Is this the comfiest board on Veeky Forums?
Memes aside, you clearly have a lot of educated and intelligent people here, which reflects on post quality and humor.
Ignoring occasional /pol/ infestation that is.
Thank you guys. You're awesome.
Is this the comfiest board on Veeky Forums?
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I live for Veeky Forums Ancap or monarchist threads. It feels good to educate people.
I'm one of the people making those good posts.
This board is not 'comfy' at all.
this, this board has it's good moments but 9/10 times I'm here it's awful
The board is surprisingly good for how recently it was released. Even with the brainlet wojak shitposting and low quality bait there is always a thread with well-educated posters, plus people here aren't such condescending retards like Veeky Forums or /mu/
You're on Veeky Forums, you need to lower your expectations.
This is the best you get without strict moderation, and that has it's own downsides.
Literally a description of /pol/.
This place is better /pol/ without the retardation. Also not constantly filled with off topic bullshit (though & Humanities sometimes allows this to happen). If WW2 posting was banned, this place would be perfect.
>Memes aside, you clearly have a lot of educated and intelligent people here,
I suppose everything is relative.
Veeky Forums is full of illiterate dumb people like all of Veeky Forums.
I disagree politically with a lot of people here, and my views have been challenged a ton but most of the people here are pretty respectful and fun to talk to.
/an/ wins the comfy award, hands down.
reddit circle jerk cancer fuck off faggot
Veeky Forums is DEFINITELY not comfy. It's basically a battleground for far right and far left faggots looking for an online fight, and every thread is a potential powder keg waiting for someone to comment on communism or fascism- and BOOM a 300+ reply thread is born. Every other thread will inevitably have left vs right fights.
Veeky Forums is basically /pol/ but without rampant shitposting. Also actual history/philosophy threads are full of people with extreme views and stubborn and immovable opinions, so discussions are not fun at all.
Anyways, I go to Veeky Forums to unwind. Probably the most comfy board. It has occasional /int/-tier shitposting (e.g. insulting British food) but besides that it's a care free place. If you think Veeky Forums is comfy, you're probably insane or you're one of the people that do things I described above..
People disregard shitposting on boards and get mad at shitposting on "their" boards.
I don't know why this is, but I know I've experienced it.
nah, half this board are edgy atheists that believe Christianity caused the fall of the Roman Empire. fuck those faggots
Veeky Forums is pretty /comfy/
[spoiler]As long as no one posts a picture of Anne Frank.[/spoiler]
Compared to /a/ this place is pretty chill to me. /a/ is lacking some degrees of self-awareness and restraint nowadays.
It's also a battleground between conservatives and progressives (reactionaries included)
Yes this board is also a battleground between conservatives and progressives, but the shouting match between Communists and Fascists is ear deafening.
this desu
Veeky Forums is the thinking man's /pol/
What does /a/ have to with anything? It's a SFW porn board at this point.
The correct answer is Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums is middle-tier comfy. Well above the least comfy boards (/pol/ & /tv/) but still not the comfiest like Veeky Forums
people who post on Veeky Forums are students of logic, and are therefore not to be trusted!
I've come to realise this board is probably the saddest of all.
It has calmed down a lot, though. One or a couple of years ago shit was intense. Raids were pretty common I had to go back to my old board, because I felt sick by just looking at the catalog back then.
Veeky Forums is /int/ with delusions of intellectual superiority.
If that were true the /int/posters wouldn't be so glaringly obvious
those /int/posters make up 90% of the board.
the other 10% are the /pol/ posters.
half the threads are memes but I guess that's every board?
Veeky Forums is the absoluteo worst board. I just post here because I see misinformation about my shithole of a country posted all the time.
which country?
Yep, that explains why the entire board is so shit. 90% of the board is just people calling each other Amerimutts or arguing which historical people were white.
Look at the Rasputin thread, there's still people on here who believe that bullshit myth about him getting stabbed and shot and beaten and surviving it, it's by far the most retarded board on Veeky Forums. Even on /pol/ you will SOMETIMES see people applying critical thinking and common sense, here nobody does that.
>he bumps 'comfy' threads
That's a mistake I won't tolerate twice.
take a guess
Seriously, can someone give me a good starting point for studying history? I’m legitimately wanting to start with a basic overview of world history and then narrow in on certain eras that interest me.
Can someone please give me a good rundown on the best books to start with?
either Russia or one of the African nations.
Love you /his, best board on Veeky Forums.
>either Russia or one of the African nations.
no, it's in asia
No you're right, we should just be like Reddit and upvote the best posts so we can have our consensus forced upon us by a central authority.
