Is eating meat immoral?
Is eating meat immoral?
I don't care, it's delicious
no. it’s in the nature of many animals to eat meat, human nature as well. nature is not moral or immoral, it just is.
Your wife, mother and 18 year old daughter sure don’t think so
Only if they don’t consent
I don't eat meat because I was almost eaten by a crocodile before
No organism should suffer like that
If they are raised in good conditions and killed quickly then it's ok. But a lot of factory farms have pretty bad conditions
Mommy just gave me a plate of chicken nuggets.
Morality only applies to the relations between those who partake in the social contract. Animals are just a natural resource like rocks and plants.
and where does a tragedy of the commons fall in your moral scale? Misuse of resources affects others within a social contract.
if eating meat is immoral then call me hitler DESU
Hitler was a vegetarian
Contemporary factory farming techniques have enormously amplified the availability of animal resources.
Hardly a tragedy of the commons.
Your morality ends where my nutrition begins
I guess it depends on your morals
Is eating every meat you can get your hands on morally wrong? Probably not, doesn’t mean it’s healthy from a biological standpoint.
Why the vague question OP?
>18 year old
laughs in pedophile
so environmental damage due to methane emissions, shit runoff, antibiotic overuse, and having to deal with annoying PETA commercials somehow don't affect us?
American tourist spotted
>tiny mushroom has 4x higher amount of Vitamin D than the highest sourced meat
So you're going vegetarian?
False dichotomy. The question needs to be more specific. Is eating factory farmed meat immoral? I would argue, YES. The reason being that it causes unnecessary suffering to sentient creatures, who live miserable lives before suffering agonizing deaths. Factory farming is also resource expensive, and pollutes the environment. Alternative sources of plant-based nutrition are also cheap and abundant. It is logically impossible to justify factory farming morally.
Is eating hunted meat moral? More questionable. Generally, I'd say it's better than factory farming, because the animals in question live in the wild, in their native habitat, which is suited for them. Also, a skilled hunter could potentially fell an animal and give it a more humane death than it would normally receive in the wild. Hunters can also work on population control, so there is that. On the flip side, unskilled hunters could give animals inhumane deaths, and again, plant based nutrition makes hunting unnecessary.
Eating road kill/eating meat extremely rarely/eating meat in times of starvation: in these cases, I think it is morally justified on the basis that circumstances have left you with no other alternatives to eating meat. of course, these situations are rare in 1st world countries.
Even if you do eat meat, you should eat less because of the impact eating meat has on the planet, and the broad availability of plant-based nutrition.
>Silver Ear Fungus
100g will give you a huge chunk of your daily vitamins/minerals
Not particularly, no.
I hunt as often as I can, keep about a pound or two of meat for myself, and donate the rest to a soup kitchen. After field dressing, you get about 20 pounds of meat off a deer. I can feed about 40 people for a day with just a single $1 bullet. Am I immoral?
Why not just hunt carnivores then?
Vegetarians can eat shiitake mushrooms, duck eggs, and drink milk which is rich in Vitamin D. Not to mention your body makes Vitamin D when exposed to the sun. Vitamin D is a poor measure of nutritional value cause you can just take a vitamin supplement.
This. Islam states you should only eat what you kill in the name of God. It supports hunting your own damn food, therefore.
Hunting is actually patrician. Especially if you use a composite bow
I've been considering getting into bow hunting since the bow season starts like a month earlier than the gun season in my state. Can it kill animals in one shot? I've never used one before and I don't know anyone who hunts with bows.
The act of eating meat itself is certainly not immoral, maybe the way in which the animal was raised and killed though.
No, but too much (like in every day) is.
No. Someone eating meat because it makes them feel good in their tummy shares the intellect of a dog.
I would only get into hunting if I could kill animals with bows. I can guarantee you there are composite bows out there strong enough to kill deer. Let me look it up
-----section below typed after looking it up------
Yeah, wow. Check out this duck kill.
Imagine making a cabin like Henry David Thoreau and surviving on your own with nothing but a bow, some arrows, and your resources.
This so much. I could fathom being against inhumane farming practices. Some animals are just dumb like cows. But some are smart like Pigs and it is cruel to keep them locked up!!
