Explain modern art to me Veeky Forums

explain modern art to me Veeky Forums

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it's basically rebelling against refined art in every way imaginable.

funny how modern and bizarre art is now the status quo, so its edgy rebellion charm is now gone and people are now in exhibitions, confused and wondering "what the fuck is this shit?"

Nice swastika senpai

Khrushchev, the last man brave enough to fight modern """art"""


>kruschev stands against modern art
>(((presidium))) takes him down
face it, kruschev was /ourguy/

'Modern Art' began in the late 19th century and initially had some degree of skill to it - but by the early 20th century it was questioned if 'art required skill', and it was proposed that what really mattered was not technical ability but the capacity to produce 'feeling'.

I fucking hate the modern art movement so much.

Artists are out of ideas

If skill is all that matters then everyone is now a master artist because the camera on even the cheapest modern phone can create a more accurate and lifelike picture than any painter.

Most modern art is quite good.
Most contemporary art isn't.

>what really mattered was not technical ability but the capacity to produce 'feeling'.

But this is true

Why bother, OP? You haven't shown yourself that you are willing to approach the subject without bad faith anyway? I wonder.

oil based paints

There are dozens of contemporary master oil painters working RIGHT NOW.
Fact is, you don't care about them or technical skill in painting because you'd rather look at the most bizarre pieces without any context and lament the death of art.

why do they feel the need to rebel against fine art

Art galleries nowadays are money laundering schemes for the rich. Duchamp's message was commodified and was turned against itself. Rebellion itself is part of the system.

it's about feeling not seeing

>i failed by the way

>Art galleries nowadays are money laundering schemes for the rich.

The world is a money laundering scheme for the rich.

Do you think this teenage Marxist analysis makes you look smart? Because it only makes you look like a absolute retard who has no idea what he's talking about.

this they're like trolls here posting bait, in fact...

washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2014/08/05/a-photo-of-a-Veeky Forums-post-sold-for-almost-100000-because-art/

the only people confused are the uneducated ones.

the people who do know about the history behind modern art enjoy it quiet thoroughly for sure.

because it's fun to rebel? it's fun to stick it to the man! to fight for your right to party!

fuck authority! i want the world and I want it NOW!

i disagree. since digital art is contemporary i believe that that genre is carrying on the tradition of fine art into the 21st century. digital art is our renaissance.

i don't hate it. I believe modern art had a great run. full of wonder, self exploration and sacrifices. it must have been exciting living through it all. unless you were a nazi or communist.

Fuck off, you swindler. You won't fool anybody here with your god-awful retarded scheme. Everybody knows it now that you and you decadent cabals will never make anything 'high' or even anything worthwhile whatsoever. Not any stuff that will go down in history as one of the highest achievements of humanity, so long you're only in it for the money and never really care about the art in the first place.

You have done nothing except perpetuating the status quo within the art-world. You are worthless, all your empty platitudes melt into air. You never come out with something new, as long as you keep holing yourself up with your equally retarded circles. You think you are clever when you aren't, as evidently people from your own profession keep misusing non-artistic concepts in the first place (take "postmodernism", for example), completely misunderstood them and just hand-waved by saying you're "inspired" by this or that concepts and that's it.

You are the cancer of humanity, certainly part of it. Kill yourself.

but why rebel against some starving melancholic artist with 0 authority

Modern art is so great only sophists with 5 years of art school sniffing their own darts can enjoy it.

Everyone else who just wants to appreciate beauty are unsophisticated uneducated and unintelligent. How dare you think that beauty and aesthetics are important to art. You are literally hitler

>Everyone else who just wants to appreciate beauty are unsophisticated uneducated and unintelligent.
No, you're unintelligent and unsophisticated because instead of enjoying those painters working today who have all the technical skill of the old masters you throw a tantrum because pictures of galleries you've seen on the internet confuses and upsets you when it doesn't fit into your limited ideas of what art is and should be. You literally have a portal to all the greatest masters of artistic expression past and present at your fingertips and instead of exploring it you bitch and moan that it's not all Rembrandt.

i made modern art for (You) guys

Money laundering

For all the many times I have read "modern art = money laundering" I've yet to see any evidence specific to modern art. It's mostly absolutely daft hypotheticals about how it might work, or the one link that ever gets posted is that New York Times article about how art as a whole is vulnerable thanks to ease of storage, transport, and a systematic culture of non-disclosure within auction houses.