What is a good book on Jewish history?
Mainly interested in the early bronze age stuff, but anything is good too
Don't give me any of that /pol/ shit or pop-history garbage either.
What is a good book on Jewish history?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Jewish Book of Why by Alfred Kolatch
On the Jews and their Lies by Martin Luther.
Old testament...
OP said books on Jewish history, not literal Jewish propaganda.
>inb4 oy vey anti-semite
Yes, because the idea of Egyptians drowning a perfectly good future workforce and giving the slaves an excuse to rise up and kill them like in the Book of Exodus makes perfect sense right? It can't possibly be bullshit made up to make the Egyptian Empire look bad.
tl;dr holy books are not a good objective sources
My personal favorite
You're probably thinking of Josephus perverted holoporn poster.
Get help.
Still an important source if OP wants to read about Jewish History. Alot can be gained from people's "propaganda"
Is this book worth buying?
Are you looking for an overview or a specific aspect of Jewish history?
There's literally no external evidence that corroborates the events of the old testament
You missed the point retard
Culture of Critique
No you
This site: dailystormer.name
I think he explicitly said no bullshit from /pol/.
That book just regurgitates the same "Jews are an international, stateless tribe of extreme Nationalists." stuff.
>perverted holoporn poster
Pregnant Anne Frank barely scratches the surface when it comes to the sexual debauchery the Holocaust has inspired.
Tell me more about this book...
There is also the manga Concentrated Love
Lots of older books about the Ancient Middle East dedicate a lot of space to Jewish history.
Is that an actual manga or just a one page comic?
Who's the father?
This is jewish propaganda, like the holohoax.
Jews did not build the pyramids, there was no plagues, exodus etc.
I have a lot of Anne Frank hentai but I can't post it here.
How pregnant is she in them?
This is the only book you'll ever need on Jewish history.
She died virgin?
Check out Jews in the Early Modern World by Dean Phillip Bell. It's a little dry but explains how the modern European Jewry came into being.
No, she was nine months pregnant with her first one.
>t. (((Schicklgruber)))
>entire chapter dedicated to pregnancy and childbirth
>heavily pregnant Anne will never read this book while having a playful argument with Peter about what name they should give the baby after a night of passionate lovemaking
Must you do this in every thread?
Post it on Make sure she's pregnant too.
Well they did know about the Hittites tbf.
Got any good ones
>I think he explicitly said no bullshit from /pol/
>Kevin B. MacDonald (born January 24, 1944) is an American psychologist. He is a retired professor of psychology at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), best known for his controversial application of evolutionary psychology to characterize Jewish behavior as a "group evolutionary strategy".[1]
>Alma mater University of Wisconsin–Madison (B.A.)
>University of Connecticut (M.Sc.)
>University of Connecticut (Ph.D)
>Occupation Professor of Psychology at California State University
>Editor of the Occidental Observer
MacDonald is more qualified than sny literally who you post.
A lot of Jews don't consider the Bible to be literally true. It's often just taken as a book of legends from which we can learn.
any credibility previously established went out the window with that last one
>tfw pregnant Anne Frank x Rhett Butler fanfic
>tfw no pregnant Anne Frank x Rhett Butler fanfic
Economic history of the Jewish people - by Jacques Attali
He comes from a Jewish family but the book is not full on propaganda, it gives an overview on the Jewish history and explains their impact in the different economies of the world and why they choose certain industries and not others.
>his ideas make me uncomfortable so I'm going to ignore any qualifications he has
Not even /pol/ but you're a massive faggot.
>pregnant Anne Frank x Rhett Butler
They haven't yet come to terms with the fact that they have a mediocre IQ and shy away from "wrong-think" like a dog obeys its master.
You must be new here.
Welcome to Veeky Forums, enjoy your stay.
Probably the best answer itt if you want an objective view.
>shy away from "wrong-think" like a dog obeys its master
>mindlessly obeys the every word of the Fuhrer and cronies
>demands that all others do the same or be put to the gas chamber
>gas chambers
Where was the Zyklon B? Careful now, wouldn't want to get imprisoned for questioning the notion of said gassings, would we?
Why is that illegal again?
You ain't on /pol/ son. Say the gas chambers were fake once and you'll be deluged with an ocean of reputable sources proving otherwise.