But killing your own food in the wild is where it is at though.
>I would only get into hunting if I could kill animals with bows.
It's much more fun than guns, that's all.
Animals really only want to do one thing. Move as little as possible. You could give an animal a large area and provide shade, water, and food all in the one spot. They'd never leave there unless some form of pressure was on them.
Locking up an animal and providing for them is there literal idea of heaven. Stop pretending animals are people and share the same desires.
Pigs are very intelligent. There is a reason it's a bad sign when a society starts farming lots of pigs.
I disagree, I like the feeling of a firearm when I hunt. I do get what you mean, though. I've been thinking of getting a reproduction musket to hunt with so I can larp as a colonist.
You are a fucking retard. Seriously hope you are joking.
I never claimed that pigs aren't intelligent. Just that it isn't cruel to 'keep them locked up!'
Just how much experience do you have with stock?
Nope. Just a bloke who has spent a lot of time dealing with a variety of animals and working out what they want.
What makes you think I'm a retard?
Not necessarily, but eating meat once a week or so would be an improvement. Meat production puts a large strain on the environment and with it our existence.
I would just make it a point to eat a crocodile if that happened to me, somebody has to win.
It is. They are more prone to resort to cannibalism.
And look what God has commanded us not to eat: pigs. What do you know. Clearly there might be some reasons for doing what he said beyond random dictates.
Pig meat is a known carcinogen too! The more you know.
Crocodile number one tucka
little bit long way find um crocodile nowadays
>Not Witchetty Grub
Stay pleb
I'm calling you a retard because it's impossible for a rational, empathetic person to conclude that factory farming is an animals "ideal" environment, or something they'd aspire to live in.
Good god man, have you seen the conditions they live in. You can see the horror and despair in their faces, regardless of their physical condition, wich is usually terrible, and marked by many sores and cuts.
If you disregard my points as simply being the product of over anthropomorphizing animals, I suggest you gas yourself, as the remark completely ignores my previous points, while failing to address them.
It does depend on the relative intelligence of the animals, but you're right. Overall conditions should be improved where possible.
As I'm not a moron, i don't mistake previous covenantal law that was replaced by the New and Everlasting Covenant.
As for them resorting to cannibalism, so? They'll eat anything. My old boss was involved in the search of a little girl. She'd walked out on the house. Everyone on the property came and looked for her. After a while of yelling and searching for the girl, they noticed the pigs all mobbed up in one corner. The main part of the child that was left behind was a shoe.
She'd wandered over to the pigs and must of fallen over amongst them. That's the great thing about pigs. If they can eat something, they will.
You've never really spent much time with animals, have you? The horror and despair on their faces? Faces which are the least communicative feature of most animals?
Come on, try and at least get some experience with these things before you go arguing like a fool on the internet.
A property maintained intensive feeding/feedlot operation isn't cruel in any way. Sure there are many cowboy operators out there. That's for governmental regulation to control. But on the whole, it's a perfect way to finish animals before slaughtering whilst also being a pretty good end to the life of an animal.
depends on your set of morals
Exactly. Pigs are terribly filthy, evil creatures. But they are also intelligent. So we wouldn't want them to suffer anyway, why even raise them for food?
The answer is actually an economics problem: because of overpopulation. It's a cheap food item. Once we fix morality, pigs will no longer be a problem. We don't need to farm pigs if not as many people are having children.
Pigs are just pigs. They'll eat what they can when they can. They also taste fantastic.
>in a debate about morality
Haha no.
No, and it's okay to eat animals literally tortured to death like veal and those jewish duck liver foie grais things too, because only humans deserve rights (humans are anything with human DNA, not 99% close to human DNA like chimps or whatever, gotta be 100% human).
Cannibalism should be legalized.
Can't wait for being able to legally devour human meat... I would probably go for Mexican meat first. Just think about it, they eat a lot of spicy food during their lifetime so their flesh should already be flavored. All what's left is to cook it and delicious meal is ready
Fuck you ,duck! This is what you deserve for being a dumb bird! Fuck you to death! God damn I wish more ducks suffered like this! Fuck you, duck! Die and be a sandwich!
