was the third punic war really necessary?
Was the third punic war really necessary?
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women
Source on the original image?
Carthage was well on the path to recovery from the devastation of the last war, and had already begun to amass immense wealth and influence that could one day again pose a threat to Rome. For the Romans it was seen as a duly deserved preemptive strike that eliminated the chance possibility of Carthage one day becoming worthy of reopening hostilities on its own terms.
Wow user, you must be one badass dude.
Couldn't they have just, like, annexed them or something?
alice merchesi and lauren philips
wasn't Carthage just a city state by that point and Rome controlled the entire mediterranean?
>thinking I was being sincere
Honestly I think the Carthaginian Navy was a meme. They could never even get a handle on Syracuse and those jackasses are on an island. blockade it and out-resource them if your navy is so great. Shouldn't have been hard.
That's more or less what they did a century later. At the time they weren't interested in setting up shop across the Mediterranean, Carthage was a single city that was destroyed during the war with its inhabitants sold into slavery so there was hardly a reason to stick around. if I recall correctly some popular notion of a "Punic curse" made Romans wary of returning to former Carthage.
Oh user, king of humor and zingers once again. lol.
Rome did not control the entire Mediterranean yet, though they were now the premier power. The Macedonians, Greeks, Seleucids and Egypt were still autonomous and separate from Rome. There were some other smaller states as well, but you get the gist of it.
>being so underage you dont get the reference
>being so dumb you dont get the reference even when a picture from the movie is posted as well
Haha, I'm not a genius full or worldly experience like you user! lol!
yes. lol.
Based reddit bros
are you stupid?
You sound like the worst type of person. If you don’t like the mans joke ignore it, don’t ruin a fucking thread by trying to sound superior
>pretending to be someone else
I was hoping you would stay in character some more so I could laugh at you
nah you just sound incredibly salty because of one dumb post
how so?
t. Cato
nice thread faggotrons.
The romans weren't known for taking chances.
fucking roasties man baka
Kill yourself faggot
stop being autistic and start posting about the punic wars dammit!
Whoa there, bud, do you mean to say you DON'T long for the complete destruction of Carthage. Am I reading this right?
but what did they do to deserve the hate Cato?
I don't understand the question. We hate them because they're Carthaginians and they're Carthaginians because we hate them. Surely no reason beyond that is necessary?
they shouldn't have broken the treaty
is Carthage existing a crime by itself Cato?
fuck off
what are these games you're playing with me? I'm starting to suspect you're not Roman at all
you still haven't explained why a small city state presents a danger to the Republic, Cato...
Golly gee user, I thought you would have better control over your emotions than this what with being so cool and all.
We do this so they can never become a danger
>wealthiest city in Africa
>no army
IMAGINE how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny garrison. I'd just walk around Italy recruiting legions to besiege her and salt her lands.
Stop user, my trirreme can only grow so big.
Why does the tall think that she needs heels?
Big feet
Sicily is a relatively large island, it was more than food sufficient, in fact it was a large food exporter. I imagine it was probably self-sufficient in weapons resources too. A blockade wouldn't have any serious effect.
>when you inadvertently make yourself look like a retarded underage faggot so you double down on your retardation
Not that user but I can provide you with an answer to your question.
Carthage wasn't just some small city state. IIRC it was the primary trade port in the western mediterranean who had managed to come back as a thriving economy, even though it was still geopolitically hamstrung by its treaties with Rome.
It might not be an existential danger (certainly not yet atleast) but can you from a realpolitical viewpoint really find sufficient reason not to pounce on such a gold mine when it also means that you would take out a feared and hated historical threat to the safety and prosperity of your own state?
Well that's an obvious non sequitur.
I need more pics of Rome punishing Carthage
>Scipio, when he looked upon the city as it was utterly perishing and in the last throes of its complete destruction, is said to have shed tears and wept openly for his enemies. After being wrapped in thought for long, and realizing that all cities, nations, and authorities must, like men, meet their doom; that this happened to Ilium, once a prosperous city, to the empires of Assyria, Media, and Persia, the greatest of their time, and to Macedonia itself, the brilliance of which was so recent, either deliberately or the verses escaping him, he said:
"A day will come when sacred Troy shall perish,
And Priam and his people shall be slain."
>And when Polybius speaking with freedom to him, for he was his teacher, asked him what he meant by the words, they say that without any attempt at concealment he named his own country, for which he feared when he reflected on the fate of all things human.
Anyway I believe that Carthage must be destroyed.
ITT Absolute state of Veeky Forums
If they ever teamed up with someone like Antiochus III or Mithridates it would have been a disaster.
ITT angry old men
>"A day will come when sacred Troy shall perish,
> And Priam and his people shall be slain."
Rome were the original wewuzzers
>Antiochus III
*breathes in*
we need more rome/carthage porn edits immediately
maybe if Carthaginians valued military prowess like the Romans instead of just caring about the shekels they could have survived
They had a intricate enough connection according to their traditional stories. Aeneas was descended from Venus I think.
I mean they tried it with the Sicilian Wars for like 3 centuries and ended up loosing most of their citizen levied Sacred Band numbered in the thousands was a massive blow to the idea of carthiginian citizen military