>lmao just split up the kingdom between your sons, they'll get along just fine trust me
Who thought this shit was a good idea
Lmao just split up the kingdom between your sons, they'll get along just fine trust me
if Germany and France are both descended from a common realm then why are their languages so diff
>mfw two world wars happened a millenium later because of this
Literally the most autistic and retarded thing any king ever did desu
Because 500 years of Roman rule, colonisation and settlement and culturo-linguistic integration wasn't overturned by the arrival of new partially latinized overlords who quickly blanda'd up with the millions of vulgar latin speaking locals.
vulgar, articulate, and kind. thnks user
Primogeniture was kinda a hard concept to grasp amongst the late Roman/Early Medieval G*rmanic tribes, who viewed the realm not as landed property, but a more liquid or mobile property like livestock and/or treasure.
Hence Germanic society was organized by a king giving bits of his property to his vassals, in exchange for their loyalty and service.
Charlemagne himself just ruled half of the Frankish Kingdom when he became King and his brother, Carloman ruled a part of it. Except Carlomann wanted Charlies' bit as well and nearly went to war against him but then died under odd circumstances.
why did Germanic peoples do this?
didn't it ALWAYS lead to civil war?
Gavelkind is the death of empires.
Underrated post user
Franks didn't want to share a country with French and Saxons
Muh traditions
everything the germans do is specifically designed to destroy civilization.
Because French conquered the Germans. Sadly, they bred with Germanic women and the True French are now gone
>two world wars
what was the franco-prussian war? what were the revolutionary wars? what were the napoleonic wars?
All caused by frankish autism fucking up the rhine border
They didn't worship centralization of power, unlike retarded meds, near easterners and asians.
>don't like central power
>this leads to a giant conflict that literally set the world on fire
Dumb snowniggers
You mean it was centralization that led to it.
Daily reminder if Napoleon just left the HRE a-fucking-lone WW1 would never have happened.
Daily reminder that if the g*rmanic tribes weren't autist france and germany wouldn't exist and thus any conflict between the two would never happen
The gauls were germanic tribes
Ah yes. Those retarded peoples that were the creators of the greatest and longest lived empires in history. You’re like a nig who unironically thinks that success is bad because whitey does it.
If they stayed together the language would probably become an interesting Germanic-Latin fusion kind of like English
Empires are evil. Even worse if they last long. Only cucks would rather have some strongmen fucking over their lives while the same strogmen banging their women, just because they're more powerful and untouchable by the common men.