Is there any real way the Soviets could have won the Cold War?
Is there any real way the Soviets could have won the Cold War?
They literally did
The soviets went underground but they still exist, they has subverted modern western culture by infecting it with cultural marxism. When the west falls in 20-50 years, Russia will stand tall above everyone else.
The west will fall because of its own greed and stupidity, not because of some super secret clique of communists.
Clique of (((communists)))
I don't know whats scarier, that there is a group of elites trying to undermine western civilisation or that all of this is unfolding naturally. The latter is more depressing though, human nature will destroy us all
but the Soviets are done, this is the Russian Federation/Putinshchina
only by going HOT
there's not way they could outlast the US with their joke of a system where corruption and sucking the higher up's dick was the only way to accomplish anything. they degraded real quick.
>only by going HOT
their military was severely outclassed by the 80's
>human nature will destroy us all
think about this
humans, naturally, die
we all die
so human nature---will destroy us
Chinese route.
Embrace capitalism while mantaining brutal political repression, taking advantage of the Western corporations' greed to acquire 250 years of capitalist technological development and industry for free. All the while using the profits of such industrial growth to upgrade the military and build a massive network of nuclear missiles silos underground. (The "Underground Great Wall")
"Black cat, white cat. It doesn't matter the color of the cat as long as it catches mice." -- Deng Xiaoping
how many of these "nobrain" images are in your folder?
but there was a window where it wasn't
I don't think China is communist at all these days. Just a one party rule with an iron fist
>but the Soviets are done, this is the Russian Federation/Putinshchina
That's what they want you to believe
socialism with Chinese characteristics is the only form of communism that actually follows Marx's theory of history
Son, nobody in the leadership of China or the Soviet Union ever gave a shit about communism. It's all about power and tyranny.
It's like NEP on steroids
Maybe, but China also distances itself from many things Marx said
This, but unironically
This is the most retarded post I've ever read on Veeky Forums. I suggest spending 5 minutes actually reading about the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union isn't behind twerking, and dabbing.
>this is your brain on /pol/
USSR was the last hope for humanity. I only wish they took the rest of the planet down with them and nuked everything. It would've been a better alternative to where we're headed now.
I'm not being ironic at all. It's a fact
USSR had chance in late 1960 - early 1980, if cold war turned into hot in Europe.
Stop posting wojaks
Stop posting wojaks
Stop posting wojaks
Win the Cold War? Even at it's best the USSR's economy was a third of America's. Ethnic tensions that make the Rodney King riots look like tender loving, being surrounded by enemies, no access to year-round warm water ports and the failure of socialism meant the USSR would never have a long future
Like most posters here are saying, the only way the Soviets had a shot at winning the Cold War would be a hot war that doesn't go nuclear. Let's say the best shot at that would be when America was at her all-time weakest, which is 1976. Gerald Ford was in charge, a man no one voted to be President or even VP, so he had little credibility on the world stage. The Oil Embargo fucked the US economy in the ass, unemployment was almost as high as inflation. The US had also had their asses kicked out of Vietnam, which made the supposed superpower look like it can't protect it's allies.
The USSR could easily make a bunch of excuses to make a strike on Western Europe. Whose to say that NATO would respond? Ford was not seen as trustworthy, and the world can always be thinking as to whether he had the confidence of the American people to respond. A communist Europe almost assures a USSR victory in the Cold War.
Yes, by going to war in the 50-60s when they held supremacy
they would if they actually went through on the ogas project
I find that nowadays it's more equivalent to national socialism
1. not let Nixon deal with China, I don't know how this could have been stopped but a unified communist block would be necessary to even begin contemplating this idea.
2. harder stance on internal dissent, if there is one thing China proved it's that the west doesn't actually care about human rights and will negotiate with regimes who gun down their own people.
3. moon/mars program, I'm serious. It's the only way to actually prove their system's superiority.
That's completely wrong. Communism is dead, there is no "secret" underground controlling things. The cabal that runs things, the G20, is a capitalist organization as are things like the WTO which came after Communism had largely died. The hyper-individualism in modern culture (also known as "social justice warrior-ism") is a capitalist concept that grew out of increasingly better and better market research and targeted advertising that allowed them to fine-tailor ads for individual people.
Which is to say you're complaining about capitalism and not communism. When Communists want to "subvert" they use the working man's Strike, not stupid SJW genderbender shit where everyone sits around fallen statues and facetimes their friends on their $1000 iphones.
