Who was in the right here?
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What's the matter? Too obscure for you faggots?
Nobody cares about france
>too obscure
Are you fucking kidding me? This is standard affair for every AP European History course and pretty much every book on ww1. KYS.
The kike obviously
papists and their defenders are always in the wrong
Not the shitty sword broken with bare hands for sure
They should have bought grorious nippon steel
The journalist, obviously.
Fake News
Two options:
A. The French were right, and this proves that where ever (((they))) go, (((they))) will act as a 5th column.
B. The French were wrong, and anti-semites. Proving that multi-cultural societies don't work, and (((they))) had been forcing this meme on Europe for centuries to predictable results.
this was from a swedish studio, and sweden is probably the most anti-semitic country in europe. At least according to Israel
I find it hillarious that Stormfags believe DA JOOZ are behind immigration to the West, when in fact Israel and all of judaism will be fucked in the ass if Muslims become influential in Europe.
The French were both right and wrong since they were divided.
Dreyfus in any case was innocent, so 2) applies better; except that it was all political maneuvering that did not require Jews to work : a freemason or a protestant or a socialist too could have been at the centre of such a shitstorm.
>was in the right
My bad, i read "who was in the wrong"
Where would they get that silly idea?
>they didn't add Zouaves
wtf I hate DICE now
>dreyfus was innocent
>but this doesn't matter because all that does matter when it comes to the truth is which side of the identity politics it falls on
Picquart was right.
But the High Command found out that gun component blueprints had been stolen and immediately thought, "The Jew did it!", not even noticing the broke-ass Magyar who had been regularly going in and out of the arsenal's design offices.
You got it , it was part of their plan to deteriorate the army , there is also the ( affaires des fiches ) less know but also devastating for the army the coup de grace was WW1
you got any problem with us mutt?
literally retarded logic, the french were wrong and it showed that Jews were loyal citizens of France and that they had been assimilated into French civilization
Also, Jews forcing the multicultural meme for centuries? lol, how do you claim that the 19th century and the rise of nationalism is the jews "forcing" multi-culturalism on Europe?
Even worse, there were different factions in France. It was a major debate for a reason. Why are the people who (correctly) believed that Dreyfus was innocent - and who won in the end - not French, while the faction which lost are French?
the high command was wrong*
why does this board defend jews so vehemently
every time, in every thread whenever they are the center subject. Is this some national sport for americans?
philo-intellectuals in the west adore the jews as being on the forefront of intellectualism and frequently relevant throughout history, which in their defense they are
however this kiss-assery basically always goes too far. take jordan peterson, he won't shut up about solzheinitsin yet he isn't interested whatsoever in reading 200 years together?
also america is essentially a jewish state
>take jordan peterson, he won't shut up about solzheinitsin yet he isn't interested whatsoever in reading 200 years together?
He's probably hiding his power level. Contrary to Spencer and Enoch's shenanigans you don't move the Overton window by ranting about Jews destroying the huwhyte race every time you get a camera on you
>this triggers the nu male Veeky Forums
What purpose does your hate for jews have? did a jew kil you mother? father? did a jew perhaps rape you when you were a little kid and afflict you with trauma and hatred for your entire life?
I guess not. You're just a stupid antisemitic who can't do any better than blame "the jews" for his own lack of ability.
Get over it. Jews dont form secret circles where they scheme on how to ruin their own country, or any other country that they would like to visit in the future. Jews have their dissagreements aswell. A person being born jewish doesn't determine anything about his way of life or political stance. Jews are human, just like you. Get over it.
holy shit saved
damn you mutts are an unending source of comedy
Good goy
I don't like that Jews that much but Dreyfus was innocent you dunce
why does /pol/ attack jews so vehemently
every time, in every thread whenever there is nothing to do with the jews, they bring them up. Is this some national sport for /pol/acks?