Was there ever a historical leader as knowingly evil and wicked as Emperor Palpatine?

Was there ever a historical leader as knowingly evil and wicked as Emperor Palpatine?

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Pope Alexander VI

>Two of Alexander's successors, the... ...pontiffs Sixtus V and Urban VIII, described him as one of the most outstanding popes since Saint Peter
Try again bud

ivan the terrible

This motherfucker

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan

Of course a racemixed southerner would take offence to somebody whose end goal was to return some of his ancestors back to Africa

>Emperor Palpatine was evil
nice meme

Unironically Hillary Clinton

ROFLing at everyone posting actual people thinking pure evil can even exist in a human.

have you forgotten the existence of Albania?


Albania isn't a person

Zhang Xianzhong.

He intentionally exterminated the entire population of his territory for basically no reason at all other than his belief that people are unworthy of life.

t. reactionary


Julius Caesar was basically the IRL Palpatine, destroying the republic and replacing it with an authoritarian imperial regime.

>Evil and Wicked

Pick one


>My childhood hero and my adulthood hero both being called "wicked."
I thought you were better Veeky Forums

He wrote this, user.

>Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
>Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
>Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

How is he not a baddie?

>according to one drop rule nobody in the south is white

This is probably the closest one.

It’s full of creatures that claim to be people

That's pretty badass DESU. He sounds like a chad.

Didn't he do crazy stuff like vote-buying and waging wars, while his son took some power in his name?


its almost as if you're not even trying

Palpatine did what he did because he foresaw the arrival of the extragalactic race known as the Yuuzhan Vong. All of the superweapons he commissioned were secretly intended to be used against them. Unfortunately, the Rebel Alliance and their democracyboner for dumb shit stopped him. When the Yuuzhan Vong did come, the Alliance could do nothing.

Over 300 trillion lives (I believe this was 90% of the galactic population) were lost and countless planets were rendered uninhabitable by the destruction.

Even when I read those books as a dumb kid I thought the Vong were a stupid race of edgelords.

>tfw the galaxy was invaded and almost genocided by the equivalent of Space Aztecs

Palpatine was the hero we needed AND deserved

How does one craft a good villain that isn't "edgy"?

>300 trillion lives
>90% of the galactic population
the CIS scum had over a quadrillion droids during the clone wars, I don't think there were only 300 trillion people in the galaxy

>I am the flail of god. Had you not created great sins, god would not have sent a punishment like me upon you. - Temujin
>Whoever opens my tomb shall unleash an invader more terrible than I - Timur
What the FUCK is it with Steppe nomad conquerors and willfully expressing how terrible they are


>have you heard the legend of darth barack the wise?



Stop breaking the law

>kills your family

Why asians are such savages? Is it small penis complex?

There were 100 quadrillion sentients in the known galaxy, plus an estimated 200 quadrillion in the Unknown Regions.
The Vong were edgy chumps who didn't even make a dent.

That's probably because Coruscant's population is unrealistically low for its size. When the Vong raped it, they would've been devastating

Genghis Khan was right though, he'd made every conceivable attempt to be nice to the Kwarezmian Empire and they kept killing his diplomats. He was a punishment for their sins.

Not only Genghis was benevolent, he was a visionary. Timur was a sick fuck indeed.

t. Cato
Caesar spared all his opponents, even ones who wished him dead. How in the fuck would Palpatine ever do that?

His 75mm field artillery elephants still give me nightmares

Ceasar a good boi

why seven "kill"? some sort of chinese poetry rule he had to follow? like with the haiku and whatever

>"Sir, this day's report! We raped and murdered 10,000 Greek and Armenian pre teenage girls and destroyed 10 Christian towns! Total victim count 35,000!"
>"Goooood... everything is going as I have forseen... Muahahahahahaha"

>Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Kha


I wouldn't even say Mao because he genuinely thought he was doing the right thing.