>Why is that illegal again?
Because Holocaust Denial is a vehicle for Neo-Nazism. And since the last time you murderous parasites were allowed even a modicum of legitimacy and power, you started a war that killed 3% of the entire world's population and destroyed civilization as we know it, the rest of us have decided that it's better to nip your autism in the bud now before we have to sink blood and treasure into putting you glorified monkeys down a third time.
Nice ocean of reputable sources, btw. Also, thanks for proving my point that Holocaust exaggerators being totally brainwashed.
Also, if there are plenty of reputable sources floating around on the subject, why is it illegal to inquire any further on the matter? I'd love to analyze the 'death camps' in hopes of finding decayed pesticide compounds.
>thanks for proving my point that Holocaust exaggerators being totally brainwashed
>this coming from a Stormfag who treats everything coming out of Uncle Goebbels' mouth as if it were the Gospel
>I'd love to analyze the 'death camps' in hopes of finding decayed pesticide compounds.
Since you asked
Jesus Christ...
This is a good book that compares the biblical story to the archaeological evidence.
Gas chambers were for delousing clothes.
>1939: Britain and France declare war on Germany
Who started the war again?
>Gas chambers were for delousing clothes.
Yeah, because you need four large disguised shower rooms that can hold up to 2,000 people at once to delouse clothes. You're not fooling anyone faggot.
>Who started the war again?
Germany when they launched an unprovoked attack on Poland, an ally of Germany and France.
Explain people surviving inside a death camp for months
Germans needed someone to get rid of the bodies and sort through all the shit looted off the victims.
Gas chambers imply a working death camp where a couple hundred if not thousand people are killed per day.
In such environment how does one survive 6 months without being dragged to a gas chamber and gassed?
Because they were seperated sweetie
Some of them who are unfit to work are immediatly exterminated while others are worked first
First of all it takes very few people to do that secondly they would not be using the same people for 6 months. Thirdly holy shit these Jews knew about their fellow men being gassed and never warned them?
But the point of the camps was to exterminate jews sweetie. Why have them around working seeing that you are probably going to lose the war?
And you already are denying the death camps.
They were death,concentration and work camps honey
Probably told something about being spared if they kept a tight lip and do their job before getting roasted
>First of all it takes very few people to do that
Not when you're killing several thousand people a day.
>secondly they would not be using the same people for 6 months
Sonderkommando details were usually liquidated and replaced every 90 days with only experts being kept around longer.
>Thirdly holy shit these Jews knew about their fellow men being gassed and never warned them?
If they tried to start shit, they would usually be killed immediately.
No one denies Ukranians killing Jews because the story makes sense. Ukranians round up jews, dig a hole and shoot jews to death, dumping their bodies in the hole.
Germans hate jews and plan to slaughter them all, round them up but fail to murder them and also use elaborate gas chambers instead of using firearms.
B-but Germans would not shoot jews, many Germans were capable of doing just that. You think you can't get a few thousand fantatics to shoot jews?
>They were death,concentration and work camps honey
But you said that death camps were also work camps sweetie. Also why did work camps exist if jews were to be exterminated?
>Germans hate jews and plan to slaughter them all, round them up but fail to murder them and also use elaborate gas chambers instead of using firearms.
>B-but Germans would not shoot jews, many Germans were capable of doing just that. You think you can't get a few thousand fantatics to shoot jews?
>what is Einatzgruppen
The gassed kikes because shooting them cause mass psychological effects methinks
Goddamn nazis call kikes subhuman and all but cant even cut 100 heads off in a contest or bayonet babbies like the japs does,i bet those fucking pussies still have a soft spot for da juden
Mark S. Smith, The Early History of God: Yahweh and Other Deities in Ancient Israel
Israel Finkelstein, The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts
Richard Elliott Friedman, Who Wrote The Bible?
Then there is the issue with all the fake holocaust surivors. There is a man who claims he survived 5 years in a death camp by not getting a tattoo avoiding it by going to the bathroom.
No one ever stops these liars and their stories are pushed by the media
Not him, but tbf, they essentially were death camps in the long term, especially after France refused the Madagascar Plan (which left the Germans nowhere to send them) and especially when the Allies Strategic bombing campaign kicked off and Barbarossa failed to decisively end the war with the USSR.
