We know the Nazi economic miracle is a meme and Von Manstein came up with the brilliant decision to cut through the Ardenes in order to invade France. With this in mind what was Hitler actually good at? What was his specialty? Was he just a good orator?
What was Hitler actually good at?
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His paintings are shite, but the Nazi flag is actually pretty well designed.
The Second Reich had a better flag
He was supposedly extremely awkward 1 on 1, why he rarely appeared in person or spoke to anyone. Outside of his inner circle he would only appear in massive events talking to crowds from afar.
Finnish guards of Mannerheim secretly recorded the "real" Hitler once, he's very mumbly, nervous, and socially awkward.
Is this autism, meth or syphilis?
Albert Speer actually designed the flag
>This is who Germany allows to be their Furher
At least Stalin was chad
all 3
Hitler was good as a leader
And nazi economic policies where placed by Gottfrier Feder (And it will not collapse from debt since debt was internal and could be refunded printing money)
imagine being this edgy
Stalin was a bandit henchman who somehow became a tsar.
>Stalin's manners were coarse, and his sense of humor perverse. But he cultivated a statesmanlike appearance, editing out his jokes and foul language fro the transcripts of official gatherings.
>...judging by the references scattered among his writings and speeches, he spent more time reading Soviet era literature. His jottings in whatever he read were often irreverent: "Rubbish," "fools", "scumbag," "piss off," "ha-ha!"
>Stalin spoke softly, sometimes inaudibly, because of a defect in his vocal cords.
>He had to swing his hip all the way around to walk. A childhood bout with smallpox had left lifelong scars on his nose, lower lip, chin, and cheeks.
>It is tempting to find in such deformities the wellsprings of bloody tyranny: torment, self loathing, inner rage, bluster, a mania for adulation. His pockmarks were airbrushed out of public photographs, and his awkward stride was hidden from public view. (Film of him walking was prohibited.) But people who met him saw the facial disfigurement and odd movement; they also discovered that he had a limp handshake and was not as tall as he appeared in photographs. He stood five fee seven inches, roughly the same as Napoleon and one inch shorter than Adolf Hitler. And yet, despite their initial shock on seeing him for the first time - could this be Stalin? - most people found that they could not take their gaze off him, especially his expressive eyes.
Stalin sounds cool honestly.
I think there's something to be said for his ability to recognize good ideas, at least pre-war.
He saw the potential in armored warfare where others doubted it, and he believed in the Ardenes strategy - don't know if that was doubted as well. It seemed like his embrace of different technologies and pioneering strategies was instrumental in his early war effectiveness. However, this could have been somebody who wasn't knowledgeable latching onto something shiny and new.
He also chose to start the war way too early. And his ideas got drastically worse once the war got underway. I think this can be attributed to the meth usage.
I'd like to see somebody more knowledgable about Hitler (and unbiased) offer some more insight into his ability to recognize talent or good ideas. What was that ability like over the course of Hitler's life? It's an important skill for a leader. Did it start out in a capable spot in the beginning of his reign, and deteriorate, or was it always hit or miss (mostly miss)?
>this is the guy who believes himself to be part of master race
LMAO I hope he at least was on drugs
>Stalin personified communism's lofty vision. A cult would be built around him, singling him out as vozhd, an ancient Slavic word that came to mean something like "supreme leader" - the Russian equivalent of "duce"or "fuhrer." Stalin resisted the cult, calling himself "shit compared with Lenin." According to his close associate Anastas Mikoyan, Stalin one rebuked another Soviet official, saying "Why do you praise me alone, as if one man decides everything""
>We know the Nazi economic miracle is a meme
Nothing really. But this can be said about most historical figures. At least from the 1AD onward.
As most major historical events were actually ordered, or directed, by an advisor of someone, not that someone.
an economy that is designed to where it can not survive without total war is a meme you fucking stormtard.
>Finnish guards of Mannerheim secretly recorded the "real" Hitler once, he's very mumbly, nervous, and socially awkward
Not at all, if you hear the audio he's just more collected and but able to speak well enough and convey his ideas clearly
>borrow money to re-arm, then steal your neighbors' shit
Yeah, totally not a meme economy.
Well the only person I've ever known to have a rocking habit had pretty minor aspergers so I'd say that's a possibility
Here is the mannerheim recording
>We know the Nazi economic miracle is a meme
He was a good public speaker, at least.
It would interest you to know that rearmament continued from the formal announcement of surrender to the Nazi electoral sweeps. The economy didn't need massive restructuring or even much of a boost - industrial capacity (through clever retooling and hoardings of capital, as well as some manufacturers - most prominently Krupp - simply ate their savings to keep the factories running) allowed the Ruhr to continue producing from 1918 onward.
he was a decent painter.
not sustainable
his voice is much deeper than I imagined
His paintings were halfway decent. He should have stuck with that.
