can we have a historical riot thread ?
Can we have a historical riot thread ?
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Who can forget these doods
battle of the White House is the most interesting event in modern Russian history
Great doco from their perspective
Also shows that they were legit race riots, brought on by out-of-control multiculturalism and shitty Democrat leaders, rather than some kind of proto-BLM thing.
love the aesthetics
the ones on Greece around 2012 or so were lit imo, they were protesting the government bowing down to IMF if I recall correct.
What the fuck was wrong with these idiots?
Regardless of what they thought of Yeltsin, how could they wave the flags of an even worse despotism?
Don't you see a paradox here?
If Soviets were worse despotism than Yeltsin, they would not wave the flag.
It's as simple as that.
Eльцин пидop
>Idiots! I know better about your life and your country than you!!!
Kyrgyz Revolution of 2010
The Narita Airport Riots:
Why was Yeltsin worse than the Soviets?
Look at the complete collapse of the Russian economy after the Soviet Union dissolved
Protesters set fire to APC Euromaidan 2014
In all of the former Soviet Republics people who lived in the SU say it was better then than now. I think the only former SR that said it wasn't was Uzbekistan, iirc.
Yeltsin was great. Look how these kids are happy under his rule.
Could've become doctors, engineers, rocket scientists under the horrible Soviets. Instead they're reaping the fruits of freedom and capitalism
The collapse of the country
General impoverishment of the population
Murder of democracy and usurpation of power
The collapse of the housekeeper and hyperinflation
Transformation of the country from the first world country to the level of the banana republic
>Soviet Union
>First world
That's not how the term works
The USSR was a pole of power from a geopolitical point of view and could, in science, in contrast to modern Russia, where missiles constantly fall
The entire 1st, 2nd and 3rd world meme is about political leanings, America and it's allies is 1st world, Warsaw Pact is 2nd, unaligned is 3rd
> Imperial Russian flag and Soviet flag flown side by side.
Russian nationalism is one hell of a drug
United opposition. Just like Chinese did against Japan.
#Lit AF
It really amazes me to see coordinated rioters like that
one of the many Greek riots:
Dumping 2011-12 because kiddies who got insulated from the effects of 2008 due to being wealthy and didn't watch the news because they were 11-16 make comments like "the Great Recession wasn't even like a thing, Trumpist vs Bernouts is a way bigger political crisis"
Pic, Oakland USA, October 2011
Spain, 2011
Greece, 2011
Chicago, 2012
Another thin veiled communist propaganda
Minor campus protest 2011.
Gives you an idea of how the state reacts when you wanna chant SJW shit or MAGA shit versus if you actually challenge Wall St.
Also 2011
Also, since hardly anyone shows up for today's political show downs you don't get big set piece moments like a stand off of several thousand on the Brooklyn Bridge
How about this? Russian spring. The capture of the Donetsk city administration. The crowd smashes the omon and takes the shields to itself
If only someone would tell that to these morons in the year 2018. It's astounding how easily these grievances were co-opted into race hatred and other inane identity politics (not that there wasn't some of that shit going on at OWS too, just not at current year levels)
>In all of the former Soviet Republics people who lived in the SU say it was better then than now.
So if in 1960s Germans were asked if life in Nazi Germany was better and a little over half would say yes would that justify the system of that time?
People can`t even remember what they ate 5 days ago and yet they can clearly remember how much better their lives were 30 years ago.
Nostalgia is a bitch
It's not Nostalgia. Russian people had higher life expectancy and more food was available in the USSR.
It is nostalgia. I come from a former comunist shithole Yugoslavia and old people long for it even though they were poorer than they are now.
Some admit to poverty but cite comradeship as excuse for missing the country. Truth is people were brainwashed since the early age to worship the dictator in school.
>more food was available in the USSR.
What? Do you have any idea how many Russians died due to starvation?
Food is more commonly available than ever before you moron
The seizure of the prosecutor's office in Donetsk, the police are attacked by a hail of stones
>Small brain: missing Yugoslavia
>Tiny brain: liking the current system
>Gigantobrain: reforming the Hapsburg Empire
Yugoslavia's growth is roughly the same as Serbia today. it's understandable why people might miss it. It was a unified slav state.
