Why is the South always portrayed as the bad guy in the Civil War? Why are people just allowed to say that southerners were traitorous and treasonous, while everyone just agrees. It's like everyone takes their 8th grade history knowledge and runs with it regarding it as fact, like the south of war was a simple Black and White war.
Why is the South always portrayed as the bad guy in the Civil War...
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The south is literally portrayed 9 times out of 10 as a nation of gentlemen good boys who dindu nuffin you autist.
>Attack Union territory to maintain a primitive and savage custom
Aztec tier logic
Where? They even took down the battle flag because of how bad the south was
About as savage as killing a bunch of brown people because of muh frontier?
>replying to obvious bait
You people are absolute MADMEN
Sorry it's just that american Veeky Forums just started posting again and they are honestly that retarded
(((Unionist))) control of the media
Not bait, it genuinely pisses me off that everyone just kinda forgets everything that the north did and that these poor fucking farmers were supposed to be just fine with some random fucks coming and taking their entire way of life.
Also how Grant is some great military general but Lee isn't because he fought against the US, like all of his service before that is null because he didn't want to march on his home? And we're supposed to forget that Grant slaughtered all those fucking Injuns
>muh whataboutism
I hate confederate fags mainly because they are nothing more than a formless fifth column that does nothing but undermines america and for no good reason at all to
>Im pissed because losing a war sucks!
no shit. get over it. It was a war that ended over 150 years ago faggot. you literally had no part in it anyway
Who’s side would she have been on?
There's no undermining here, just confused on why there is so much misinformation on such a huge part of our history.
I'm not pissed about losing the war, if the south would have won, I don't think that it would've ended well with the world wars around the corner and the Union constantly hating them, woulda been a shit show
And Yes I had no part in it but this is Veeky Forums you dumb cunt, it's a literal bitch about history board, why the fuck are you here.
It also pisses me off that everyone is taught that the South were just a bunch of racists who fought to keep on hating niggers, while the north was this innocent white knight coming to save the niggers while (not) killing every Indian they saw
Because Sherman failed to put the rest of your turboautist ancestors to the torch and now we're stuck babying their braindead descendents.
Totally savage, African tier society got stomped out and ravaged by it's betters.
You started the war. Start shit, get hit. Cry about it more southern faggots. I'm sitting pretty in Maine while your states will be be majority Black and Mexican before you die. I hope you watch all your culture torn down and erased. You deserve it for slavery, being so fucking lazy you cursed us with the African problem because "working is too harrrrrd," and for your treachery. You will die seeing your culture erased and forgotten, the final defeat.
>There's no undermining here
yes there is. EVERY time you dixieboos play this whataboutism card shit about how America killed a bajillion indians, you play right into the hands of both the domestic far left who hate this country, and our enemies abroad who seek to undermine us. And there is no misinformation about the intentions of the confederates, the articles of confederation clearly say they are doing it over slavery
also, fuck people like this as well.
>It also pisses me off that everyone is taught that the South were just a bunch of racists who fought to keep on hating niggers, while the north was this innocent white knight coming to save the niggers while (not) killing every Indian they saw
No, everyone’s taught that the average southerner fought for the rights of their masters to own slaves.
>this coming from people who literally gave two-digit IQ niggers the vote
>Whataboutism is a valid argument
It was literally a black and white war.
Reminder that ALL Unionists will be getting Southern neckties on the Day of the Rope
White southerns do worse on tests than Blacks in Massachusetts. Even Whites in Oklahoma are third world tier.
Plebs are as shitty as Africans. Neither of you should have the vote.
Your people brought them here you stupid nigger.
>hurrrrr niggers are terrible and dumb
>I know let’s import millions and breed with them
>even better let’s surround ourselves with the very things we hate
Then you’ll usually say the southern man thought of them more like dogs and animals rather then people. Now unlike southern men proper whites don’t torture, rape and abuse animals.