Fuck it, he was also a great public speaker, and Mein Kampf is well written (in English anyway).
luxury food goods became a scarcity under nazis, even before the war
if you read the book his old roomates wrote you'd see what kind of guy he was
not autistic but surely quiet, rather shy and a bit awkward
This would be more informative if it included 1930 after the crash
no fucking way
>Leaders of best known Nazi and communist states were meek, autistic, physically deformed manlets with heaps of insecurities, pathological obsession with power and a shitty sense of humor
>Teenage followers of Nazism and communism are mostly meek, autistic, physically deformed manlets with heaps of insecurities, pathological obsession with power and a shitty sense of humor
Birds of a feather, I guess.
>Stalin was chad
Yeah I think not
he wasn't good at anything
in no way is it good or original
There is unironically nothing wrong with Reddit.
>*destroys your socialist-communist dream
>turns it into a quasi fascist state
being inspirational
Lying, backstabbing and enforcing his will through his thugs. Probably the most important qualities for a man in his position.
you don't become a national leader through niceties and pleasing
>We know the Nazi economic miracle is a meme
No we don't, post citations plz
>Falling for the Mises meme
And yet without his authoritarian leadership, Russia would have doubtless been crushed by the Germans, it's almost as if anarcho-communism is a childish fantasy.
>Leaders of best known Nazi and communist states were meek, autistic, physically deformed manlets with heaps of insecurities, pathological obsession with power and a shitty sense of humor
Where does this meme even come from, why is it that anyone who comes from a political movement you disagree with has it be lame and impotent in some manner?
>Lincoln was a labor intensive closet fag, whose wife should've been institutionalized
>George Washington's sense of humor would make De Sade blush and he pock marks all over his face from when he caught small pox, plus had fake teeth
>Napoleon was short , ill tempered, and kind of a dandy
>Churchill was an alcoholic silver spoon fed brat, who should've been hung after Gallipoli
It's almost like great figures in history who conquered and became eternal symbols remembered throughout the ages were also human or something
So this is the newest stormfag meme? Feder has nothing to do with Nazi economic policy.
>Feder briefly dominated the Nazi Party's official views on financial politics, but after he became chairman of the party's economic council in 1931, his anti-capitalist views led to a great decline in financial support from Germany's major industrialists. Following pressure from Walther Funk, Albert Voegler, Gustav Krupp, Friedrich Flick, Fritz Thyssen, Hjalmar Schacht and Emil Kirdorf, Hitler decided to move the party away from Feder's economic views; when Hitler became Reichskanzler in 1933, he appointed Feder as under-secretary at the ministry of economics in July.
>under-secretary at the ministry of economics
Hjalmar Schacht (that evil capitalist banker) was the Minister of Economics and President of the Reichsbank.
>And yet without his authoritarian leadership, Russia would have doubtless been crushed by the Germans
I mean are you comparing him to some kind of anarchy? for one thing the only reason germany was able to do anything was him enabling them. it would be very difficult to do worse.
Can I get a source on those figures?
which meth feeds tremendously
Whoah, and all it requires is being 12 billion reichsmarks in debt to your own bank with MEFO bills!
>Nazi economic miracle is a meme
Literally took the poorest country with the highest unemployment rate in Europe to a superpower the world has never seen in 6 years.
Yeah was a massive meme bro.
It is ironic how he tried to put the German Volk as the Master's of Europe but totally destroyed them and got million of his women raped with the Slavic seed. Not even the Kaiser was that retarded and autistic.
>Weimar Germany
>Poorest country in Europe
>Highest unemployment rate
>In 1933
Dumbest thing I've read today
Read a history book dipshit.
Germany was poor because of the depression and the civil war (that was started by jews) and National socialism turned it into a super power in 6 years.
This isn't propaganda i even got taught this in school, thats why the german people loved hitler.
>the civil war (that was started by jews) and National socialism turned it into a super power in 6 years.
Oh yes, life was so much better in Albania or Romania, truly the Germans had the worst everything ever because they had hyper inflation a decade before Hitler was elected and a pathetic attempt at a civil war that didn't even last a month in 1919
Unemployment is a meme. You're not adding to your country's wealth by paying people to make an Autobahn, you're just hiding the problem by creating artificial jobs that have no basis in actual economic growth. The Nazis failed at their own plans for self sufficiency, took loans they had no hope of paying and spent a gross portion of their budget on buying and manufacturing arms. It was completely unsustainable without another war which would let them lot their neighbors, something that they did in a disgustingly plutocratic manner (just look at Goering's factories). The "Nazi Economic Miracle" is propaganda, they were just preparing for war.
Hitler designed it mid 20s. Later there were other versions to choose from but they still settled to Hitler's original.