With food shortages prevalent even among Germans and lack of supplies even in spearhead units in the East, the Germans knew full well that continuing Jewish hard labor with little in the way of comforts, food, or medicine would lead to but one outcome.
Some death camps are adjacent to death camp cutie pie
Also the germans were in a war some sweet slave labor wont hurt
They could do it in Ukraine but not in Germany. Looks like Germans just wanted to use Jews as free labour in work camps
I-i am not cute you b-baka!
Ah i see thats why they need elaborate ovens and copious amount of zyklon b,to help jews work
>Madagascar Plan
No ever really seriously considered that plan desu.
There were two proposals, one was for a Jewish "reservation" in the Lublin area and the other was what came to be known as the Final Solution. Germans opted for the latter after Hans Frank complained about additional Jews being dumped in his jurisdiction.
>Final Solution
Any documented proof of said plan?
What about havaara agreement? I am jewish and i deny holohoax
You're also uneducated. Please read what Havaara agreement was all about.
And you're antisemitic.
Do not talk about the history of my people like you know it.
And you're antisemitic.
Do not talk about the history of my people like you know it. The real holocaust was the slaughter of Jewish people by the soviet regime in 1933
It doesn't matter if you're a Jew. There are uneducated Jews who don't know their own history.
That's not really a good argument tbqh, as both of those systems are crude, (sonetimes dangerous), but effective means of mitigating disease outbreaks. These were common according to both Jewish prisoners and German veterans. If you want to argue that by mid '43-VE Day, the labor camps were gulag-tier, then I completely agree. If you want to tell me that explicit orders from the OKH to the upper echelons of the German officer corps on the eve of Barbarossa to exercise extreme prejudice against potentially 'subversive' elements of the civilian population (Communist-sympathizers, suspected guerillas, and Jews) which led to firing squads and mass graves, I agree with you. There's a few problems though.
The main issue a lot of people (by people I mean anons on Veeky Forums and a few historians) have with the current Holocaust narrative as presented is threefold:
1.) Reports from many Jews who were inmates have been self-admitted to be lies, fabrication, or gross exaggeration. This calls into question the veracity of the reports from those who were interned in the same facilities.
2.) It was extremely politically advantageous for the governments of both the USSR and Allied powers to dehumanize the Germans as much as possible, and the propaganda capacity of both groups was legendary. This included post-war 'reconstruction' of Concentration Camps to include features like ovens and gas chambers.
3.) There's no logical reason for the Germans to have thrown away perfectly good slave labor, and no indication that their infrastructure could have supported the massive shipments of Zyklon B required to kill to rural Poland when their railways were already too overstretched to supply their own troops. For example; the Kursk offensive was delayed due to the existing railway network being unable to transport a few hundred Panthers to the front. Besides, the Germans had extremely potent WW1-era chemical weapons in storage that couldve killed easily, but were never used
Labor camps were worse than Gulags already in 1941. The winter of 1941/1942 was especially deadly for Soviet POWs.
I think he was referring to the Haavara Agreement, which was breddy in-depth and involved a multitude of parties.
>1.) Reports from many Jews who were inmates have been self-admitted to be lies, fabrication, or gross exaggeration. This calls into question the veracity of the reports from those who were interned in the same facilities.
Most of them from the press or books. What about witnesses recognized by post-war courts? (not only in Nuremberg)
And what about testimonies of non-Jews? Because there are plenty.
>This included post-war 'reconstruction' of Concentration Camps to include features like ovens and gas chambers.
The only thing that was reconstructed was crematorium 1. It was the only building where gassing took place that wasn't destroyed. Somewhere in 1943 the Nazis turned it into an air raid shelter.
>3.) There's no logical reason for the Germans to have thrown away perfectly good slave labor
And that's why they killed people unfit for work.
>and no indication that their infrastructure could have supported the massive shipments of Zyklon B required to kill to rural Poland
Is this a joke? Zyklon is not a fucking tank. Just 15 kilometers from Auschwitz there was a huge industrial complex built by the Germans.
>After the German invasion of Poland in September 1939 the program was ended.