When in doubt, leave no surviors and rape/pillage
>da south wa bad cau slavry
>da souf 2 lazy 2 werk
Cunt. Not surprising you don't know the business advantage of having people working for you, also pretty much all of the white southerners worked in the fields with the slaves, it was smart because it brought in even more money than if just the whites did it
Also the north is the reason that racism is still here, "not only are we going to FUCK your way of life, we are going to force you to stay with the people you hate so much instead of moving them somewhere else, and all you blacks who we just freed, we could give a fuck less about you stupid coons
The lincoln proceeds to fuck reconstruction to hell
Where did I say that the civil war wasn't about slavery, the north were a bunch of douchebags who go and bully half of the country then get surprised when they get pissed, then they proceed to march into the south destroying everything and raping everyone and leave it upside down
Remember the southerners chimped out when free soil people didn't want to introduce niggers to Kansas and other territories. They unironically wished for entire United States to be niggerized.
Southerners are niggers to begin with.
More Northern bullshit.
>Your people brought them here you stupid nigger.
>it's another "I'm too stupid to figure out slavery predates the founding of the United States by two centuries" post
>Slavery isn't about being to fucking lazy to work.
Funny how Puritans made communities far richer and better educated than you without slaves. Fuck off pleb shit. You and nogs are cut from the same cloth.
>he north were a bunch of douchebags who go and bully half of the country
yeah, the poor slave masters were bullied :(
reminder, Lincoln was prepared to just buy all the slaves freedom, but those greedy fucks rebuked all peaceful resolutions and instead choose war, sending poor white to their deaths. All because they didnt want to hire them for honest work, instead choosing the barbarism of slavery
>NO NO NO we didn’t bring them here! We just kept the tradition alive
OP here, For all you dumbass fucks I don't have any quarrels with how it went down, or the outcome, the outcome was necessary for America to become the super power it was and move from state nationalism into country nationalism. The problem I have is the "victor writes the history' Bullshit, I grew up learning that we should be ashamed of our history and that we were the bad guys and I found it to be more of a look how bad they were instead of teaching about the war in full.
And it's super hard to have a good conversation about it because so many people just regard me as a racist the second I stand up for the south, and it's fucking shitty that we just allow people to not know history.
And it also has to do with all of the monuments being taken down because niggers can't handle historical significance
And now the descendants of those soldiers still to this day praise their actions.
It’s hilarious driving around in the south you’ll have these massive properties and then in between them are these slums where 50+ people live in shit trailer parks and shaks
Not just the puritans but each and every northern area was richer and more developed than each and every southern area. Midwestern Germans worked far harder and were more efficient than southern slackers and bums.
>primitive and savage custom
the constitutional rights and principles are not primitive nor savage
>me as a racist the second I stand up for the south,
No, they think you’re a fucking dumbass
Lincoln didn't give much of a fuck about slaves in the South, he was okay with Dixies keeping theirs niggers, he just didn't want niggers introduced to more states and territories, and they hated him for that.
>And it's super hard to have a good conversation about it because so many people just regard me as a racist the second I stand up for the south
thats because you are standing up for a racist based secessionist movement.
on all moral and all practical ground, the CSA was the bad guys and America is better off with them losing the war
>if you don’t love slavery than you hate the entire constitution
Dumb southern fuck detected
>Northern states all resell their slaves down South after abolition in the late 1700s
>Southern economic reliance on slavery mysteriously increases
Well color me surprised
There's a solution to the Yankee problem. It's called Zyklon B, and every last one of them deserves a mouthful of it.
You should be ashamed of your history.
You started a retarded war, had numerous cowardly surrenders, didn't fight till near the end, and did it all so you could rape blacks and leech off their work.
And pls don't cry about Sherman's big bad march. Even the Jews fought on after six times that against the Romans.
Cowardly and weak.
The puritans were poor, simple, and small, the south was on another level, plus cash crops and trading blacks was extremely profitable
Yes while there were some awful slave owners, there were also a lot who treated their slaves more like farm animals instead of pieces of shit, you have to remember that most people maybe owned one or two slaves, and they couldn't afford to beat them or abuse them because they need the slaves in order to help them in the field or else all of them would die
Also source that shit, how the fuck would lincoln have the money to buy ALL of the slaves, that'd have been fucking stupid for the North
The North was also heavily industrialized and receiving fresh new immigrants and they weren't thriving, but they didn't die
Why the fuck are you so dense, and give me one reason I can't use the whatabout
>yeah the fucking south is so racist and shit fuck them *proceeds to slaughter an entire race because they are just there* WAIT NO YOU CAN'T USE THAT AGAINST US YOU RACIST *dead rabbits riot happens* WE LOVE BLACK PEOPLE AND PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT FUCK YOU HICK
it has nothing to do with that you fucking moron
>there were also a lot who treated their slaves more like farm animals instead of pieces of shit
lol so you wouldnt mind being one of those slaves?