>This type is shit quality footage
Not even gonna bother looking it up
>the same as Serbia today. it's understandable why people might miss it
Yugoslavia was a great Serbia and not a unity of Slavic countries. Slovenia was industrial backbone of yugoslavia and was being exploited by communist Serbs.
My country is much better off without commieslavia and we were much better off under Austro-Hungarian empire than commieslavia.
Different policies are worse for different people. Yeltsin was better for entrepreneurs, artiste, journalists, and priests, but many middle and working class people relied on Soviet support systems. Rural areas were hit especially hard, because collective farms were privatized and a lot of communities in the countryside lost all their economic potential.
These days most people say they want the USSR back, but at the same time few want to relinquish the significant (though limited) political and personal freedoms won in the early chaotic years after the country fell apart. Russia may eventually move toward some kind authoritarian mixed economy like China or Venezuela, especially once Putin dies or retires and the Russian government needs to please the most amount of people.
He destroyed the economy and delivered Russia into the hands of gangsters and financial cannibals from the West.
The transitionary years were really traumatic and left a deep impression on the Russian consciousness.
pic is france
very nice, suprised at who little club action there is there
holy shit, nice
>soviet flags
>romanov flags
Did he ded?
I don't think he died, but he got good third degree burns for sure
You can literaly see the CRS insignia on their helmets, this pic is from the 2017 may day riots in Paris. It made national headlines in France
2011, riot spreads into the old forum
2011 was the closest we've come to 1848 since. Toppled regimes all over the Middle East, large challenge to Putin, and governments collapsing in Europe with extremist anti-bank groups taking control of Parliament.
Then the reaction came...
Argeintine successfukly toppling their government, 2001
The helicopter at the end is the president fleeing the presidential palace
May Day 2012, around the time the recession bottoms out. After 4 years the poverty rate neared 25% and the May Day protest on decades and since goes off.
why did they just let them take their shields? they didn't even bother hitting back with batons?
were they under orders not to resist the crowd?
Man being a police officer in a major city has got to suck ass.
they were probably under orders to beat the shit out of them but refused. all those police officers probably defected to the new Novorussian republics.
Who can forget the 2006 budapest riots where they get A FUCKING T34 to work.
Tbh sometimes I forget how insane the earlier years of the 2000's were.
seems unlikely
why be there then ?
to keep the peace but they were not going to use violence against fellow Russians to do it
that's the endgame for most of the riots but almost none reach it, greek ones fought for the control of the streets for a day and a night and they had it but then it's time to go back home and shiieeeet
holy fuck, EPIC
>keep the peace
>stopped them entering government buildings
>locked the doors
i call bullshit why not join the crowd? let them in? hand them their shields? instead of getting them ripped of them by force
fucking amazing. Shame that westerners are too pussified to do this.
>Not Westerners
It seems that all the "modern" (1800s-present) rioters were tremendously confused people who attempted to dissect and purge parts of their society that they viewed to be harming them. But because we're humans and shit, regardless of whether they attack the right part of their society, they NEVER do get rid of the whole tick. They can revolutionize all they want but more often than not the revolutions are mob mentality based and they lack a clear thesis. But to me the most important thing to do after a revolution is to keep your society from reverting, and again, without a strong leader or clear thesis, it just won't last. I'm disgusted by these pussy riots desu.
Greece is Balkan as fuck so southeastern Europe, Argies are Bolivian and Paraguayan shitskins LARPing as pure Spaniards and Italians.
Kosovars protesting the serbs regime.
Kosova was lit, and still is desu
Both of those things are wrong.
If Greece is not Western then so-called "Western civilization" has no claim to Greek civilization and heritage.
great time
i was nearly beaten up though
Greece has nothing to do with western civilization and neither does Rome for that matter, they were a separate civilizational sphere. Read Spengler.
Read any major historian, they all name Greece as one of the cradles of Western Civilization. I don't give a shit about your convoluted philosophical theories, Spengler was a lunatic and "& Humanities" was a mistake.
Fuck of Gibbon. Western civilization began with Charlemagne and the medieval Germanics and they were just admirers of Classical civilization, not its continuation.
argentina is white majority and even if it wasn't, the culture is still european, so it would still be culturally western. you must be chilean or mexican, nobody else is this butthurt or obsessed about argentina's ethnic identity, not even the argies themselves.
