a 6 pack and I only want the 40 ounces.

oh god is this beer come in a plastic bottle?!

they used to come in glass but now plastic.

Seen them around, but they're not sold at my local convenience store. My choices are the 25 oz cans or 40 oz steelies which I cannot stand. My preference is HG Hurricanes or OE800 but I just moved and I'm too lazy to go out of my way to get them.


I thought I was the only one who gets a little booze going most nights and goes full retard mode once or twice a week and still feels like it has little impact on his progress.

If it's true what you say you just took a lot of my worreis away.

hurricane high gravity is good

Ive been drinking the past few days and have had upset stomachs and shot workouts.

I dont have to get up early so I sleep in

It used to be socially acceptable to drink lightly at work, go watch Mad Men

my dad used to let his employees drink after lunch on fridays.

Like anything else in life, the key is repetition and moderation. I've been drinking on a daily or near daily basis since I was 11 years old. I drink every day. That doesn't mean I get shitfaced every night. ~8 standard drinks is the sweet spot for me. I catch a bit of buzz, relax, and don't get a hangover. But I have a tolerance. You just need to find your sweet spot.

so booze doesnt kill gains? saying 1-2 craft beers or 2 or 3 shots every 2-3 days?

Alcohol interrupts protein synthesis. You do not make gains as an alcoholic. Just ask any of them to post a picture.

maybe id give a fuck if I got paid for my body or competed, but I dont and neither do you


Homebrew master race
>inb4 reeee
IT for my day job
Work part time at a distillery

>have 50+ gallons of various alcohol at any given time in my house
>beer, wine, whiskey, & various 115+ proof straight from the barrel or the still
>drink one or two of something alcohilic most days
>also 3 liters H2O everyday
>zero issues with my lifts
>zero issues cutting it out all together during cuts

I rarely get even a buzz, much less drunk. I just love the way it all tastes.

Alcohol does kill your gains. These guys are a vocal minority of idiots here on Veeky Forums
See this post for more info

I'm always up by 7 or 8 so makes sense.
How do you keep away the beer belly?

Every week:
>Lift 5 days
>Smoke weed 7 days

lol @ using bullshit fitness industry buzzwords. I bet you take tons of supplements too.

stop drinking alcohol, I only do pharms now.

If running an EC stack while on a cut counts as a supplement then yes I do.

But that's irrelevant to alcohol. Keep drinking man. You're only making it harder on yourself

>7 day bender
>Not casual, really got after it
>Dehydrated today Monday, get sober, drink lot of water, work
>Diarrhea... All night after work... Bad stomach pain... Only one beer tho
Now I'll quit for another day and on day 3 the craving will come back, I'll break, and the cycle will go on.
I hate me

Oh man this used to be my shit back when I had friends to chill with regularly.

>get home from the gym or beach run
>grab takeout
>go to bros house, listen to music and slam a 40oz bud light
>throw snus in

How I miss being a young man.

Drinking on a bulk feels good but on a cut it makes me feel even weaker

damn you sound like a junky defending his fix.

yup, pound a fifth of vodka or so every day. definitely slows my recovery compared to lifting sober but IDGAF about anything at this point in my life so if I take 2 years to hit 275 on bench instead of one I could give a shit. Have to remember to eat tho

good god pull it together, bro

Its hilarious about some on here who will never be pros or get paid but train like they are hilarious.

yeah- until it's out of your bloodstream, which is 2-3 hours after you pass out. then recovery and muscle building gets back on track, so unless you're drunk literally every minute of the day
>in which case you ain't at the gym anyway
you're losing gains from the time you start drinking to 2 hours after your last drink and that's not that bad overall. get home and have a beer? 5% impact. get smashed from 8PM to piss oclock? 30% impact.

gtfo with your pearl clutching sharia broscience

I know. Been making small victories, but then I backslide.
Was the same way with lifting at first. Would start going, then miss a few and quit.
The secret is to just get in the gym door, even if tired
I can drive by the booze store, but then some friends want to catch up over drinks... Or I'm playing vidya and thinking how it would be more enjoyable with beers

it's hilarious that people would train with dedication? nice false equivalency there, just because people take it seriously doesn't mean they're trying to be pro's or even have that as a goal. keep on bro. glad to see you're serious about the things you enjoy.

I got to the gym 5 days a week, and still get to enjoy myself when im out of it.

If I'm bulking and drink a shot of vodka before every workout, will I ever make it?

Need it for my anxiety before I hit the packed gym.

I've been doing this for about a year now.

Lifting that often as a habitual drinker cant be good for joints/ligaments or recovery time. Also fuck steel reserve, old e is better tasting equally cheap and doesnt fuck your stomach that bad.

I record everything at the gym and I have a shot or two occasionally on days when I work out with friends. Never feel any different and progress never was impacted negatively by it at all. Only time alcohol ever negatively impacted my gains was the night I got black out drunk basically the whole day. Went to the gym at 10am on a Saturday. Got invited to a pub crawl at 1pm, planned on staying sober but got to the bar and these two girls bought me some drinks. Ended up drinking heavy all day, blacking out and got into some wacky shenanigans like climbing someone's garage and jumping off.

drinking beer post work out increases test by 20%

nothing better than lifting heavy as fuck and drinking some delicious brews after with your lads

that feel when ur gym is in a shopping center and a bar is in walking distance.

>for about a year now

answer your own question, stupid. how much did you lift last year

How do you daily drinkers keep the beer belly away?

Watch calories

Link me this study you're talking about.

Those cbd anti-inflammatory gains tho

my man

Drink liquor

Veeky Forums, especially Americans on Veeky Forums are so alarmist about booze.

And yeah, if you're not actually an athlete that much dedication to lifting is fucking nuts.

Why do you go to the gym? I do it because it makes it easier to get laid and it's fun. I'm not going to sacrifice other things I enjoy for a hobby so I can go on an Albanian horseshoing enthusiast forum and berate people who live like normal people for not being dedicated enough to a hobby. Guess what? If you've been pursuing something for years with the dedication of a pro and haven't had a single opportunity present itself organically to actually do it as a pro, you're wasting your energy.

I haven't drank in 2 months and this thread is making me consider drinking again. especially this post I love drinking, I always have. I have the most fun I have while I'm drunk, I'm a nicer and more fun person when I'm drunk, people like me more when I'm drunk and I threw it all away and for what? Just so I can look kinda good but never good enough since I'm not roiding.

I dunno man, I think I may binge drink this weekend. This thread is making me consider it. What the fuck is the point of living if I can't enjoy it.

>tips? I wanna be a functioning alcoholic too!!
Fuckin retards

Get help dumbass

lel at all these nonwhite cucks who can't handle alcohol so fuckin mad

I added 5 lbs to bench this week and I made that post.

Don't fall for their fucking broscience. Look how happy that girl is to have that beer. She wouldn't look at half of your dicks like that.

They act like alcohol is the problem, they should think about cutting back on the salt instead.


Currently 36.
Been lifting for 18 years as of last month.
Half my life.
As lean and muscular and strong as I've ever been.
Currently drink about 6 shots of whiskey every night before bed.
I have done this for about a decade.
I figured I was an alcoholic.
But if I travel or have something important in the morning I don't drink.
And I have no issues with not drinking even though I'm shitfaced before bed about 350 days out of the year.
>alcoholism is all in your head
>so is every other addiction

Don't drink for a couple of weeks and then come back and tell us youre not addicted.

craft beers make your testosterone drop by 200-300%

I don't have any studies to prove it but look at all the guys who drink craft beer - they spend their time picking up dudes instead of chicks