>>yeah the fucking south is so racist and shit fuck them *proceeds to slaughter an entire race because they are just there* WAIT NO YOU CAN'T USE THAT AGAINST US YOU RACIST *dead rabbits riot happens* WE LOVE BLACK PEOPLE AND PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT FUCK YOU HICK
Just more proof southerners are literally fucking retarded.
That's why the North was richer and more prosperous and still is, right?
>I can't use the whatabout
because its literally not an argument. Youre also a fifth column faggot who literally worships traitors to america with this shit.
>north was geavily industrialized
You're gonna have to do better than that, the first reason you're retarded is honestly believing that the Civil War was retarded, it was absolutely necessary and without it, who the fuck knows where we'd be, also Lee ended the war because he knew defeat was near and didn't want to see any more bloodshed and you're condemning him for that?
And you can't preach love and tolerance while you go rape and pillage dipshit
Please explain instead of just telling me i'm wrong
I would've hated being anyone back in that time, everything fucking sucked, yeah being a slave would be bad, never stuck up for slavery morally
>What is Industrialism
How? you can't say "oh that's not an argument" and just leave it at that, please explain why it is wrong?
Stop samefagging, you aren't fooling anyone
>please explain why it is wrong?
>Bob is a piece of shit because he murdered someone
>But Eric robbed an committed armed robbery!
notice how the response to Bob being called a piece of shit does not at all disprove the claim, or try to argue his innocence? Notice how all it does is bring up something else unrelated to the topic at hand?
Again, even if you dont realize it, you are nothing more than a fifth column for america. All over old wounds from over 100 years ago. get the fuck over it.
It's more like
>bob murdered someone
>But Eric Murdered someone too!
>fuck off, who gives a shit?
your constitutional right should not give you the right to violate the constitutional right of another
Fooled just like your ancestors
Is this guy for real
Did they just introduce dial up for your trailer park hickboy?
Southerner fucks like you want to keep nigger as property and you argue that people think youre racist?
Sherman already told you southern fucks that war isnt a pretty thing and you brainless closed your ears and sing about la la la la muh king cotton
the "indian genocide" thing is a complete meme pop history bullshit thing that only people who hate america spout. Do you see why I keep calling you a fifth column faggot now? And you are doing this shit over NOTHING. A war that ended 150 fucking years ago
B-but muh suddern heritaje you yank
Im not even a yankee either.
5th column? In what way? You are literally not reading anything I have been posting, i'm more pissed that the we are not learning the whole truth of the war and just some one-sided agenda is the only thing taught.
>it was back in history, why are you talking about it
d-do you know where you are? This is a board for discussing history, if you don't like it, then get the fuck out
So many fallacies, never stuck up for slavery morally and never said we should own blacks, never said slavery was good, can you read? You shit all over the South for not being smart, then you can't even read english? fucking queer
Yeah war isn't a pretty thing, but all of the farmers didn't know any better, if you were a farmer all your life, then someone came into you're home state and told you that you aren't going to be farming anymore, they weren't gonna just sit and take it in the ass.
>ITT we post things that frighten Southerners
You Dixieniggers don't get it, slavery was done for, it was only a matter of time before the North found a way to pick cotton in a faster, more efficient way. Then you'd have all these wannabe aristocrats with plantations full of niggers, at best they'd be sent back but that could've all been easily avoided if Slavery was outlawed for good and we didn't have to do shit like the 13th Amendment to doom the US of having an eternal 5th Column.
So I'm glad a bunch of shrieking faggots and niggers are tearing down Confederate memorials, just Karma being the fickle bitch she is
thats it, keep being the fifth column faggot you are, all for nothing! keep defending slavery and wondering why people call you racist!
>Why are people just allowed to say that southerners were traitorous and treasonous, while everyone just agrees.
Because they were literally traitors. They betrayed the Union and it's constitution.
You cannot refute this logic.