Gas yourself.
As the guy who makes the rest of the good posts, I'm going to have to agree.
when ever they post bait threads, just post cats instead of falling for the bait.
Never said that I oppose the current format. I just don't think Veeky Forums is comfy
Slow boards are always comfy
>Veeky Forums
You don't know slow. /jp/ is slow. /po/ is slow.
Veeky Forums is pretty damn fast. Its not often that a thread makes it past a weekend here.
I’m used to much faster boards like Veeky Forums
Are you a female? Only females go to Veeky Forums
>raids were pretty common
I've been on Veeky Forums since it's been created in 2015 and I've never witnessed a raid
How many years ago?
Stop talking out of your ass.
I've also been on Veeky Forums since the first month and I'll be honest it hasn't changed a bit. Its still really shit.
shut up nigga
I once started a thread in /n/ and I got a reply about 5 days later
I think he meant to say the sudden influx of "I like/hate Hitler" threads a while ago I don't know exactly when
we should create a Discord server
Was this the progenitor of the soyboys?
Crossposting =/= raid. Raid has to be organized. If /pol/ decided to raid here all 10 pages would full up with spam in under an hour.
I think you should kill yourself with your honeypots.
yeah I don't like using the word "raid" anyways.
Hitler/nazi Love/hate threads are a daily occurrence.
I mean it wasn't too common, then there was an explosion of Nazi vs communism threads, and it settled down now into a steady stream of shitty nazi vs communism threads.
Ugh, kys
we already have one
That’s just when the board went mainstream. I believe it was intended as a refuge for /int/ Veeky Forums and /x/ posters to have a place of legitimate discussion.
I think the main reason we see so many of those threads is because curious newfags from other boards WANT to know what is ACTUALLY accepted by main stream historians. I would say it’s not entirely a bad thing. When you get Veeky Forumstorians going in a meta thread though is when the real fun happens. Nothing like a good role play thread as a monk, or as a samurai.
That's the problem with /pol/.
They're reactionary, but they just aren't reactionary enough.
I wish more anons would join though, I think like half of them are byzantine autists.
Are you me?
Faggots who complain about nazis and commies are far more common on this board than actual nazis and commies. Pic related, notice the date ( Veeky Forums was created on October 31 2015) and faggots are already crying about MUH PAUL RAIDS.
yes. say hello to mom
Perhaps, they're schizophrenic?
objectively speaking, the comfiest board is /k/
/k/ is just a different place. With the exception to the Trump and antifa threads last year, it was comfy
/wsg/ is BY FAR the comfiest board
>Ignoring occasional /pol/ infestation that is.
>Everything right wing is /pol/ and ruins the comfiness of my liberal zeitgeist
So basically you come here to "feel" smart without actually learning anything and expanding your viewpoints.
Got it.
It used to be when we had quality tripfags.
Now it's just revolving generals and wank.
Good thing you don't remember /k/ pre-2010, it was a complete cesspit.
>Everything right wing is /pol/ and ruins the comfiness of my liberal zeitgeist
This, I don't understand this meme, /pol/ doesn't have a monopoly on right wing. I'm a hardline reactionary and I almost never visit /pol/ because it's basically /int/ just with more Donald Trump.
I started visiting on 2011, right on time :)
I agree, this is far better than /pol/, even with the occasional bleed
It was basically /pol/ but far worse than actual /pol/. Most threads weren't even about weapons.
This board is ultra-comfy in comparison to discussing history on an alt-right discord server. They are SJWs, the meme is true, and that's someone who sympathised with some of their concerns (demographic shift) etc.
I'll always be thankful for the poster who took the time out to explain the types of Cossacks to me.
This is one of the most reddit boards.
If only we really could post horses.
>because it's basically /int/ just with more Donald Trump
>comparing nu/pol/ to old /pol/
Can't really blame you though
>comfy board
Pick one
Nothing wrong with reddit, t-b-h
I enjoy the (at least somewhat) intelligent conversation about history instead of just constant revisionism
reminds me of pre-2014 /pol/ to be honest
/wg/ [s4s] and /qa/ are all way comfier boards
>you clearly have a lot of educated and intelligent people here
you must have some very low standards if you think Veeky Forums is comfy
would this board be better or worse with flags
don't really know, but it would make the bias of a certain poster way more obvious
maybe a system like /pol/ where you can chose a meme flag besides your own could be an improvement
oh bb u kno it
>50% Byzantines
Sounds alright to me.
You mean 40% Byzantine 30% French 15% Prussian 10% Turkish and 5% with their national flag (mostly British)