Rosenberg to Keitel (28 February 1942):
>Of 3.6 millions of prisoners of war, only several hundred thousand are still able to work fully. A large part of them has starved, or died, because of the hazards of the weather. Thousands also died from spotted fever. It is understood, of course, that there are difficulties encountered in the feeding of such a large number of prisoners of war. Anyhow, with a certain amount of understanding for goals aimed at by German politics, dying and deterioration could have been avoided in the extent described. For instance, according to information on hand, the native population within the Soviet Union are absolutely willing to put food at the disposal of the prisoners of war. Several understanding camp commanders have successfully chosen this course. However in the majority of the cases, the camp commanders have forbidden the civilian population to put food at the disposal of the prisoners, and they have rather let them starve to death. Even on the march to the camps, the civilian population was not allowed to give the prisoners of war food. In many cases, when prisoners of war could no longer keep up on the march because of hunger and exhaustion, they were shot before the eyes of the horrified civilian population, and the corpses were left.
>by mid '43
Pretty sure that had more to do with a lack of resources than explicitly murderous intentions. Eisenhower (even with relatively huge resources) faced similar difficulties with German internment camps in especially the winter of '45-46, which resulted in lots of dead kraut civilians.
For contrast, look at the Jap-American internment camps on the West Coast. The conditions were miserable, but it was connected by the Interstate system to the American breadbasket in the Midwest and had access to medicine and ample support staff. Things prisoners in the Gulags and Concentration Camps couldn't access.
It can't be overstated the sheer amount of Soviet Soldiers taken prisoner in the first months of Barbarossa. 3.3 million Soviets were captured. In comparison, the entire German army (which by all estimates even on the German side was overstretched) was 3.8 million
>which resulted in lots of dead kraut civilians.
Yeah, few thousand. Compared to 3 million dead Soviet POWs.
>However in the majority of the cases, the camp commanders have forbidden the civilian population to put food at the disposal of the prisoners, and they have rather let them starve to death. Even on the march to the camps, the civilian population was not allowed to give the prisoners of war food. In many cases, when prisoners of war could no longer keep up on the march because of hunger and exhaustion, they were shot before the eyes of the horrified civilian population
>in November for instance, a detail [Kommando] appeared in a prisoner of war camp in Nikolajew, which wanted to liquidate all Asiatics.
>the shooting of prisoners of war must be mentioned; these were partly carried out according to viewpoints which ignore all political understanding. For instance, in various camps, all the "Asiatics" were shot, although the inhabitants of the areas, considered belonging to Asia, of Transcaucasia and Turkestan especially, are among those people in the Soviet Union who are most strongly opposed to Russian subjugation and to Bolshevism.
>the people of the East are being treated more contemptibly and worse than the people of the West, who do not hide their enmity towards Germany.
>The deserters were beaten and left to starve the same as so many prisoners of war. A natural consequence of this politically and militarily unwise treatment was not only a paralyzing of the will to desert, but a plain deadly fear to get into German captivity.
>Most of them from the press or books. What about witnesses recognized by post-war courts? (not only in Nuremberg)
You're contradicting yourself, you're saying we should ignore contemporary literature and journalism (both of which were decididly pro-Holocaust for lack of a better term) while relying on eyewitness reports. That's the same as believing in UFO abductions because, thousands of people say they've been abducted, despite scientific evidence being against them. For the record, Nuremberg wasn't the only stacked court (though for all its flaws and corruption, it's still one of the most objective post-war tribunals)
>And what about testimonies of non-Jews? Because there are plenty.
Again, we're talking about parties with an understandable bias here. Poles hated Germans more than anyone until the USSR left them to die in Warsaw and eventually subverted and annexed their country by killing dissenters both in the government and citizenry if they didn't cooperate.
>The only thing that was reconstructed was crematorium 1. It was the only building where gassing took place that wasn't destroyed
Really makes you think.
>Just 15 kilometers from Auschwitz there was a huge industrial complex built by the Germans.
You mean the rubber/oil manufacturing plant that was explicitly built to produce those materials?
It's not contemporary. It's mostly from 20-40 years after the war. You very rarely cite testimonies from 1945-1950.
And Ukrainians, Lithuanians, other Germans, Czechs, Latvians, Hungarians and so on.
>You mean the rubber/oil manufacturing plant that was explicitly built to produce those materials?