>literal nigger/gypsy culture like tango
>maternal DNA is 53% Amerindian
>b-b-but we build neoclassical trash so WE WUZ YUROP
Fuck off boludo
>communist shithole
>Great Serbia
Dumb peasant HDZ voter detected. Puši kurac vlaju jedan.
Yugoslavia was a world power, now it's six irrelevant shitty countries that have to suck EU dick so that young people can leave.
Every year 50,000 people leave Croatia, to go wait tables or drive trucks in Germany. While in Yugoslavia everyone who wanted to work was sorted for life.
People went on holidays, there were worker resorts on the coast and interior. Now Croatians can't afford to have coffee in their own country because it costs fucking 3+€ and beer is the same price as in Denmark yet average pay in Croatia is 500€. I fucking left that shithole, and I have friends who are trying anything to leave.
It has literally become a banana republic whose only 'export' is tourism. So much so that the government paid 300,000kn (40,000€) ad telling young people to become waiters because it is the best job in the world.
In Split some primary schools have three shifts yet they're building churches all over the place. It is literally a Theocracy.
Then you have morons like this user whose dad is probably a veteran alcoholic, who got an apartment for free (built by Yugoslavian National Army) and lives off of the government, telling him that Croatia is the best country in the world.
>Slovenia industrial backbone
Yugoslavia had factories all over the place. Pic fucking related.
>Yugoslavia was a world power
t. jealous spic
>literal nigger/gypsy culture like tango
Funny you should mention tango, in dancing competitions it's the only Latin American dance that is classified as a Western/Ballroom Style and not a Latin Style
>maternal DNA is 53% Amerindian
That's the absolute highest number on wikipedia out of 12 similar genetic studies, and accussed of being politically motivated since it only covers 6 out of 23 provinces in the country.
I can cherrypick studies off Wikipedia too!
Quiroga et al, 1985
>percentages found in the population were: European component 81,77 % and 81,47 %, aboriginal component 18,23 % and 18,57 %
>sample size 73,875 individuals
Antepasados indígenas y africanos (CGFyL-UBA), 2001
>4.3 % of the samples analyzed had African genetic markers and 15% had Amerindian genetic markers
>Sample size: 500 individuals
If you want to cherrypick, there's another study that found only 15% has any Amerindian DNA so it's literally the word of one study against another, and this one is better because it has samples from all 23 provinces.
Race =/= Culture
>b-b-but we build neoclassical trash so WE WUZ YUROP
Funny enough, Chile is the only country with neonazis in the whole of Latin America, so you are the natives LARPing as Europeans, your insults and obsession with us are nothing more than a cheap proyection stemming from your lack of national identity and inferiority complex.
PIC: Chilean neonazis (You)
>Argie calling someone a spic
my sides
Peasant? Because i do not wish to speak Serbo-Croatian? Because i wish to preserve my culture and national identity?
You sound like a typical balkanigger leech always seeking another place to parasyte off. No wonder you love to share a country with Muslim Turks.
>who got an apartment for free (built by Yugoslavian National Army)
Sorry but free housing always went to balkaniggers and not us. It has always been that way.
We had Serbs and Bosnians being mass imported to our lands, stealing our resources and forcing their language upon us.
Even today 99% of free housing recepients are Albanians Serbs and Bosnians
World War 1 veterans in a giant shanty town on the Washington DC Mall protesting for back pay Congress stripped from them during the Great Depression.
The US Army would later disperse them with live ammunition and artillery rounds.
>implying you had a national identity and not just extreme catholic cucking
Anyway you already had a national identity in your republic and your language IS Serbocroatian.
>leech always seeking another place to parasyte off
That would be catholic priests and robber oligarchs
These two posts are rife with stupidity they don't even deserve a serious response.
Enjoy serving beer to Helmut and Sven for the rest of your life, faggots.
>not that there wasn't some of that shit going on at OWS too, just not at current year levels
OWS was literally THE place where it went overboard, to the point where some say it was government agents posing as SJWs that did it.
The brick revolution in Moldova, the mob storms the parliament and overthrows the Communists
why the fuck do we still use this classification cunt
Third worlders are generally poor because nobody supports them.
The name stuck among the boomers and the gen-xers still alive today.
Football fans in Russia against omon