>bought link at 3850
>already a bag holder
Will this dead cat ever bounce or should i cut losses
>bought link at 3850
>already a bag holder
Will this dead cat ever bounce or should i cut losses
It'll recover faggot.
The coin is one month old for fucks sake
it just sold at 3826 on Binance.
>Oh no, your 0.6% + exchange fee!
take the loss and buy some REQ.
not even meeming.
I sold my BMC bags with loss and bought into REQ and I already made back my loss in 3 days.
>bought link
I thought it would bounce to 4000 at least fuck what a depressing coin
pajeet detected
I've sold my failing LINK and am now enjoying my beautiful REQ gains.
You should have cut loses long ago.
I was livid when i cut my losses at 5900 but boy am I glad I did
Add to Ledger and forget. This is your lottery ticket.
Something fishy here...
>bought in at 0.00055 eth
>already a bag h-
I bought at 10k. Please someone send me a feel-good meme
Link it going to be at least $10 in four months. All this negativity is nothing compared to how you are going to feel if you SELL LOW IN A BEAR MARKET.
Wait until the whole BTC bloodbath is over before you sell. I offer that advice to anyone holding a promising alt right now. The time to sell was weeks ago if you were going to. You didn't now you hold through the rough times.
Yeah all my cash is in LINK so I can't get the compensation on coinexchange.
Can someone explain what the fuck a fork is and how much BTC will fall because of it?
Tell me what you are holding and shill me on your coins. No ETH or BTC.
I truly believe ChainLink will make me rich if it gets mass adoption, but 10 USD within four months does sound completely out of this world. Enterprise and big money moves too fucking slow for that.
A fork is a dining implement. It is shaped like a spoon or knife at first, with a grippable and smooth handle to make it easy to hold, but at the end instead of a scooping oval or a sharp edge it has multiple pointy bits. You can use these to stab food to pick it up and transfer it to your mouth.
Since Bitcoin is not physical, it is not affected by the function of forks. Forks are typically made of metal or plastic. Some forms of currency have coins made of metal, but this does not apply to Bitcoin.
My advice is to sell 40%. If it goes up, you recoup some losses. If it goes down, well, you can re-enter at another favorable position.
so much bullshit in this thread. hear me out, if you´re in a loss wait and sell your buy orders when youre break even. dont hope for profits. just sell and you come away.
>all my cash is in link
How much did you put in?
the best we could get in 4 months is maybe one bank already implementing chainlink, but yea the industry moves slowly. you just gotta hodl
> rory, will you guys make an announcement in the next decade?
> rory: maybe
> can you confirm any partnerships?
> i believe so
> is Chainlink legit and not a scam?
> we'll see
> is a NDA the reason you are so vague
> i think it is, but maybe not
You linktards deserve to lose your money.
>Link is going to 50x in 4 months
Deluded stinky linkies
Why would anyone buy this shit? It's totally clear that this coin won't go anywhere.
> 1 month old coin
> coin is above ICO despite fork bullshit
> dead coin
just invest in the stock market index faggot
Req is about to bounce, any coin below ico price is a safe bet. Gonna use the surge to recover my losses with link.
which makes $80mil still a ridiculously high evaluation.
>Tfw pulled out early enough
Feels good man. Feels like seeing everybody impregnate the same whore but I only had to pay for the fuck