Fucking baby cows all need to go to prison! I can't fucking stand baby cows! I hate them so much! Argh!
fuck me foie grais tastes so fucking good
this but unironically
These dogs don't even taste very good but I tried it once because I wanted to know a dog died so I could enrich my life with a new experience in eating dog meat. I wish I'd eaten another baby cow instead.
I don't hate dogs as much as I hate ducks and baby cows but I don't mind them getting butchered.
Was it autism?
I'm not being ironic, I actually do fucking hate animals. I don't eat them but I hate insects most of all, especially beetles, flies, and wasps (the buzzing noises cause a sensory overload for me). I eviscerate their bodies with pins and pocket knives whenever I see them.
I will fucking devour your guts one day
Fuck me, I forgot my picture! Argh!
user if you don't eat them you should donate the meat from them to the poor
What poor people would want dead bugs though?
Calm down there, Wang Ping.
extremely poor, hungry and desperate people
Is eating vegetables moral?
I think - no. Without of meat eaters, a lot of cattle spices would be died
ever seen that negro mosquito pancakes webm
is that santas little helper
I think the standard "your mom" would have been suitable enough. You gotta learn the rules to break them.
>he thinks animals don't have a place in the social contract
Schwartz's is the single most Jewish place on the planet. That sky parlor at the apex of the pyramid of the Knesset in Israel? whatever goes on there has nothing on the sweaty, smokey chiccanery of Shwartz's deli.
>duck eggs
What does that have to do with shiitake mushrooms?
look at this skinny, weak faggot
he would be the first to be butchered in cannibalistic utopia
1. he could run
2. there are obese people who can't and have twice as much mass
fatty, the buffet ends when the contract goes out the window.
1. we would shoot him
2. fat is not tasty but at least you still can eat their delicious hearts and brains to gain magical powers
>he doesn't eat the fat on his chops
Oh wait yes he does. Your number's up Lardboy. First course is you served with a side of your mom's roastbeef
>fat is not tasty
t. has never visited the english countryside
it's also in the nature of many animals, including humans, to rape
shit argument senpai
human fat and pig fat are not really same
Its a nuclear wasteland. Sometimes ya gotta make compromises
>fat is not tasty
Interesting video on the subject
Here's another less in-depth video that promotes an opposing view.
tldr of the first video is some meat is good, vegetarianism can be bad for some people.
The 2nd video says all this killing of animals is piling up the negative karma of the planet.
A middle ground solution I propose is shut down American style mega dairies, tax red meat more, introduce more regulations for the raising of livestock encouraging free range raising more, and encourage and promote more consumption of poultry and seafood over red meat as well as the consumption of more vegetables.
this is not an objective thing to consider.
watch a cow get butchered, if you think "oh goodness, well i mean that's where my burgers come from ok" then its not immoral
but if you watch a cow get butchered, cry and dribble until your eyes bleed, eating meat might be immoral to you.
>having morals
Yes. I wish I could say impoverished people were exempted, but historically, impoverished people ate less meat, and even ate none for religious reasons. So I have no idea how eating meat can be justified.
The only exception being free range animals, since they don't consume plants that people could be eating. And growing plants necessarily involves killing field mice and the like. Most people don't eat purely free range, though.
I'm cool with people eating meat, even while I'm a vegetarian, but I think we're going to have to collectively cut down on meat consumption to limit CO2 emissions, and make meat eating sustainable, with the growth of developing countries.
How pathetic are you? So much you have to resort to obsessively find objective facts that support your beliefs? So that you may calm down, your mind at peace, perceiving you've been on the right path all this time; nothing will unsettle you because you avoid it. You never desire it, the dangerous pursuit of truth, that is.
It is undeniable that animal products are results of unbelievable levels of cruelty. We should bring back some of the older ways of relating to animals where we acknowledged their existence as living beings before consuming them, compared to treating them like disposable products that come in plastic wraps.
This guy GETS it.
>Pigs are very intelligent
So intelligent they'll shove their nose into an electric fence every fucking morning
Yes, it is in many animals nature to rape. Really good argument from that lad actually.
>animals have morals like humans do
You can't project human qualities upon another thing.