The Enlightenment - [Prank gone wrong]

Is the Enlightenment the biggest and worst prank ever played into humanity?

not an argument

Neither is your reply


I would say Christianity being adopted by the white race had its pros and cons as well. The equal under God meme allowed Enlightenment thinking.

Compare that to Hindu India which never let go of its tribal religion and to this day maintains its strict caste system and social hierarchy, which if not for the fact they don't poo-in-loo or colonize in proportion to population growth would probably rule sub-Asia

>the white race

It’s be fine if it was just another philosophical period. Instead people actually believed that shit.

what's wrong with putting science and reason above emotion and faith?

>the white race

Nice meme

What's wrong with egalitarianism? Shouldn't the gov't treat all of it's citizens/residents equally?


Genuine question: what in the fucking fuck was his problem? Was this nigga serious?

It shouldn't and it doesn't.

The enlightement was less about equality than you probably think. Sure you've got people like Rousseau who were hyper egalitarians but then you also have enlightened absolutists who believed in royal autocracy.
What really spearheaded egalitarianism wasn't the enlightement but protestantism. Literally FUCK HIERARCHIES: the religion.


Then you're simply asking for the government to rip its populace apart and be conquered by stronger, more united egalitarian societies.

Happened with the Aztecs.
Happened with China numerous times.
Happened with the Ottomans.
Happened with the Germans.

>Spanish empire
>Mongol Hordes
Yes, very egalitarian countries. You fucking idiot.

>the white race

Not him but haven't most whites been Christian for the last 1000 to 1500 years or so?

We should go back to feudalism honestly this capitalist crap is pointless.

Feudalism was infinitely better than capitalism, the problem is how do you bring it back once the Pandora's box already got opened 200 years ago? For example 80% of modern France is urban population. Should we go full Pol Pot on these people? I for one wouldn't mind that but it's a hard to sell idea.

You can't go "back" to Feudalism.

What, would you rather we go back to thinking the world is 5000 years old and germs don't exist?

severe autism

>Should we go full Pol Pot on these people?
The french? Yeah
