Now that I have 21 BTC, what should I do?

Now that I have 21 BTC, what should I do?

Give me tips how to become as alpha as you

Get 50 coins then come back to gloat plebian

give me 0.07 btc to truly have 21 btc

make it double, or prepare for trouble

All in on Stratis. Then you'll have 50 BTC.

try to predict the collapse and get out in time

Send me one. :(

At what price did you buy in?

Long story.

I have 10k trades in my history.

Put most into ETH and alts that you trust. Keep some in BTC just in case.

BTC is not going to last forever as some normies here think. If you don't trust me, then DOYR why BTC is falling behind on usability and that first movers fail more (47%) often than fast followers (8%). Think MySpace and Facebook.

Lowest price?


You may wonder why I don't have more. But such is life.

5? And only 21? Oh boy..

$10 and less than 2
just be grateful

I have a bit more invested elsewhere actually. But I agree it's not a lot given how early I was.

And yes I don't complain. I was lucky anyway.

And how old are you?


I was at uni when I bought my first bitcoin. I was totally broke, so I couldn't have bought much more anyway.

It was 5$ twat! 5!!!!!!

I'm student as well. Broke. Have over $1.2k in various shitcoins

You don't understand. It's easy t invest when so much happen since and everybody saw the potential.

Bitcoin was nothing at the time. It was like buying a magic card.
Some people that were hoping for a 50$ price in 5 years were called deluded dreamers.
Investing several hundred dollars looked to me like a crazy thing.

$10 was unreasonable as it was the ATH and felt like runescape moneys unless you understood details

I know. Hindsight 20/20.

If you had spent 500 bucks, you'd be a millionaire by now..

>If you had spent 500 bucks, you'd be a millionaire by now..

euh no actually You may want to redo your calculation.

And I did spend more than 500$, but a lot have happened, notably mtgox where I lost almost everything

Yes, I meant 500 coins. So, 2500. Eh, yeah, expensive.

But still, $500 dollars= 600k. Good enough to double it with shitcoins.

What shitcoins are you holding?

Some of them are on the picture I posted here : If you convert in $$ I have almost 400k invested. So I guess I'm not that bad in the end :) .
I was able to recoup a lot of what I lost with the various scams and hacking by trading shitcoins this year.

I'm hoping to turn my 1.2k of shitcoins into 400k.
Crypto will be regulated by then


What is this shitcoin? Never saw it shilled here.

Don't reinvest it. If you're gonna splerg on shitcoins, do it from your own bank account. 21 BTC is quite literally one in a million by 2020.


It's a coin that lose between 0 and 2% of its value per year. It's a bit like dollar. The supply is unlimited and a group of unelected people decide when to add some more euros into the economy.

You should invest.

What will it take for you to give me .01 of BTC

Sharpie in the shittinghole, with a clear picture and fat marker, I will be waiting with the cash


42 BTC, obv


just hand over the cryptos

Yep. You can tell how new some newfags are by this idea they have that if they had gotten in years ago they'd be multimillionaires by now living large on their yacht. Not even close. The crypto market/community of even a year ago was NOTHING compared to what it is now.

These fags were not smart/woke/resourceful enough to even get in years ago, let alone clever enough to overcome all the obstacles/ride the waves to riches like some kind of Nostradamus who could tell exactly where this was going to go.

>bu-bu-but if I had discovered crypto before three weeks ago I'd be a billionaire by now

You did good user.

As someone just now starting out, this is good to hear.