Other urls found in this thread:
You are like a brother to me
yes toilets are very expensive, we may need out Canadian plumber
my favorite pic on Veeky Forums
Your fud is not welcome here, this is a no no link thread
The more I look at this image, the funnier it gets
did Digibyte get this level of shilling?
has anything gotten this level of shilling after Ethereum?
Community manager will take us to promise lands
Probably signatum
This shitcoin keeps dropping and dropping. I don't know how long I can keep holding. These fuckers don't communicate and have unclear backgrounds.
thanks boys
Our coin's very existence lies beyond rationality and depends on whether individuals embrace or FUD. Do not fall for evil, my friends.
Please keep dropping I get paid soon and need to accumulate
No. I don't even know where it comes from.
We were shilling bmc more than anything else then this coin was released and the rest is pretty much history.
Keep this thread going, gentlemen.
imagine how much money you'd have if you never bought into link.
>all those moons you missed
>all those easy swing trades you missed
the life of a linklet must be pure torture
I still /comfy/ every night, seriously.
It may take a little time and discipline but it will be worth it soon enough.
so whats the price going to be in 6 months?
50 cents?
30 cents?
1 sat?
when's it gonna go back up?
easy $50 eoy, make sure to put ur mortgage on it.
Never forget the dubs of truth my brothers.
uh huh
Dubs again! I am the prophet...
A lot of graduates here.
We memed a candidate into the Oval Office, we can get this coin to $10.
"I'm not selling, I'M NOT SELLING!!!!" the neet cries as the price drops past zero into becoming a toxic asset and the neet is slowly consumed by the unfathomable intensity of it's own worthlessness.
What's so goddamn special about this abstract non-functioning coin that doesn't even do its job in the tiny oracle market yet but is supposed to vaguely "connect all the chainz n shieet"
Maybe I'll read the whitepaper if I get bored and see the idea is solid but I'll take my time because there doesn't seem to be any reason it will take off soon.
You want this to happen but it won't we will prevail asshat LINK 2017 bitches...
u going to regret when sibos 2018 comes
>SIBOS 2018
>Sergey speaking
>gets on stage
>shows another demo
>the fledgling coin worth 1 cent finally drops to below 1 cent
>Sergey laughs as he goes back to his mansion paid for by the 32 million
I'll in a bit before then because muhswift, but there are other coins with far better short term earnings potential, like for example everex that I put 10% of my holdings into today (and already have a nice profit if I cash out now), or salt that's launching in a month.
reinvest 32mil into bitcoin and laugh
Your hand is like a brother to me
Dude, my friend has been buying BTC since $200, been inundated in the meetups local an national pretty religiously. He was at a BTC meet up in Houston recently an mentioned link to a prominent ICO dev and he's never heard of it. Basically, its not well known.
He calls link a gem, he knows I'm a poorfag when it comes to crypto, I told him I'd need to sell most off to pay for some college at the end of this semester. He replied "DO NOT SELL LINK!"
I think were gunnu make it boys!
nice story bro. almost believed it
I mean is my story unbelievable? Its not even that outstanding. Believe what you want user. Don't benefit from my experiences then, your loss.
BTW I'm 29, my age group was 21-22when BTC came out, yes I know a couple of early investors. That's not impossible by any means
i dont know mate. i want to believe. hodling 200k link from presale so - i hope you are not full of shit
Trust me, I'm not that guy. I'm legit excited to share this info because it gives me hope as well. No knew about link before NY friend because of Veeky Forums. Its called paying it forward.
I knew about link before my friend because of Veeky Forums*
What's a good future price?
I can only afford maybe 10k Link max but feeling comfy on that alone
they took your 32m to the cayman islands and are reinvesting it into ethereum and bitcoin lulz
Shill stfu. Just shut it. Fuck.
No quote, havnt asked, useless to speculate at this point. Personally I think the skys the limit once things get rolling. E
I really really want some link.
am I stupid ?
is there another coin out there that follows similar goals ?
It just sounds super fucking logical that that stuff will be useful.
Severe trust issues user, on what basis do you say I'm shilling?
Hah, I only have 1700 and feel a bit comfey, you're miles ahead of me
wait for 3rd november! you can trust Sergey. he is a swell stand up guy.
Cool, I'm in Houston too and also your age group. I knew about bitcoin at $2.00 but listened to the haters. Not going to happen this time. Link might not go up 3000x in 6 years, but I'll be fine with 100x in 1-3 years or sooner, since things are happening really fast in crypto now.
haha, this is a great one.
Another Houston bro here, sup senpai
Right on, I stay on the south side near NRG myself. I'm late to the party as well, got into the market in may. had friends dabble in mining and trading back in the day most of which sold off pre $1000. Not V-tech (that's his Nick name.) The only one who stuck with the long haul. Fucking nerved of steel, I feel blessed to know him ATM.
Its not unclear, B.A in philosophy with a previous company that went bankrupt thinks he can tackle a problem of this magnitude with a team of only two people. Idk what idiots thought this thing would moon
Good to see my kinfolkanons are here. Best of luck in this game.
Honestly $2.5 would be a godsend for me, I'm sure that's underestimating it. Just hold, we'll do fine
80% in at 39 cents here. At least I still have my job, that I'll likely be doing until I die alone in my apartment now. I'll just keep drinking and playing vida, not so bad I guess.
dudes chill out, it will recover for sure... its only 15cent ... that will recover twice as much overnight once its on a big exchange in before
Hey where do you guys store LINK?
Want to move off of binance. Have myetherwallet, but I can't tell if it safely store LINK
guys when will it hit $500? I want million
good question what's a good desktop erc 20 wallet
MEW is fine
Now do Bitcoin, or ETH, or even fucking Apple.
>creator of ETH is a university dropout
Yeeeeeeeeeee boiiiiiiiii
What is necessary for LINK to be successful? Node operators. How to be a successful node operator? Valuable API's. people already charge out the ass for API's. so how do you become a successful node operator?
Those paying APIs are more for shit like banks, right?
Banks are already paying for API data, there is no doubt they would be willing to pay a few cents more for oracle'd API data that allows them to implement smart contracts.
MEW is ok, another possibility is MetaMask (always locked with password). (Don't use it to trade on EtherDelta or you will have some issues)
Okay I'll check these out.
I'm on MEW now, just transferred in a few LINK as tokens and I believe it worked
that honestly looks more comfy than where I am right now
Creator of ETH is a level 23 skeleton from Runescape, who would buy shit from him
>I believe it worked
Don't "believe", make sure it worked
etherscan.io put your public adress and select "View Tokens", so you will check if it's ok or not
Good luck
the pajeets are forreal...