Yeah national socialism is so stupid lol just look at it lol turned germany into the biggest war machine in the history of mankind lol it's so stupid lol
>the biggest war machine in the history of mankind
Silly weenie, America is a democracy.
>Being a war machine means it has a good economy
Well I guess the Soviets standard of living was fantastic seeing as they won the war
>war machine
Literally loses every war it sticks its nose into
>Meek and insecure
If there was any truth in what you said, we would never have had The Nazi Germany.
He's like that soyboy who opens his present and is attacked by his cat.
>makes fake graph
>meanwhile america loses vietnam war, afghan war and iraq war
Keep lashing out Naziboo, but your "mighty German war machine" still looks like a village cobbler when compared to the USA's shoe factory.
Nazi Germany lost a war fighting on two fronts agaisnt Britain, US and the Soviet union.
Whole us army and aire force lost to a bunch of fucking Vietnamese farmers with out sks rifles
Are you implying WW2 and Vietnam were exactly the same sort of war? That's even dumber than the Americans who think they won it
>implying that the Vietnam War is comparable in any way to WWII
God, why are /pol/tards always historically illiterate? Don't you have any sense of shame?
>this broken grammar
Let me guess, you got laughed off of /pol/ after they added flags and everybody could see the Polish flag.
>Von Manstein
>capitalizing Von
>not von Lewinsky
No, this is a chad.
And then America fakes 9/11 to take on towel heads in the middle east and its vietnam 2.0
Except it's not because they achieved their goals but lost the peace, which is nothing like Vietnam where they couldn't even arrest the communist infiltration of the south. What exactly are you doing on a history board which such a completely fucked understanding of even recent history? If you want a comparison to Iraq and Afghanistan the Soviet War in Afghanistan is a lot closer
>brb just gonna use the worlds "best" millitary technology and deploy the worlds "best" soldiers to fight starving arab farmers
>and lose
What exactly is your point? The Germans deployed their "best" technology and "best" soldiers all over Europe and were still getting shot by resistance fighters too, it's the nature of asymmetrical warfare
That's pretty much all they fought in Yugoslavia, and they didn't win there now did they? Also
>AK variants
>Outdated in Vietnam
>Outdated now
Fucking idiot
You're just mad because your country is shit at fighting wars just like you're shit at protecting your national buildings from terrorist lol
I'm not even American, you just have a completely fucking retarded view of history where Americans unable to stop guerilla attacks in Vietnam and the Mid East is shit but Germans being unable to stop guerilla attacks pretty much everywhere they conquered is BASED
this guys a troll, but hes right
mutts that are too defensive of their national pride after constantly being btfo the last 50 years need to go back to r/history desu
user, he is saying that the armies in the european theatre were on a much similar caliber then the recent american imperialist wars in the middle east and asia
>being this edgy
Wew lad, you need to stop being so PC and stop eating burgers you fat american fuck
this is completely false
he was pretty good at surviving and being lucky
No, that's a Croatian faggot that ruined Yugoslavia
lol according to alan bullock's "hitler and stalin:parallel lives" stalin was 5'4" not 5'6". manlets gonna manlet.
He had epic balls, as is proven by the fact he 1.) voluntarily signed up for WW1 2.) when they told him he can't because he's austrian, he got a special permit by the king of bavaria that he can serve Germany 3.) On the front line, he volunteered to take the riskiest jobs 4.) when he was injured in the military hospital, he pressured them into letting him back to the front, but they refused until he was all healed up. However, the war ended before that happened. 5.) He tried to coup d'etat the german government in 1923 6.) when the process for the failed coup d'etat began, all other coupers tried finding excuses and putting the responsibilities on the others, Adolf Hitler proudly proclaimed he tried to overthrow the government because it is controlled by jews and marxists. He was the only one who got sentenced to several years in jail. 7.) He confronted Hindenburg in 1933, Germany's highest and most presitgous living General, who subjugated to his demands 8.) He declared war on every major power on earth.
I wanna live in an alternate reality where Hitler becomes a great artist known for his instructional videos like Bob Ross. Bob was also a troubled war vet. Imagine Hitler calmly giving us painting tips while making beautiful mountains scenes...
It isn't fake
Churchill's original idea of a small coastal raid before the Turks could mount a defense at Gallipoli was a great idea. It was the slow pace of the admirals and their insistence on land troops that ruined it all.
Hitler wanted everyone to be vegan and made the Hitler Youth eat Soy based products as meat replacements, they were called Nazi beans.
This was honestly a good thing, without meat production the world would have one less thing to worry about in terms of climate change with meat farming being a major contributor after the energy sector.
Image managment
If you look at that graph it shows that the GNP nearly doubled in eight years. Even if you just ended up stabilizing immediatley afterwards paying that debt would be pretty trivial desu.