Why must we all pretend the Southern cause was not for the few to hold onto the many. Jim Crow was there to continue that God-forsake
Why do racists believe that treating people like people is the same thing as loving them? Are they mentally ill?
Do I "love" a random guy on the street for not raping him and chaining him up?
Nathan, go to bed. Must you shill the lost cause in every thread.
>you're 5th column!
>you're racist
At least look up some new shit to say if that's all you know, you're like a broken record
Revolution has been apart of history faggot, the south tried it and failed, and i'm glad they didn't suceed because then American wouldn't be the powerhouse it is today
If you dont like being called a fifth column, then stop being one
What are you trying to say, who the fuck said that treating people is the same as loving them
Nah keep on, 5th column is purely opinion based anyway
>chimpcago flag
It's literally 4PM where I live you fucktard.
>Must you shill the lost cause in every thread.
Yes, because we were right.
>5th column is purely opinion based anyway
no it isnt. Youre being a 5th column faggot over nothing. You dont even know why you are doing this shit, youre like an animal
2-digit IQ is kind of a rule of thumb in the south dude.
Carpetbagger here, dixies girls know it, good ole boys know it, and you know it too.
Not like you southerners gave them much a chance to exorcise that right to vote for another 80 years.
Anyway, here is a little Sherm quote for the uninitiated, "You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don't know what you're talking about. War is a terrible thing! You mistake, too, the people of the North. They are a peaceable people but an earnest people, and they will fight, too. They are not going to let this country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it … Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them? The North can make a steam engine, locomotive, or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or pair of shoes can you make. You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth — right at your doors. You are bound to fail. Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with. At first you will make headway, but as your limited resources begin to fail, shut out from the markets of Europe as you will be, your cause will begin to wane. If your people will but stop and think, they must see in the end that you will surely fail."
They betrayed the moral principles of the Founding Fathers by defending an institution that deprived men of their god given rights and denied many freed men economic mobility. Any man who defends the confederacy because "muh heritage" should be held with contempt because they are ignorant of American history and the ideals upon which it was founded.
Hey the Windy City gotta cool flag man. Don't have to down speak everything that isn't from your shire. Granted Chicago is hard to defend as of late, it has a rich and sinister history. You should like it as a man of good taste in story and culture I would hope.
Some more Willy quotes.
"No rebels shall be allowed to remain at Davis Mill so much as an hour. Allow them to go, but do not let them stay. And let it be known that if a farmer wishes to burn his cotton, his house, his family, and himself, he may do so. But not his corn. We want that."
The southerners didn't revolt against the Union's government to protect the common interests of the Union's people nor did it do it to ensure it's safety. They betrayed and endangered their compatriots. It was treason, through and through.
Wow, stone cold.
We would have won to had it not been for those damn immigrant bullet sponges
Sarah Lee fought a defense war, Grant fought an offensive war, and even with that fact, Grant's total losses were lower than Lee's. that's why he's a genius.
Vicksburg campaign was the most complex, daring, and ambitious the world ever saw at that point. victory happened after 10 days march, fighting and winning 5 battles against the Confederate who had 40-50 thousand more troops than Grant.
>two-digit IQ
By definition 50% of the population will always have two-digit IQ.
Because objectively they seceded to keep slavery intact.
That makes them the bad guys.
>The North can make a steam engine, locomotive, or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or pair of shoes can you make.
Completely correct. The South was an undeveloped shithole even more backwards than imperial Russia.
Portraying them as evil actually gives them too much credit, because villains can be cool. They weren't villains, they were just retards. It's one of the few areas in the world where whites are just as dumb as the niggers that surround them, probably thanks to centuries of mixing.
I would side with the Union if sending all emancipated slaves back to Africa was part of the platform. It might've appeared expensive then, but if they knew the future costs of keeping them in America they would've most definitely done it.
It was sort of part of the platform, Lincoln supported Henry Clay and the colonization society, either repatriating blacks to Africa or settling them in central America. All of that was off the table the moment that fucktard killed Lincoln, though.
Bait but Lee didn't "grant" an end to jack shit, Pickett's charge (which he ordered) was a grisly disaster and his exhausted men who were fleeing the flames of Richmond found themselves boxed in on all sides
He "granted" an end to the war in the same way you "grant" your wallet to an armed robber