It's more comparable to mercantilism, where the state uses policy to favor domestic businesses (especially state owned ones) at the expense of foreign ones. This sort of logic later led to National Socialism, but it has some key differences namely mercantilism still allows for foreign goods and services, just with taxes applied.
In China's case they are stupid to adopt it because such a large portion of their economy is export-based. Protectionism (which is how mercantilism is practically felt) only results in punitive tariffs and a trade war by countries who can simply buy new factories in different countries (like India or Mexico, the latter of whom wants to ban all Chinese car parts from the NA market per the NAFTA renegotiation).
A very brief window, mostly due to the USA going full retard and saying we don't need fighters, we just need more nukes!
Once that was solved it went back to how it was.
>1. not let Nixon deal with China, I don't know how this could have been stopped but a unified communist block would be necessary to even begin contemplating this idea.
So they need to not be openly hostile with members of the communist bloc? Well that requires a lot of rewriting of their policy, the main reason China talked with Nixon was China saw the USSR as a greater imperialist threat after the border skirmishes between the two.
>2. harder stance on internal dissent, if there is one thing China proved it's that the west doesn't actually care about human rights and will negotiate with regimes who gun down their own people.
No that is what lead China to go to the West in the first place was Russian Imperialism.
>3. moon/mars program, I'm serious. It's the only way to actually prove their system's superiority.
No they need to invest their money smarter, and build up their farmland so they don't have to keep importing grain from the United States. They need to update their facilities and properly educate their people to prove their system works.
There is nothing of value on the moon or Mars thus far, it is just throwing away money for pride.
that's basically my point: Russia either needs to coup Beijing and make it into their puppet state or otherwise do something to prevent them from working with America. Otherwise the communist bloc is a no-go.
Russia can't coup Beijing, a full scale war with China would make the invasion of Afghanistan look like a cakewalk. China would have made Russia pay in blood to try to take their capital, and even if they did, China would move further down the coast.
In a theoretical full scale war you can bet NATO would be sending in aid to China as well.
The way for Russia to keep the Bloc intact is to not invade Czechoslovakia first off, not invade Afghanistan, and not invade China. They need to sit and not try to solve their problems with acts of aggression, instead being there to help their puppets in case of war.
Only way the Soviets would have won Cold War, was if westerners made all the bad decisions.
No anymore. Xi is going full force with Socialist nostalgia.
Probably because he saw the popularity of the "New left" and folks like Bo Xilai, but China is blatantly going with "WE'RE GOING TO BE A COMMUNIST NATION IN THE NEXT CENTURY EVERYONE READ MARX" atm.
Literally party members in the past year have been forced to read Lenin and Marx.
Yes but Stalin of all people blew it.
NEP should have continued. If it did, the USSR would likely have developed far more and become far more economically powerful than it was.
Lysenko should have been sent to the US to spread his retarded ideas among American Evangelicals. USSR should have invested into actual real Agricultural research.
Cybernetics shouldn't have been banned.
Early USSR was a cultural powerhouse that was completely destroyed by Stalin by the early 1930s. As we know today, culture is one of the easiest ways spread influence and ideas. The original Bolshevik cultural avant garde should have been spread far and wide to show that the USSR was culturally and intellectually superior to the west.
Too bad Stalin was a giant fucking fedora tipping autist "rationalist" given total power. If Stalin was alive today, he would be making "Rational anti-SJW" videos on Youtube. Go read Soviet laws under Stalin, they're legitimately the most fucking fedora tipping Sargon of Akkad level shit.
China won the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and the USA lost resources for little gain. China gained massively.
Wrong idea. The Cold War only started in late 40s. With such degree of revisionism, how can you speak about something like that?
But China relies on currency undervaluation, not protectionism, which is what makes their form if mercantilism sneaky and very effective.
Now people are onto them, but this dynamic where America depends on China buying its debt has been created, so nobody dares to confront China anyway.
Protectionism is never stupid. It is genius, actually, if you manage to restrict your own market for yourself, while simultaneously swing the foreign market wide open also for yourself.
Protectionism becomes bad because it usually leads to counteraction.
Chinese censorship/internet is also an ingenious protectionist measure, more so than an information control.
State capitalism.. IMO China has transformed into one true GIANT Corporation..
Going MAD