>The I.G. Farben plant founded at Auschwitz in April 1940 was more than a factory for making synthetic rubber (Buna), as the common name for the plant—Buna IV—also suggests. In fact, I.G. Auschwitz was designed from the very first to be an extremely complex chemical factory, producing, besides Buna, high-performance fuels (including aviation gasoline and fuel oil for naval use), various plastics, synthetic fibers, stabilizing agents, resins, methanol, nitrogen, and pharmaceuticals. In addition to the Buna rubber and fuel plant, I.G. Farben, along with the Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres), had been planning since summer 1941 to build a third, state-financed, plant complex: the so-called Montan-Anlage. It was intended to supply precursor agents for chemical weapons to the nerve gas plant built by I.G. Farben in Dyhernfurth near Breslau, which started producing the nerve agent tabun in May 1942.
Pro-tip, they needed fuel, coal and prisoners. A lot of them. Trains arrived there almost every day. There was also a mine located close to Auschwitz. Do you really think that transport of Zyklon B would be a bigger problem than transporting tons of coal?
>The Fürstengrube coal mine taken over by I.G. Farben was intended to serve as a raw-materials and energy basis for fuel production, as well as Buna production, by I.G. Auschwitz. Plans called for expanding the Fürstengrube from an annual production capacity of 550,000 tons of bituminous coal in 1941 to 1.2 million tons by 1943
>why didn't the Germans risk their entire surface/commercial fleet braving the entire Royal Navy, Gibraltar, and the bases in NA and Malta on the slim hope any of the transports would make it to deliver Jews to Palestine, Jews that would probably be rejected as foreign agents and interned while the ships were scuttled.
Nigguh re-read my post. Barbarossa occured in summer of '41 and ran out of supplies in November-December in '41. Requisitioning supplies for your front-line troops trumps using limited local resources to feed prisoners. Sure, it was savage, but it's nothing especially heinous in conduct or priorities, especially compared to the USSR.
Then what about Germans? For example this guy:
>On August 29, 1941, Johann Paul Kremer, a medical doctor who had joined the Wehrmacht on May 20, 1941, was ordered to Concentration Camp Auschwitz to replace another surgeon. Kremer kept a diary of many of his daily activities throughout the war.
>2 September 1942
>Was present for first time at a “special action” at 3 am. By comparison Dante’s Inferno seems almost a comedy. Auschwitz is justly called an extermination camp
>5 September 1942
>This noon was present at a special action in the women’s camp, “Moslems” – the most horrible of all horrors. Hschf Thilo, military surgeon, is right when he said to me today that we are located here in “anus mundi” (anus of the world).
>n the evening at about 8 pm another “special action” with a draft from Holland. Men compete to take part in such actions as they get additional rations – one fifth litre of Vodka, 5 cigarettes, 100 gram’s of sausage and bread. Today and tomorrow (Sunday) on duty
>10 September 1942
>In the morning was present at a special action (5th time). Notes: 1,000 Jews arrive from the Malines Camp with the eight RSHA transport from Belgium. After a first selection was carried out in Cosel, 715 people were taken to the gas chambers.
But according to revisionists he of course meant delousing, which is apparently worse than Dante's inferno.
>but it's nothing especially heinous in conduct or priorities, especially compared to the USSR.
>especially compared to the USSR
Why? Gulag mortality rate was actually lower than mortality rate in German camps for Soviet prisoners.
>Pro-tip, they needed fuel, coal and prisoners. A lot of them. Trains arrived there almost every day. There was also a mine located close to Auschwitz.
Completey agree, but you're forgetting the dozens of other camps that supposedly used the gas.
>Do you really think that transport of Zyklon B would be a bigger problem than transporting tons of coal?
It begs the obvious question of why the Germans would waste potential coal to fuel/rubber production (both of which were desperately needed even by,1940) to waste space and production on the inefficient amounts of Zyklon for the purpose of murdering potential labor. It's laughable. If they wanted to murder those unfit to work, why not just shoot them or leave them out in the Polish Wilderness?
And here's my main point, the Nazi high command wasn't composed of retards. That they made it as far as they did proves it. Anyone who wasn't retarded wouldn't waste labor or manufacturing power to kill those vital to strategic resource production. Slaves though they may be.