So, what is inherently wrong with meritocracy?
So, what is inherently wrong with meritocracy?
It dehumanizes those who can't make it.
the form is platonically complete. So nothing.
Who determines what constitutes "merit?"
I do not know.
it implies everyone starts with the same chances for self-improving
It is not a 'who' but rather the law. The head of state would reward people based on military accomplishments. Often in land, titles, marriages, etc.
Objective truth of all livingbthings sets a darwinian standard.
He who is most capable to ascend at the time sets the standard.
For the time.
>Implying well-working Just society is a "fair" by your standards
Its like saying all skill tests are unfair because genes affect peoples smarts.
Literally the culture you live in. A better word for it competence anyway, rather than merit.
The interconnected or rather intertwined nature of the individual-environment relationship means that people have no real choice whilst at the same time are not determined
If you were born in a hobo's place you would not be yourself but there's a great chance you might not even be the same hobo.
That means that any merit you might attain is meaningless. You are who you are due to a mix of your choices, luck and the environment but you learned to make those choices due to your choices, luck and the environment and even these first choices you were able to make due to your choices, luck and the environment and yadda yadda yadda and so on.
The fact however that you learned to make those choices takes away the merit in them because were you born in any different contingency you'd not be able to make them. It sounds deterministic but its way beyond that. Read Skinner
too many whites end up in power
And thus you hit the snag. Any meritocracy winds up being driven by the approval of the people who decide what merit is, which is not the same thing as merit itself.
>it is not a 'who'
>immediately describes a who
What did he mean by this?
>objective truth
You mean that thing that we're at this point pretty certain we don't interact with directly?
>He who is most capable to ascend at the time sets the standard.
But that's not the same thing as merit itself. That's "approval of the guy with power."
Then "merit" is just "approval" which is not the same thing as merit itself.
Sophists, all of you (except the guy who said he didn't know, he admits he doesn't know).
too many jews end up in power
Meritocracy isn't particularly apt at telling the difference between pretense of merit and actual merit.
>What did he mean by this?
who are you asking you moron
The point of meritocracy is not fairness or oppertunities or any kind of good or wellbeing for the individual. Its purpose is to make organizations run effectivley.
Prati Praljkov primjer i kys
Peter principle. Look it up.
don't feel like being chosed for merit by the
Pretty good point.
It is good to encourage people to apply themselves on socially useful tasks and to match tasks with the people who can perform them well.
It's a system that permits a small number of people to 'make it' - and then pull the ladder up behind them.
>Then "merit" is just "approval"
Not really, unless you think Bill Gates got rich by people's approval.
This meme is so strange most people don't even know what he did but Veeky Forums gives the likes of Milosevic and Karadjic shit for doing the same thing better
So Oprah getting rich means that she "merited" political power.
Guess what the "cracy" in "meritocracy" means you brainlet.
You don't have to be mean :(
Because it's unrealistic and goes against human nature. Everyone says they want a system built totally on merit until they have kids themselves, and then realize they want their child to succeed no matter what.
>goes against human nature
Exactly this. I'm weirded the fuck out by people insisting that nepotism is something immoral when it's a perfectly natural behavior hardcoded into our brain. You have to be a grade A retard to deny reality and try to override your biological instincts like that.