I just realized today that EtherDelta is indisputably the best cryptocurrency exchange available.
I was once a scared brainlet engulfed in skepticism, now I am enlightened.
I just realized today that EtherDelta is indisputably the best cryptocurrency exchange available.
I was once a scared brainlet engulfed in skepticism, now I am enlightened.
This is correct. Congrats user
same only way to make money now
its the worst ever lol
Etherdelta is really amazing. Is there a donate address?
>donating to people who already charge fees
for me ?
why on earth would you donate your hard earned ETH, user?
No, a donate address for Etherdelta.
I would donate to a place that charges fees because they provide an incredible service that I want to contribute to.
It's volume sucks.
The reason it's so good is because of its exclusive markets for certain coins. How can you claim It's volume sucks when you have no other comparible markets, user?
Decentralized, easy to use if you're not a brainlet,
I've made more money on this exchange than on
any other centralized shit exchange. ED = 10/10
Here you go user!
Just donated a bit myself actually, ED is the shit!
Nice try pajeet
depends on the coin, bruv
This exchange literally filters out all brainlets lmao
Haha almost got away with it too!
Why does everyone in here like it so much though?
I'll admit I've stayed away from using it because of the "ED is shit" meme, but I'm curious of the actual upsides.
What does it have to offer that other exchanges don't?
dear god
it's a piece of shit
>What does it have to offer that other exchanges don't?
Bragging rights that you're able to use it without killing yourself and doing it successfully without mistakes too.
Other than that, a lot of the new coins come there first. If you do research on potential moon projects, etherdelta is ground zero for after-ico prise rise and after coins with promise get on other exchanges they almost always rise from the previous etherdelta price.
I always end up overpaying for things on etherdelta because every time I try to put a buy order in it never gets filled. So I resort to clicking the lowest ask and just paying it. Even then it usually won't go through because the interface is lagged behind or some shit.
yup thats how you use etherdelta
No... It's really hard yallz
>profiting from roastie tier impatience
No its not the best because the smart traders go there.
If you want dumbass normies to fall for your trickery you want binance and other user friendly exchanges.
ED is so easy, I don't know why people are scared of it.
Just wait until all your coins get stolen because of another of Zack's beginner security fuck ups and he links you to a Twitter post
there will be better decentralized exchanges coming out because they are the future. i find it funny people are throwing money at these shitty centralized chink exchange icos expecting them to get any volume whatsoever.
the days of centralized exchanges are quickly ending, especially since every token worth trading is launching on ethereum these days. centralized exchanges are literally only good for margin and withdrawing fiat.
The only learning curve I had with it was gauging prices in Eth. Once you're good with that then ED is a goldmine. People looking to make a quick profit selling their ICO buy always put their stuff up on ED. Buy it up and strap in and get the rest of the profit.
its good because it kept you away
Have all my money tied up in various shit.
Hundreds worth of airdropped shitcoins stuck on MEW and ether wallets cause i need eth
Shut the fuck up retard you aren't supposed to spread it, if all the normalfags got on ED, we wouldn't be able to get coins cheap as fuck before the swarm sends it to the moon. ED is great because of that.
If you're gonna make a thread about ED, FUD it by saying you lost ETH or it forgot your wallet and lost you a tonne of money.
Sage because the faster this thread dies the better.
The liquidity on ED being so low is a good thing, you can just be a market maker and charge huge spreads..
Safest way to use ED is to click on the bottom(red) sell order and just buy that.
Very slow.
Binance took 1 second to load.
Etherdelta took 15 seconds to load.
15x difference in speed.
Etherdelta is all I got because all the other exchanges require docs I don't have. American overseas with valid passport, but no fucking utility bills, driver's license, etc.
Why no zcash? Why no zcoin? I want both. What are some other options, bros?
Do they have an app?
Sorry, downvote.
>Why no zcash? Why no zcoin?
checks out
this post is why I think there's a market for DEX like Airswap, Kyber, 0x, etc...
Are there any markets that let underages buy/sell? My kid thinks he's a crypto genius so I want to give him $100 and see if it's true.
Ah my child. I was once like you.
Now you see.
Decentralized exchanges are art.
Visually it's a little clunky, but the coding behind it is quite sound, and the fact that you trade ACTUAL TOKENS rather than IOUs or contracts for tokens, it makes privately owned and operated, centralized exchanges seem like sleazy, pajeet scams.
Do we know if any bots run on EtherDelta?
Is it even possible?
lol. It's down.
Yeah wtf it is down
>Xss exploits
>Coding quite sound
Fuck off shill
It's literally garbage