Uptick in RLC

My nose knows. RLC is ready for a significant breakout in price over the next few days.

We have the following:
1. Building volume.
2. Increasing price.
3. Past success stories (golem, somn).
4. Near term catalyst (November ethereum presentation).
5. Really high ath that is 2x from the current position.

I think it is likely we will see a breakout shortly. Thoughts?

you shit on a street and your name is pajeet. conferences always lead to a dump. too many rlc holders bought higher than $1. liqui is absolute dog shit and fuck buying anything there, ever; their bots only push prices down. if there was anything important to be announced at the conference insiders would know and price would reflect that now.

Been watching and researching this in the last few days.

Have chucked a significant amount of money in. I think this will go off in the next few weeks.

It's on Bittrex.

Do your research please.

stop lying pajeet

I am white, you fucking nigger.

so you agree, great.

You sound like 12.

Also, it's not a pump and dump after conference. It's a medium to long term hold coin. So your arguments are invalid.

you sound like you like 12yr olds, faggot. every conference leads to a dump because insiders already know the info. if it's a long hold for you then shut your cunt mouth and stop shilling this turd here tonight. you haven't invalidated anything.

lol have fun buying from me a 2x current price.